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Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly March 19th, 2018
Video is available here:
March 19th, 2018
State of CircuitPython + Libraries 2:41
* 20 pull requests merged
* 7 authors - caternuson, sommersoft, jerryneedell, tannewt, deshipu, vesperk38, kevinjwalters
* 4 reviewers - kattni, dhalbert, tannewt, sommersoft
* 3 new PRs, 3 authors - sommersoft, Sigafoos, kattni
* 9 closed issues by 6 people, 3 opened by 2 people
* 4 open pull requests
* 123 open issues
Download stats for 3.0.0-alpha.3
* arduino_zero - 4
* circuitplayground_express - 5
* feather52 - 3
* feather_huzzah - 6
* feather_m0_adalogger - 2
* feather_m0_basic - 2
* feather_m0_express - 2
* feather_m0_rfm69 - 2
* feather_m0_rfm9x - 3
* gemma_m0 - 3
* itsybitsy_m0_express - 1
* metro_m0_express - 2
* metro_m4_express_revb - 1
* trinket_m0 - 3
39 total
Download stats for 2.2.4
* arduino_zero - 50
* circuitplayground_express - 318
* feather_huzzah - 62
* feather_m0_adalogger - 20
* feather_m0_basic - 25
* feather_m0_express - 100
* feather_m0_rfm69 - 11
* feather_m0_rfm9x - 10
* gemma_m0 - 41
* itsybitsy_m0 - 19
* metro_m0_express - 43
* trinket_m0 - 137
836 total
21 out of 397 repos need work.
Missing license. - 2
Not in bundle. - 2
ReadTheDocs latest build has warnings and/or errors - 2
CircuitPython drivers page missing driver - 3
ReadTheDocs missing the latest release. (Ignore me! RTD doesn't update when a new version is released. Only on pushes.) - 12
Missing .py files in examples folder - 2
Mismatched readthedocs.yml - 4
Hug Reports 6:23
* siddacious and sommersoft for helping TG-Techie get building
* sigafoos for named tuple accelerometer PR
* sommersoft and kattni for more doc work and PRs
* jerryn for dotstar gemma fix
* kevin j walters for ws2801 library
Andon 8:15
Group Hug. Still busy with other things, so havent' paid much attention, but I'm sure you are all doing awesome stuff.
brentr 8:35
hug report for @tannewt for being on one of my favorite podcasts (the amp hour). I listened to it on my flight and it made time fly.
cater 9:01
fly on the wall mode for me this week. no mic. no updates. group hug.
cefn 9:22
cgrover 9:41
Group hug for all the work on 2.2.4!
dhalbert 9:53
* hug to tannewt@ for shared-bindings refactor is very nice
deshipu 10:44
* group hug!
* congrats on alpha 3!
hukuzatuna 11:17
* kattni who has been working very hard on dotstar express vs non-express
jerryn 11:46
* congrats on alpha 3. happy to have it all working
* haven't found anything broken yet
* kattni for helping newcomer to #projecthelp on discord
kattni 12:25
* hukuzatuna testing help for guides
* sommersoft for doc PRs and dotstar pointers
* group hug for everyone helping
nis 13:00
* tdicola for documentation on how to build CircuitPython
* Hug report to Tony DiCola for the initial work on documenting the building of CircuitPython from source:
(Initially this was Micropython for Adafruit product line, more than a year ago)
The present Vagrantfile is verified correct by me. ;) There's enough info in the Vagrantfile to build everything, if you look. ;)
Was able to build the 3.0.0. Alpha-2 from those instructions, this week!
@Dan Halbert for pointing out the presence of 74HC595 Shift Register in the AF LCD backpack.
noe 13:29
Group hug!
sommersoft 13:50
Group hug this week. And @Noe for ATizing last week's project.
wolf 14:10
Hug from me, then. A Vagrantfile is just what I need!
cefn 16:10
Apparently couldn't connect mic, sorry. Looking forward to trying out alpha3, thanks to tannewt for guiding me on conformance for and tannewt and ladyada for comments/feedback. Had a sprint on prepping @ShrimpingIt kits last week but now available again
Status 14:48
tannewt 15:17
* Fixed up USB and pulseio in Alpha 2 and released Alpha 3
* Brain is chewing on audio API tweaks. Goal is to separate audio sources from destinations so we can use PWM, DAC, I2S or PDM interchangeably.
* Found and tweak SVD based GDB helper which makes it easy to read peripheral memory.
* Revamping Python on MicroControllers newsletter. Join at Adafruit Daily:
andon 19:23
Nothing CP-related. Main project is continuing to re-chip the DigiBadges for a convention at the end of the month, but I've also taken up writing a standard python program to generate random tectonic plates. It's absolutely not something I need to make, but... Well, I'm going to do it anyway.
brentr 20:00
nothing cp related, spinning back up from vacation
cefn 20:36
Next is SPI
CGrover 20:57
Running 2.2.4 on all projects and its working great!
Working on motor driver for string car. Merged with model train controller
still a newbie
dhalbert 24:00
* usb hid descriptor work
* reproduced the descriptors from 2.2.4 with 3.0.0
* turning on hid in asf4 not documented at all
* verifying hid report version
deshipu 25:15
nothing CP-related
hukuzatuna 25:50
* finished up testing of various boards and devices for kattni
* played with laser cutter in maker space
* ready for next round of testing
* UART is next
jerryn 26:42
* played with am23 temp sensor. replacing dht11s. i2c is better!
* scroll phat from pimoroni (7 x 17 dotstars). easy to use with charlieplex circuitpython driver
* lis3dh found issue with tap example on any version
* gemma m0 dotstar, pirkey may need dotstar enabled too
kattni 29:21
* working on essentials guide, pwm, servo, cap touch, internal rgb led. UART, i2c, storage and cpu temp left
* already available in board guides
* lots of PR review
nis 31:12
Tracebacks (vs gforth). vector graphics oscope netpbm. 74HC595 (shift register driving 7-segment LED array) in CircuitPython quickest route this week over Arduino (SPI ready in CircuitPython due to prior work by me). Status LED CircuitPython proving useful.
See scrollback for a more detailed (haha) report.
Noe 32:52
circuitpython foot switch. published wednesday
Put cad drawings into github:
sommersoft 34:38
Got debug working over the weekend on the "128char max paste in REPL". Still working my way to grabbing fully useful data with atmel studio & GDB, but the picture is a getting clearer. And to retract my statement from last week: docs are never done. :D
wolf 35:31
I’m currently working on two things in the pursuit of asyncio: selectors and deque. Not much progress yet since I’ve had a busy week here at work, but I’m still on-track for delivery of asyncio before PyCon; no impassible road-blocks yet. I’ve got all the hardware I need and I’m gonna start running things on the CPX. My goal remains asyncio to allow rainbows and IR to coexist.
Discussion (in the weeds) 36:34
* suggestions for Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor (CGrover) 36:44
* DC motor control
* they are linear so you can calculate distance once you know speed
* Add initial voltage required for spinning
* recalculate optimum speed based on battery depletion. know when to head home and charge
* TODO: file an issue on Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor
* dotstar weirdness 41:52 kattni
* dotstar updating varies for each board
* TODO: follow up with circuitpython issue
* write up issue for testing 3.0, expand existing issue
* noe 56:08 key repeat is an OS thing
* 58:37 python on microcontroller newsletters
* circuitpython written in rust
* initial samd21 work is coming
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