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Last active December 17, 2018 17:44
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
# define the grid size
size_h = 4
size_w = 4
# define the actions
actions = np.array(["up", "down", "left", "right"])
# define the reward for each action (-1 everywhere for all actions,
# except for the terminal states)
reward = np.full((size_h, size_w, len(actions)), -1.0)
reward[0, 0] = np.zeros((4), dtype=np.float32)
reward[-1, -1] = np.zeros((4), dtype=np.float32)
# define the pi, now it needs to know the state too
pi = np.full((size_h, size_w, len(actions)), 0.25)
# s'|s,a in this problem is deterministic, so I can just define it as a 4x4,
transfer = np.zeros((size_h, size_w, len(actions), 2), dtype=np.int32)
for y in range(size_h):
for x in range(size_w):
for a in range(len(actions)):
if actions[a] == "up":
if y > 0:
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y - 1
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x
elif actions[a] == "down":
if y < size_h - 1:
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y + 1
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x
elif actions[a] == "left":
if x > 0:
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x - 1
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y
elif actions[a] == "right":
if x < size_w - 1:
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x + 1
transfer[y, x, a, 1] = x
transfer[y, x, a, 0] = y
# now fill up the transfer at the end nodes
transfer[0, 0] = np.zeros((len(actions), 2))
transfer[-1, -1] = np.full((len(actions), 2), -1)
# initial value function
value_0 = np.zeros((size_h, size_w), dtype=np.float32)
# iterate externally over policy iteration and internally for policy evaluation
iterations_policy_iter = 10000
iterations_policy_eval = 10000 # if this is 1, then we are doing value iteration, and in that case, the intermediate policy is no longer the optimal one for each value function (it didn't converge), only the last policy is! (see value iteration)
epsilon_policy_eval = 0.0001
for it_pol_iter in range(iterations_policy_iter):
for it_pol_eval in range(iterations_policy_eval):
value_t = np.zeros_like(value_0)
# do one bellman step in each state
for y in range(value_0.shape[0]):
for x in range(value_0.shape[1]):
for a, action in enumerate(actions):
# get the coordinates where I go with this action
newy, newx = transfer[y, x, a]
# make one lookahead step for this action
value_t[y, x] += pi[y, x, a] * \
(reward[y, x, a] + value_0[newy, newx])
# if value converged, exit
norm = 0.0
for y in range(value_t.shape[0]):
for x in range(value_t.shape[1]):
norm += np.abs(value_0[y, x] - value_t[y, x])
norm /= np.array(value_t.shape, dtype=np.float32).sum()
# print(norm)
if norm < epsilon_policy_eval:
# if not converged, save current as old to iterate
value_0 = np.copy(value_t)
print("policy eval k: ", it_pol_eval)
# iterate the policy greedily
buffered_pi = np.copy(pi)
for y in range(value_t.shape[0]):
for x in range(value_t.shape[1]):
max_v = -float("inf")
max_v_idx = 0
for a, action in enumerate(actions):
# get the coordinates where I go with this action
newy, newx = transfer[y, x, a]
# make one lookahead step for this action
v = reward[y, x, a] + value_t[newy, newx]
if v > max_v:
max_v = v
max_v_idx = a
# update policy with argmax
pi[y, x] = np.zeros((len(actions)), dtype=np.float32)
pi[y, x, max_v_idx] = 1.0
# exit if policy doesn't change
if (pi == buffered_pi).all():
print("!" * 80)
print("Exiting loop because I converged")
print("!" * 80)
print("-" * 40)
print("iterations: ", it_pol_iter + 1)
print(actions[np.argmax(pi, axis=-1)])
print("careful with reading this, because some members of the policy can be 2 options and I only consider the argmax, so the first one in the actions list is returned")
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tano297 commented Dec 17, 2018

RL Course David Silver, Lecture 3, minute 29:20

David explains another example, not this one, but I felt the continuity was better by doing the exact same example

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