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Created August 24, 2018 02:19
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failing localsupport test
be cucumber features/admin/events/event_location.feature:38
Deprecated: Found tags option '~@wip'. Support for '~@tag' will be removed from the next release of Cucumber. Please use 'not @tag' instead.
Using the default profile...
@vcr @billy
Feature: Event Location
As a super Admin
So that others can see events location
I would like to add an event address field to the system
Background: Data has been added to the database # features/admin/events/event_location.feature:7
Given the following organisations exist: # features/step_definitions/factory_steps.rb:78
| name | description | address | postcode | website |
| Us | Animal Shelter | 34 pinner road | HA1 4HZ | |
Given the following users are registered: # features/step_definitions/factory_steps.rb:88
| email | password | superadmin | confirmed_at | organisation |
| | pppppppp | true | 2007-01-01 10:00:00 | Friendly |
And the following events exist: # features/step_definitions/events_steps.rb:17
| title | description | organisation | start_date | end_date | address |
| Care | Care for animals | Us | today | today | 64 pinner road |
And cookies are approved # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:98
And I am signed in as a superadmin # features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb:17
Scenario: uses default coordinates when user enters invalid address # features/admin/events/event_location.feature:38
Given I visit the new event page # features/step_definitions/navigation_steps.rb:52
And I fill in the new event page validly # features/step_definitions/events_steps.rb:1
When I fill in "event_address" with "+==+" # features/step_definitions/basic_steps.rb:599
And I press "Create Event" # features/step_definitions/navigation_steps.rb:128
When I visit the events page # features/step_definitions/navigation_steps.rb:52
Then I should see "Great place to brain storm" description marker in "Hackathon" organisation location in the map # features/step_definitions/events_steps.rb:40
An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle:
There is currently no cassette in use. There are a few ways
you can configure VCR to handle this request:
* If you're surprised VCR is raising this error
and want insight about how VCR attempted to handle the request,
you can use the debug_logger configuration option to log more details [1].
* If you want VCR to record this request and play it back during future test
runs, you should wrap your test (or this portion of your test) in a
`VCR.use_cassette` block [2].
* If you only want VCR to handle requests made while a cassette is in use,
configure `allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true`. VCR will
ignore this request since it is made when there is no cassette [3].
* If you want VCR to ignore this request (and others like it), you can
set an `ignore_request` callback [4].
./app/models/event.rb:54:in `check_geocode'
./app/models/event.rb:50:in `lat_lng_supplier'
./app/models/event.rb:36:in `block in event_with_coordinates'
./app/models/event.rb:35:in `map'
./app/models/event.rb:35:in `event_with_coordinates'
./app/models/event.rb:28:in `build_by_coordinates'
./app/controllers/events_controller.rb:12:in `index'
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/admin/events/event_location.feature:38 # Scenario: uses default coordinates when user enters invalid address
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