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Last active February 17, 2017 17:16
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Thread Safely (Draft 3)


I have mistakenly believed that I did not have to worry about thread safety in Regular Ruby because of the Global Interpreter Lock. Unfortunately the GIL is there to protect the Interpreter, not to save me from my dumb ass code. This post is based on a true story.

The Setup

Let’s say I needed to send an SMS to everyone in a community. Let’s say every community had to pay for sms credits and I had to check for credits before sending their SMS. I could start with this,

community.users.each do |recipient|
  sms_credits = community.sms_credits

  if sms_credits > 0
    send_sms recipient, 'Everything is fine.'

    # take off a credit
    community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

def send_sms(recipient, message)
  # does a REST call to Twilio
  # which takes a while

The Queue

Since I know that def send_sms was going to be slow, I was willing to complicate things a little bit to make it a lot faster. To do that I split up the main program and the slow parts of the program into separate processes with a queue,

Each item on the queue is a job to send an SMS. Rich Uncle Pennybags (the main program) can chuck a job into a queue and immediately get back to doing what he was doing. At the same time separate worker processes can pick it up on the other side of the queue to send each SMS. This pattern is common enough that Rails has a framework for doing this called Active Jobs,

commnunity.users.each do |recipient|
  # this chucks the job into a queue and returns immediately!
  # it no longer takes a while to finish.
  SmsSenderJob.perform_later recipient, community, 'Everything is fine.'

# Here's where you define the job that gets run by the workers
class SmsSenderJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(recipient, community, message)
    sms_credits = community.sms_credits

    if sms_credits > 0
      send_sms recipient, message # this still takes a while.

      # take off a credit
      community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

The Bug

Notice how easy it was to move all that code into the job. There is a bug and the bug is in the details. Active Job let’s you plug in alternative job implementations and my favorite one is called Sidekiq. Sidekiq is fantastic, it’s fast (and gets faster), it’s memory efficient, I love it. The only catch is that Sidekiq jobs have to be thread safe. Which Sidekiq Mike warns you about all, the, time. Despite that, I did not catch the bug until it cost us a little money. You see the code above isn’t thread safe, it is a classic case of the check-then-set race condition. In other words, this is terrible code that you never want to run multi-threadedly,

class SmsSenderJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(recipient, community, message)
    sms_credits = community.sms_credits

    if sms_credits > 0
      send_sms recipient, message # this still takes a while.

      # take off a credit
      community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

Running the jobs with Sidekiq’s default 25 workers, the code might deduct 25 credits. Or it might deduct 1. There is no way of determining how many credits I was going to end up with because Ruby will interleave the code when multiple threads are involved. The trouble was assuming that all the lines in a job would get run in a block. This is how I thought it would run,

# Job 1
sms_credits = community.sms_credits
if sms_credits > 0
  send_sms recipient, message

  # take off a credit
  community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1
# Switch! -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  # Job 2
                                  sms_credits = community.sms_credits
                                  if sms_credits > 0
                                    send_sms recipient, message

                                    # take off a credit
                                    community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

when really it was just as likely to run like this,

# Job 1
sms_credits = community.sms_credits
# Switch! -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  # Job 2
                                  sms_credits = community.sms_credits
                                  if sms_credits > 0
                                    send_sms recipient, message

                                    # take off a credit
                                    community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1
# Switch! -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Back to Job 1
if sms_credits > 0
  send_sms recipient, message

  # take off a credit
  community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

The Easy Solution

The simple fix is to remove all shared mutable state from the muti-threaded jobs. If there is nothing to check-and-set in a job then there is no way to have a check-and-set race condition. Like so,

commnunity.users.each do |recipient|
  sms_credits = community.sms_credits

  if sms_credits > 0
    # this chucks the job into a queue and returns immediately!
    SmsSenderJob.perform_later recipient, 'Everything is fine.'

    # take off a credit
    community.sms_credits = sms_credits - 1

class SmsSenderJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform(recipient, message)
    send_sms(recipient, message)

The Hard Solution

But that only works if I can guarantee that the main program never gets run more than once at the same time. If I had to run the same code on multiple processes, e.g. in multiple Unicorn instances on a web app, I would still be screwed. Check-then-set race conditions don’t just happen with threads, it happens whenever there is shared mutable state (community.sms_credits ). All I’ve done is move the problem to another level. Sure there’s less of a chance that it’ll happen at this level but it’s still enough of a chance that it’s worth fixing. One day. The correct solution will probably involve some form of locking or journaling. Which would be fun to write about once I’ve fixed it.

Conclusion All I wanted to do was make things a run little faster and didn’t realize that I had dropped into a pit filled with ten dollar words like Concurrency and Thread Safety. Do I regret anything? No! Will I screw this up again later? Maybe!


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