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Last active April 19, 2021 15:18
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Solver for a nurse scheduling problem
Program to generate valid time allocations of a mental ward staff.
Two staff lists. Each list applies for a specific window of time. Lists may
contain non-empty intersections of employees.
Each employee has a designation as RMN or HCA.
Each employee has a designation as Male or Female
List of 1:1 patients that must have 1 staffer assigned at all times.
List of 2:1 patients that must have 2 staffers assigned at all times.
List of medication times that must each have 1 RMN assigned.
List of unavailable times for each staffer where they cannot be assigned.
Time is divided into blocks of 30 minutes. Staff shifts overlap by 2 blocks.
Any employee working two shifts must receive a 1-hour break before the last
2 blocks of their second shift.
- RMN breaks are soft constraints (preferences)
- HCA breaks are hard constraints (requirements)
Soft: no member of staff assigned to more than 4 consecutive 1/2:1 blocks.
Soft: HCAs should be preferred for observation assignments over RMNs.
Hard: one person assigned to general observations at all times.
Hard: 1:1 and 2:1 patients with Male-only flags must have Male staffers assigned.
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from constraint import Problem, AllDifferentConstraint
# General weightings
class Task:
def __init__(self, name, blocks, nstaffers): = name
self.blocks = blocks
self.nstaffers = nstaffers
def score(self, assignments):
'''All blocks must have a staffer assigned'''
assigned_blocks = [b for b, _, _ in assignments]
for block in self.blocks:
if block not in assigned_blocks:
return -1
for block, task, staffers in assignments:
if len(staffers) != self.nstaffers:
return -1
return self.task_score(assignments)
def valid(self, staffer):
return self.task_valid(staffer)
def task_score(self, assignments):
return 0
def task_valid(self, staffer):
return True
def __repr__(self):
class MedicationTask(Task):
def __init__(self, blocks):
Task.__init__(self, 'Medication', blocks, 1)
def task_valid(self, staffer):
return staffer.rmn
class GeneralObservationTask(Task):
def __init__(self, blocks):
Task.__init__(self, 'General observations', blocks, 1)
class PatientObservationTask(Task):
def __init__(self, name, blocks, nstaffers, male_only):
Task.__init__(self, 'Patient {} ({}:1)'.format(name, nstaffers), blocks, nstaffers)
self.male_only = male_only
def task_valid(self, staffer):
return (not self.male_only) or (self.male_only and staffer.male)
class Staffer:
def __init__(self, name, rmn, male, available_blocks): = name
self.rmn = rmn
self.male = male
self.available_blocks = available_blocks
def valid(self, task, block):
return block in self.available_blocks and task.valid(self)
def __repr__(self):
class Schedule:
def __init__(self, blocks, block_times, staffers, tasks,
min_break_block, max_break_block, max_on_break):
self.blocks = blocks
self.block_times = block_times
self.min_break_block = min_break_block
self.max_break_block = max_break_block
self.max_on_break = max_on_break
self.staffers = staffers
self.tasks = tasks
class Allocations:
def __init__(self, allocations):
self.allocations = defaultdict(list)
for alloc in allocations:
block, task, staffers = alloc
for staffer in staffers:
for key, val in self.allocations.iteritems():
self.allocations[key] = sorted(val)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.allocations[key]
def solve_block(block, cur_solution, schedule, top_per_block, obs_penalties):
print '\tSetting up'
block_time = schedule.block_times[block]
# Get the available staffers
staffers = [s for s in schedule.staffers if block in s.available_blocks]
# Get the tasks
tasks = [t for t in schedule.tasks if block in t.blocks]
# Are breaks allowed in this block?
breaks_allowed = block >= schedule.min_break_block and block <= schedule.max_break_block
# Setup the constraint satisfaction problem
problem = Problem()
block_vars = []
# Add each task to the list that need to be fulfilled
for task in tasks:
options = [s for s in staffers if task.valid(s)]
for i in range(task.nstaffers):
variable = '{} {} {}'.format(block_time, task, i)
problem.addVariable(variable, options)
# Allow up to max_on_break people on break at once
if breaks_allowed:
prev_breaks = [s for v, s in cur_solution.iteritems() if 'Break' in str(v) and s != 'None']
breakable_staffers = [s for s in staffers if s not in prev_breaks]
for break_idx in range(schedule.max_on_break):
problem.addVariable('{} Break {}'.format(block_time, break_idx), breakable_staffers + ['None'])
block_vars.append('{} Break {}'.format(block_time, break_idx))
# Only one task per person
problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), block_vars)
# Find every possible solution
print '\tSolving'
solutions = problem.getSolutions()
# Score the options
print '\tScoring'
obs_tasks = [task for task in tasks if isinstance(task, PatientObservationTask) or isinstance(task, GeneralObservationTask)]
scores = np.zeros(len(solutions))
for sidx, solution in enumerate(solutions):
score = 0
# Add the current block observations
for task in obs_tasks:
staffer = solution['{} {} {}'.format(block_time, task, i)]
score += obs_penalties[staffer]
if breaks_allowed:
for break_idx in range(schedule.max_on_break):
on_break = solution['{} Break {}'.format(block_time, break_idx)]
if on_break == 'None':
elif on_break.rmn:
scores[sidx] = score
print '\tFinding top'
top_solutions = [solutions[i] for i in np.argsort(scores)[:top_per_block]]
top_scores = scores[np.argsort(scores)[:top_per_block]]
return top_solutions, top_scores
def solve_block_greedy(schedule, max_on_break=2, top_per_block=2):
print '{} Solving initial block {}'.format(0, schedule.block_times[0])
obs_tasks = [t for t in schedule.tasks if isinstance(t, PatientObservationTask) or isinstance(t, GeneralObservationTask)]
obs_penalties = {staffer: RMN_OBSERVATION_PENALTY if staffer.rmn else 0 for staffer in schedule.staffers}
top_solutions, top_scores = solve_block(schedule.blocks[0], {}, schedule, top_per_block, obs_penalties)
for block in schedule.blocks[1:]:
print '{} Solving block {} with {} starting solutions'.format(block, schedule.block_times[block], len(top_solutions))
next_round_solutions = []
next_round_scores = []
for solution, score in zip(top_solutions, top_scores):
# Calculate the penalties for each staffer being put on observation duty
print '\tCalculating staffer penalties'
obs_counts = defaultdict(int)
if block >= 3:
for b in range(block-3, block):
for task in obs_tasks:
if b not in task.blocks:
for i in range(task.nstaffers):
staffer = solution['{} {} {}'.format(schedule.block_times[b], task, i)]
obs_counts[staffer] += 1
for s,c in obs_counts.iteritems():
if c == 3:
obs_penalties[s] = RMN_OBSERVATION_PENALTY if s.rmn else 0
S, R = solve_block(block, solution, schedule, top_per_block, obs_penalties)
print '\tPicking best {} solutions'.format(top_per_block)
# Add good solutions
for s, r in zip(S, R):
r += score
if len(next_round_solutions) < top_per_block or r < next_round_scores[top_per_block-1]:
for k, v in solution.iteritems():
s[k] = v
# Filter to just the top
if len(next_round_solutions) > top_per_block:
chosen = np.argsort(next_round_scores)[:top_per_block]
next_round_solutions = [s for i,s in enumerate(next_round_solutions) if i in chosen]
next_round_scores = [s for i,s in enumerate(next_round_scores) if i in chosen]
print ''
# Update the best solutions
top_solutions = next_round_solutions
top_scores = next_round_scores
print_solution(schedule, top_solutions[0], max_block=block)
print '***** SOLUTION 1 *****'
print_solution(schedule, top_solutions[0])
print '***** SOLUTION 2 *****'
print_solution(schedule, top_solutions[1])
print 'Scores: ', next_round_scores
# import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# plt.hist(next_round_scores, bins=50)
# return
def print_solution(schedule, solution, max_block=None):
for task in schedule.tasks:
print task
for block in task.blocks:
if max_block is not None and block > max_block:
staffers = [str(solution['{} {} {}'.format(schedule.block_times[block], task, i)]) for i in range(task.nstaffers)]
print '{}: {}'.format(schedule.block_times[block], ', '.join(staffers))
print ''
print 'Breaks'
for block in schedule.blocks[schedule.min_break_block:schedule.max_break_block+1]:
if max_block is not None and block > max_block:
staffers = [str(solution['{} Break {}'.format(schedule.block_times[block], i)]) for i in range(schedule.max_on_break)]
staffers = [s for s in staffers if s != 'None']
if len(staffers) > 0:
print '{}: {}'.format(schedule.block_times[block], ', '.join(staffers))
print ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
blocks = range(26)
block_times = [str(7+(i+1)/2) + ':' + ('00' if i % 2 == 1 else '30') for i in blocks]
print list(enumerate(block_times))
tasks = [MedicationTask([2, 10, 20]), GeneralObservationTask(blocks),
PatientObservationTask('A', blocks, 2, False),
PatientObservationTask('B', blocks, 2, True),
PatientObservationTask('C', blocks, 1, False)]
staffers = [Staffer('Lily', True, False, [0,1,2,3,4,5,12,13]),
Staffer('Jack', True, True, range(14)),
Staffer('Jenny', True, False, range(26)),
Staffer('Bob', False, True, range(26)),
Staffer('Douglas', False, True, range(5) + range(12,26)),
Staffer('Maxine', False, False, range(26)),
Staffer('Sally', False, False, range(26)),
Staffer('Nicola', False, True, range(14)),
Staffer('Marie', False, False, range(14)),
Staffer('Mary', True, False, range(14,26)),
Staffer('Eve', True, False, range(14,26)),
Staffer('Ryan', False, True, range(14,26)),
Staffer('Michael', False, True, range(14,26))]
min_break_block = 12
max_break_block = 22
max_on_break = 1
schedule = Schedule(blocks, block_times, staffers, tasks, min_break_block, max_break_block, max_on_break)
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