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Created April 28, 2016 06:35
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from queue import PriorityQueue
def dijkstra(G,src,des):
dist=[(268435456)]*len(G) #create dist list & initial with inf value
Q=PriorityQueue() #create priority queue
dist[src]=0 #source dist is always zero
Q.put((0,src)) #push source with zero dist in queue
while(Q.empty()==False): #iterate until queue is empty
cost,u=Q.get() #take minimum dist, node & pop up
if(u==des):return dist[des] #if destination find from Q, then return result
for v,Cost in G[u]: #take all node which is adjacency with u node
if(dist[v]>cost+Cost): #if present dist greater than to dist[u]+Cost
dist[v]=cost+Cost #if u to v is minimum then update dist[v]
Q.put((dist[v],v)) #push v into Queue
return -1 #return -1 when source to destination isn't reachable
if __name__=="__main__":
Node,Edge=map(int,input().split()) #take input number of Node & Edge
Graph=[[] for i in range(Node+1)] #create 2D list for graph
for i in range(0,Edge):
u,v,w=map(int,input().split()) #take input u v w
Graph[u].append((v,w)) #make u to v adjacency with w weight
Graph[v].append((u,w)) #make v to u adjacency with w weight
source,destination=map(int,input().split()) #take input source and destination
print(dijkstra(Graph, source, destination)) #print shortest path answer
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