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Created March 8, 2012 17:20
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ma2cWigToBedGraph fix MA2C wig output
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Time-stamp: <2012-01-10 17:21:24 Tao Liu>
# in the wiggle file from MA2C, the 1st column -- position is actually
# the center of each probe. Some probes may overlap. In order to
# convert them to appropriate bigwig, I need to create bedGraph file
# with above two problems fixed.
import os
import sys
# ------------------------------------
# Main function
# ------------------------------------
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write("""need 2 paras: %s <shift> <MA2C wig file>
shift: if the position in wig file is not the leftmost position of the represented region, use this option to fix. For example, if a probe is 50bp, and in wig, 1st column is
the middle points of probes, use -25. Otherwise, use 0
**Make sure your variableStep wig file is from MA2C!
**In the output, gaps will be filled with 0 and if two regions are overlapped, the later value will be used.
""" % sys.argv[0])
ssize = int(sys.argv[1])
wigfile = open(sys.argv[2],"r")
#fs = bdgfile.readline().rstrip().split()
#prev_region = (fs[0],int(fs[1]),int(fs[2]),float(fs[3]))
prev_region = None
for l in wigfile:
if l.startswith("track"):
if l.startswith("variableStep"):
chrom = l.rstrip().split()[1].split("=")[1]
span = int(l.rstrip().split()[2].split("=")[1])
(pos,value) = l.rstrip().split()
startpos = int(pos) + ssize
endpos = startpos + span
curr_region = (chrom,startpos,endpos,float(value))
if not prev_region:
prev_region = curr_region
if prev_region[0] == curr_region[0]:
# only if they are in the same chromosome
right_pos_of_prev_region = min(curr_region[1],prev_region[1]+span)
if right_pos_of_prev_region > prev_region[1]:
print "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.4f" % (prev_region[0],prev_region[1],right_pos_of_prev_region,prev_region[3])
# fill in gaps with 0
if curr_region[1] > prev_region[1]+span:
print "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.4f" % (prev_region[0],prev_region[1]+span,curr_region[1],0)
right_pos_of_prev_region = prev_region[1]+span
if right_pos_of_prev_region > prev_region[1]:
print "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.4f" % (prev_region[0],prev_region[1],right_pos_of_prev_region,prev_region[3])
prev_region = curr_region
# last region
right_pos_of_prev_region = prev_region[1]+span
if right_pos_of_prev_region > prev_region[1]:
print "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.4f" % (prev_region[0],prev_region[1],right_pos_of_prev_region,prev_region[3])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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