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Last active December 30, 2021 19:10
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Wrapper for submitting jobs to SLURM
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script is a wrapper in Python to help submit jobs, that need to use CONDA environment, to SLURM.
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import time
import argparse as ap
description = "A script to get your current conda environment, to write a SBATCH script for slurm, then submit it. Example: `%(prog)s -n 2 -p 2 -e macs3 callpeaks -t t.bam -c c.bam`"
# top-level parser
argparser = ap.ArgumentParser( description = description )
argparser.add_argument( "-n", "--nodes", dest = "n_nodes", type = int,
help = "Specify number of nodes the job needs. Default: 1",
default = 1)
argparser.add_argument( "-p", "--processes", dest = "n_processes", type = int,
help = "Specify number of processes PER NODE the job needs. The total 'CPUs' that the job will use is n_nodes x n_processes. Default: 1",
default = 1)
argparser.add_argument( "-m", "--mem", dest = "m_mem", type = int,
help = "Specify the requirement of memory size of the node in MBytes. Default is 8G. Default: 8000",
default = 8000)
argparser.add_argument( "-c", "--conda", dest = "conda_env", type = str,
help = "By default, this script will automatically retrieve the current conda environment. However, if you want to specify a different conda environment that the job needs to run based on, you can use this option.",
default = None)
argparser.add_argument( "-d", "--wd", dest = "working_directory", type = str,
help = "By default, this script will let the job run inside the current directory. However, if you want to specify a different working directory, please use this option.",
default = None)
argparser.add_argument( "-e", "--exec", dest = "command", type = str, nargs = ap.REMAINDER, required = True,
help = "The whole command line of the job. If there is special chraracter in the command, please use `\"` to quote the entire command. For example, use `-e \"runthis \> savethis.txt\"`. This is a required option. Also, this should be the last argument for `%(prog)s`, since the entire string after `-e` or `--exec` will be taken as the command line of the job.")
args = argparser.parse_args()
n_nodes = args.n_nodes
n_processes = args.n_processes
m_mem = args.m_mem
conda_env = args.conda_env
wd = args.working_directory
cmd = args.command
job_main_name = cmd[0].split()[0].replace('./','').replace('/','') # remove some common confusing chraracters in cmd[0]
sbatch_filename = "slurm_"+time_stamp+".sh"
sbatch_output_filename = "slurm_"+time_stamp+".stdout"
sbatch_error_filename = "slurm_"+time_stamp+".stderr"
# get working directory
if not wd:
wd = os.getcwd()
# get env name of conda
if not conda_env:
conda_env = os.getenv("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV")
conda_exe = os.getenv("CONDA_EXE")
conda_bin = os.path.dirname(conda_exe) # the bin directory
job_name = job_main_name + "_" + time_stamp
entire_command_line = " ".join( cmd )
slurm_template = f"""#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --clusters=faculty --partition=rpci --qos=rpci
##SBATCH --time=00:15:00
#SBATCH --nodes={n_nodes}
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={n_processes}
#SBATCH --mem={m_mem}
#SBATCH --job-name={job_name}
#SBATCH --output={wd}/{sbatch_output_filename}
#SBATCH --error={wd}/{sbatch_error_filename}
# load modules
#module load ...
# customized python environment
# >>> conda initialize >>>
__conda_setup="$('{conda_exe}' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
eval "$__conda_setup"
export PATH="{conda_bin}:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
conda activate {conda_env}
# customized env variables
# scripts to be run
cd {wd}
# Write into the sbatch file
f = open( sbatch_filename, "w" )
f.write( slurm_template )
# Submit job to SLURM
subprocess.check_call(['sbatch', sbatch_filename])
print(f"Job Submitted from {sbatch_filename}")
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taoliu commented Dec 30, 2021

usage: wrapToSlurm [-h] [-n N_NODES] [-p N_PROCESSES] [-m M_MEM] [-c CONDA_ENV] [-d WORKING_DIRECTORY] -e ...

A script to get your current conda environment, to write a SBATCH script for slurm, then submit it. Example: `wrapToSlurm
-n 2 -p 2 -e macs3 callpeaks -t t.bam -c c.bam`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n N_NODES, --nodes N_NODES
                        Specify number of nodes the job needs. Default: 1
  -p N_PROCESSES, --processes N_PROCESSES
                        Specify number of processes PER NODE the job needs. The total 'CPUs' that the job will use is
                        n_nodes x n_processes. Default: 1
  -m M_MEM, --mem M_MEM
                        Specify the requirement of memory size of the node in MBytes. Default is 8G. Default: 8000
  -c CONDA_ENV, --conda CONDA_ENV
                        By default, this script will automatically retrieve the current conda environment. However, if
                        you want to specify a different conda environment that the job needs to run based on, you can use
                        this option.
                        By default, this script will let the job run inside the current directory. However, if you want
                        to specify a different working directory, please use this option.
  -e ..., --exec ...    The whole command line of the job. If there is special chraracter in the command, please use `"`
                        to quote the entire command. For example, use `-e "runthis \> savethis.txt"`. This is a required
                        option. Also, this should be the last argument for `wrapToSlurm`, since the entire string after
                        `-e` or `--exec` will be taken as the command line of the job.

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