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Created November 11, 2020 21:57
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kNN smoothing on a given feature x barcode matrix, based on a given sNN graph barcode x barcode matrix
# K-nearest neighbor smoothing based on sNN from clustering
# Inspired by knn-smooth.R:
# by Tao Liu <>
#' kNN-smoothing on a given matrix based on a pre-calculated sNN matrix
#' Note: sparse matrix will be converted to regular matrix, so memory
#' usage will be high.
#' @param M A numeric matrix that will be smoothed. It should have
#' feature names on rows and cell/barcode names on columns.
#' @param SNN A sNN matrix from graph-based clustering. For example,
#' the @graph$xxx_sNN matrix from Seurat object. The value can be
#' regarded as 'similarity' so 1-sNN can be regarded as the
#' 'distance' measurement.
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbours used for smoothing. In
#' reality, top k+1 nearest neighbors will be considerred
#' including itself. Default: 10
#' @param method Either 'ave' or 'sum'. The smoothing result will be
#' either the average of the k-NNs or the sum of the k-NNs. Check
#' parameter 'strict' as well. Default: 'ave'
#' @param strict A boolean value. If TRUE, those nearest neighbors
#' with sNN=0 will be excluded, therefore, there may be less than
#' k NN considerred while calculating the average or sum; if
#' FALSE, all top nearest neighbors will be included. If 'method'
#' is 'ave', I recommend 'TRUE' ('FALSE' may be fine too);
#' however, if 'method' is 'sum', dropping sNN=0 neighbors may
#' make the cells/barcodes incomparable, so 'FALSE' is recommended
#' in this case. Default: TRUE
#' @return A smoothed numeric matrix.
#' @export
knn_smoothing <- function(M, SNN, k = 10, method = "ave", strict = TRUE) {
mat <- as.matrix( M ) # Give up SparseMatrix here.
cname <- colnames( mat )
gname <- rownames( mat )
S <- mat
if ( method == "ave" ) S <- .smootherAverageNN( mat, SNN, k, strict )
else S <- .smootherSumNN( mat, SNN, k, strict )
if (! is.null(cname)) colnames(S) <- cname
if (! is.null(gname)) rownames(S) <- gname
return ( S )
# Internal
#' @param mat A matrix in a shape of features x barcodes.
#' @param SNN A predefined sNN graph in a shape of barcodes x
#' barcodes. This SNN matrix can be sparseMatrix, and '.' will be
#' interpreted as 0. The actual distance between two barcodes is
#' decided as (1-sNN)
#' @param k An integer to choose k-nearest barcodes (self-exclusive),
#' so in fact, the top k+1 neighbors including self will be
#' considered.
#' @param strict A boolean value. If TRUE, those neighbors with sNN=0
#' will be excluded. Therefore, there may be less than k NN
#' considerred while calculating the average. Default: TRUE
.smootherAverageNN <- function(mat, SNN, k, strict=TRUE){
n <- k+1
sapply(seq_len(ncol(mat)), function(cid){
nbcid <- head(order(1 - SNN[cid, ]), n) # note: I use 1-sNN as distance
if ( strict ) nbcid <- nbcid[ SNN[cid, nbcid] >0 ]
return(Matrix::rowMeans( mat[, nbcid, drop=FALSE] ))
#' @param mat A matrix in a shape of features x barcodes.
#' @param SNN A predefined sNN graph in a shape of barcodes x
#' barcodes. This SNN matrix can be sparseMatrix, and '.' will be
#' interpreted as 0. The actual distance between two barcodes is
#' decided as (1-sNN)
#' @param k An integer to choose k-nearest barcodes (self-exclusive),
#' so in fact, the top k+1 neighbors including self will be
#' considered.
#' @param strict A boolean value. If TRUE, those neighbors with sNN=0
#' will be excluded. Therefore, there may be less than k NN
#' considerred while computing sum, which is problematic since the
#' value can not be compared across different barcodes. So the
#' default is FALSE, and to set it as TRUE is not recommended.
.smootherSumNN <- function(mat, SNN, k, strict=FALSE){
n <- k+1
sapply(seq_len(ncol(mat)), function(cid){
nbcid <- head(order(1 - SNN[cid, ]), n) # note: I use 1-sNN as distance
if ( strict ) nbcid <- nbcid[ SNN[cid, nbcid] >0 ]
return(Matrix::rowSums( mat[, nbcid, drop=FALSE] ))
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