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Created November 13, 2015 22:36
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xquery version "3.1";
declare function local:get_facet ($books as element()*, $path as xs:string, $facet_type as xs:string ) as element()?
<facet type="{$facet_type}">{
for $book in $books
let $fld :=
let $vars := map{ '': document{$book} }
let $query := "declare namespace tei = ''; " || $path
return xquery:eval($query, $vars )
group by $f := $fld
order by $f descending
return element {$facet_type} {attribute v {$f}, attribute number {fn:count($book)} }
let $csv := fetch:text("")
let $books := csv:parse($csv, map { 'header': true() })/csv/record
return (local:get_facet($books, "//Binding", "Binding" ) )
(: return ($book) :)
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