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Created December 16, 2011 23:20
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Calculate polynomials and their derivatives
; Credit:
(defn- polynomial
"computes the value of a polynomial
with the given coefficients for a given value x"
[coefs x]
; For example, if coefs contains 3 values then exponents is (2 1 0).
(let [exponents (reverse (range (count coefs)))]
; Multiply each coefficient by x raised to the corresponding exponent
; and sum those results.
; coefs go into %1 and exponents go into %2.
(apply + (map #(* %1 (Math/pow x %2)) coefs exponents))))
(defn- derivative
"computes the value of the derivative of a polynomial
with the given coefficients for a given value x"
[coefs x]
; The coefficients of the derivative function are obtained by
; multiplying all but the last coefficient by its corresponding exponent.
; The extra exponent will be ignored.
(let [exponents (reverse (range (count coefs)))
derivative-coefs (map #(* %1 %2) (butlast coefs) exponents)]
(polynomial derivative-coefs x)))
(def f (partial polynomial [2 1 3])) ; 2x^2 + x + 3
(def f-prime (partial derivative [2 1 3])) ; 4x + 1
(println "f(2) =" (f 2)) ; -> 13.0
(println "f'(2) =" (f-prime 2)) ; -> 9.0
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