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personal git cheat sheet :)

git cheat sheet

Disclaimer: Some commands in this sheet are avoided or rarely used by others (I don't know why). For instance, I use git switch instead git checkout to switch a branch. I tried to use memorable and resonable command names for my git workflow, without compromising its functionality (git switch really switches the branch for you 😀)


Command Description
   --list [--show-origin] list all git configuration [show from where this config comes from]
   --system read/write from the system configuration file (/etc/gitconfig). Unless you are the system administrator, you do not want to use this one.
   --global read/write from the system configuration file (~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config). You should XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/.config/git as it is XDG-compliant.
   --local read/write from the local configuration file of the git repository (/path/to/repo/.git/config). If you are in a repo and set some config without using --system, --global, or --local, the --local is assumed by default.

Git submodules

submodule is link
A Git submodule is a separate repository within a repository, to put it simply. Submodules are similar to child repositories in the way that pointer commits must be manually updated. They are easy for a team to work together at the same time. You don’t clone or integrate any of the actual code in your new repository when you use many submodules, it’s better to say that you include links to the "forest" repository on GitHub. Git submodules enable you to preserve one git repository as a sub directory of another. Also, Git submodules allow you to include and track the version history of external code in your Git repository. Submodule is best suited when you want to include external dependencies in your project but maintain them as separate projects with their own history and development lifecycle.

Submodules have been around for a long time, and have their command (git submodule) and extensive documentation. If we compare it with adding a subtree, adding a submodule is fairly straightforward. All of the hazards and flaws do not appear until the last moment, which can be annoying.

Shortcomings of git submodules

  • Cloning repositories, which contain submodules, requires downloading the submodules separately. The submodule folders will be empty after cloning if the source repository is moved or becomes unavailable.

submodule List all git submodules in the form of submodule-path commit-ish, no matter whether you pulled them or not.
submodule update [--init] [--recursive] [--remote] Pull all git submodules. --init is necessary if they aren't initialized yet; --recursive that nested git submodules are also pulled; --remote makes git pull from remote, which is generally desired.
submodule deinit submodule-path Delete git submodule with path submodule-path.
submodule add [-b branch-of-submodule] submodule-URL path Create a link of submodule-URL repository in the path of the current repository (including the submodule name). Unfortunately, you cannot create a submodule containing only a subdirectory of the submodule repo. However, you can organize the submodule repo in branches and create a submodule for that branch by using the option -b branch-of-submodule

Git subtree

subtree is copy (merge)
Git submodule and git subtree are both features in Git used for managing dependencies within a repository, but they have different approaches and use cases. The module’s contents can be changed without the necessity to create a separate repository copy of the dependency. Unlike git submodule, git subtree does not create new metadata files (i.e., .gitmodule). They can be committed to, branched, and merged just like any other repository. Subtree is suitable when you want to include external code into your project as if it were part of it, and you want to keep everything in a single repository.

Shortcomings of git subtrees
  • A new merging approach must be learned.
  • It’s a little more difficult to contribute code for the sub-projects upstream.
  • You must be sure that super and sub-project code is not mixed in new commits.

Go forward

add files add working tree files to index area (modified or untracked→staged)
   {-A | --all} [-- ':!path/to/file1.txt'] all files [except path/to/file1.txt]
   --ignore-removal do not add removed files
   {-u | --update} do not add untracked files
commit staged→local repository
   -m open a message log
   --amend -m change the message instead
cherry-pick hash copy the commit from another branch to the current one
push URL branch push local repository to remote repository
   --tags push the tags too
   -u URL branch add upstream to track reference (do it for a new created local branch)
fetch [URL] fetch from remote repository [URL] to local repository.
pull pull from remote repository to working tree (it also apply to the local repository)

Clone, save, clean, and remove

clone URL [path] download URL GitHub. If path is not given, then a new dir with the repo name is created.
   --bare clone a bare repository instead cloning a branch, it clones the files/directories inside .git/ to ./
   --branch branch clone branch instead cloning the main branch
clean delete untracked files
   -n show whats it is going to be deleted
   -d directories
   -f force
rm Remove file in order to stop tracking it. Some main differences between them:
  • rm file — standard Unix/Linux command used to remove files or directories from the file system. It is not Git-specific.. It removes file from the work directory only.
  • git rm [-r] filefile is deleted from the working directory, and the removal is staged, meaning it is scheduled to be committed in the next commit [make it recursive to delete direcotories]. It is equivalent to rm file; git add -A.
  • git rm [-r] --cached file — Removes file from the index (staging area) but leaves the file in the working directory unchanged. This is useful when you want to stop tracking a file in the remote repository without actually deleting it from your working directory.
Useful solutions:
  • Forget previously tracked but now gitignored files: 1- git rm -r --cached .: Remove all files from staged area but leave them in the working directory; 2- git add -A - add all but the gitignored files. 3- git push URL branch: Push the net modification, which is the removal of the previously tracked but now gitignored files.
  • Erase a file from the whole commit history (i.e., rewrite the history): 1- git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch unwanted_filename_or_folder' --prune-empty: Replace unwanted_filename_or_folder by the file/dir you want to erase; 2- git for-each-ref --format='delete %(refname)' refs/original | git update-ref --stdin; 3- git reflog expire --expire=now --all; 4- git gc --aggressive --prune=now; 5-git push --force origin main
Notice that, even though you removed files with rm or git rm, they are still present in previous revisions. That's the whole point of git, is that even if you delete something, you can still get it back by accessing the history. If you want to remove file from the commit history in order to decrease the size of .git/objects/pack/pack-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pack, you need to rewirte the commit history. See git filter-branch or BGF.
stash save description move the modified files in the working tree to the stash area to be able to switch to another branch whitout commit those changes
   {-u | --include-untracked} unclude untracked files
stash pop remove a single stashed entry from the stash list and apply it on top of the current working tree state. The working directory must match the index.
stash apply like pop, but do not remove the state from the stash list.
stash drop stash@{n} remove the nth stash saved
stash clear remove the all stashes saved
stash show list all files stashed
stash list list all files stashed

Go backward

PS1: use restore for unpushed commits
PS2: use revert for pushed commits
P3: HEAD~ – go backward in a straight line (no merge), get the previous linear commit. use HEAD~n to get the nth previous linear commit
PS4: HEAD^ – go backward on merge commits — because they have two or more (immediate) parents. use HEAD^n to go backwards to get the nth previous linear commit
diff [hash] [file1...] show differences between the working tree and the staged area (i.e., index) on file1...[if no file is given, show diff on all modified files] [if a hash is given, e.g., HEAD, the comparison is made between the the working tree and local repo of that hash]
   --name-only list only modified files names
   [past-hash[..]actual-hash] file compare just the file. If the hashes are passed, compare the file between them. The two dots are optional but advisable
checkout file stage area→working tree (modified or untracked→staged or unmodified)
restore file stage area→working tree (modified or untracked→staged or unmodified)
restore --staged file restore file in index area from HEAD (staged→modified or untracked if it doesn't exist in local repo)
restore --staged --worktree file restore file in both index area and working tree from HEAD (staged→unmodified)
restore --staged --source=hash file in local repositoy from hash →stage area
checkout hash-1 file file in local repositoy from hash → stage area and working tree
reset --soft [hash-1] undo commit of hash-1. Keep modified files in added (staged), ready to be commited again (unmodified→staged). If hash-1, it is used HEAD~ instead.
reset [--mixed] [hash-1] undo commited-but-not-pushed files in hash-1. Keep modified files, ready to be added again (unmodified→modified). If hash-1 is omited, it is used HEAD~ instead.
reset [--mixed] ['path/to/files'...] undo added (staged) 'path/to/files'. Keep modified files, ready to be added again (staged→modified). If 'path/to/files' is omitted, use all added (staged) files instead.
reset --hard [hash-1] undo commit and file modifications (unmodified→ unmodified from previous commit). If hash-1 is omited, it is used HEAD~ instead. If your hard-reseted commits were pushed, by running git push --force URL branch, you are literally killing commits in the commit history, which is not recommended, so use it only when necessary. Some repositories might prevent you from force pushing (e.g., Gitlab). In this case, you need to allow it on website first.
revert hash-1 create a commit that undo a pushed commit with hash hash

Branches and worktrees

branch [-a] list all local branches and sign where I am [include remote branches]
   -m new name rename branch to new_name. You need: 1- git push --delete URL oldname to delete the oldname on the remote repository; 2- git push --set-upstream URL new branch to set the upstream to the new branch name
switch branch switch branch
switch -c new branch [URL/branch] create (and switch to) a new branch name [and set the upstream to URL/branch]. You must set the upstream.
branch -v[v] get the HEAD of each branch [and the upstream, that is, [URL/branch]]
branch --set-upstream-to=URL/branch set upstream to URL/branch
switch --orphan new branch create an brand-new branch (without files). All tracked files (commit history) are removed (this is an orphan branch)
worktree add path branch create a linked worktree brach to the path (path must contains the worktree root dir). Linked worktree contrasts with the main worktree, which is initiated via git clone or git init. It must be run inside a worktree, whether it is linked or main. In order to make it organized, one must to place all worktrees within the same parent directory
worktree add {-b | -B} new_branch path Create a new worktree with name new_branch. -b refures to created an already created branch, while -B overwrites it.
worktree list List all worktrees
worktree remove branch Remove worktree branch
branch {-d | -D} remove branch name locally
   {-f | --force} required to remove modified/untracked branch
push URL branch update the branch, if it doesn't exist in remote repository, upload it
push --delete URL branch remove branch name remotelly
   -b branch apparently equals to switch -c branch
   branch switch to branch as it is done with switch command. if there is a repository in github that is not in the local repository, download and switch to it. It also works to goback to the most recent commit in a branch. For instance, if you goback 5 commits in the branch main, git branch main makes you goback to its most recent commit.
   hash switch to a specific hash. It is created a detached branch for this test. If you want to save the commits made use the command git switch -c new to create a new branch. If you don't wanna to save anything, just go back to the previous branch (git checkout -) and this detached branch will desappear.
restore --source=another_branch path/to/archive pull the file or dir from another branch to the current

Inspect and compare

status show status of repository
log list commits history
   --author="name" search by author name
   --graph show evolition of reporitoy in a graph form
   foo bar ^baz list all the commits which are reachable from foo or bar, but not from baz
   -- Show only commits that are enough to explain how the files that match the specified paths came to be
   file show commits that touch the specified
shortlog shotlist commits history
   -s list just name and quantity of commits
show hash show details of a hash
ls-files show information about files in the index and the working tree
   --ignored --exclude=patterns show only ignored files from patterns
   --ignored --exclude-from=file show only ignored files from file


tag see all tags
tag -a version create a version tag
   -m "message" add a message to it
tag -d version delete the tag version locally
git push URL branch --tags push the tag
git push URL :version delete the tag version


remote -v get all URL and names
remote get-url name get URL of name name
remote set-url name URL set URL of a existing name
remote add name URL add a new name with URL URL
remote rename old-name new-name rename from old-name to new-name
remote remove name remove name

Rebase and merge branches

rebase branch rebase commits from branch to current branch
merge branch merge commits from branch to current branch

git LFS (Large File Storage)

Git LFS, which stands for "Large File Storage," is an extension for Git that allows for efficient handling of large files in a Git repository. The core idea behind Git LFS is to replace large files in a repository with tiny pointer files while storing the actual large files on a separate server. This helps to keep the repository size manageable and speeds up cloning and fetching operations. Every account using Git Large File Storage receives 1 GiB of free storage and 1 GiB a month of free bandwidth. If the bandwidth and storage quotas are not enough, you can choose to purchase an additional quota for Git LFS. Unused bandwidth doesn't roll over month-to-month.

Here are the basic functionalities of Git LFS:

  • Large File Handling: Git LFS is designed to handle files that are too large to be efficiently managed by Git. These could include binary files, media assets, datasets, etc.
  • Pointer Files: Instead of storing the actual content of large files in the Git repository, Git LFS replaces them with small pointer files. These pointer files contain metadata and a reference to the actual large file.
  • External Storage: The actual large files are stored externally on a server that supports Git LFS. Commonly used services include GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and others. The large files are stored on the LFS server, and the pointer files are what's tracked in the Git repository.
  • Seamless Integration: From the user's perspective, working with Git LFS is seamless. Users can clone repositories, work with files, and make commits just like with regular Git repositories.
  • Configuration: Git LFS requires some configuration to tell it which file types should be handled by LFS. This is typically done through a .gitattributes file in the repository. For instance, *.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text *.mat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text *.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
    • filter=lfs: specifies that Git LFS should be used as the filter for these files
    • diff=lfs: indicates that Git LFS should be used for calculating differences (diffs) for these files.
    • merge=lfs: specifies that Git LFS should be used during the merge process for these files.
    • -text: is an option that tells Git not to treat these files as text files. Git typically handles text files differently, but since these are binary files or files that should be managed by Git LFS, this option is used to avoid text file handling.
    You can achieve the same result by running git lfs track "*.zip" "*.mat" "*.dat"
  • On Github, if you don't enable Include Git LFS objects in archives, it will only clone the LFS pointer files instead of the file itself. On the other hand, if you enable it, you download the real file.
lfs install Initialize git lfs in your local repository (it modifies the local config file ./.git/config).
lfs track pattern-or-file Track pattern-or-file. It writes the ./.gitattributes file. In order to track the file, you should first push `.gitattributes` to the remote repository, then you push the lfs-tracked file.
lfs untrack pattern-or-file Untrack pattern-or-file. When you stop tracking a file means that subsequent changes to that file will not be tracked by Git LFS, but the existing history and data for that file in the Git LFS storage will still be present. In other words, it doesn't free up space in your Git LFS storage.
lfs ls-files [pattern] Echo the lfs-tracked files [filter for pattern].


Git-annex is another Git tool that also addresses the issue of handling large files in Git repositories. Unlike Git LFS, git-annex does not rely on a central server for storage. Rather, it adopts a decentralized approach to manage large files. You can use either a git- or non-git-based repository to store you data. In the latter case, such repositories are called "special repositories". Google Drive is an example of a special repository. The storage limit is therefore determined by the available space on your special repository. This flexibility comes at the cost of complexity, when compared with git LFS. For a gentle introduction to git-annex, see here.

You have some options to config Google Drive as a git-annex remote. I am currently using git-annex-remote-rclone, which in turn uses rclone to interact storaged files on Google Drive.

Here is a basic step-by-step you can follow to use Google Drive as a git-annex remote
  1. Install git-annex, rclone, and git-annex-remote-rclone. While git-annex and rclone can be installed via your package manager, installing git-annex-remote-rclone is as simple as storing its script in your $PATH.
  2. Config rclone on your local machine.
  3. Use git-annex.
The git-annex usage can be divided into three parts: Initialization, pushing files, and pulling files.


You only need to do this step once in a repository. In the root directory of a brand new git repo, run:
  1. git annex init "a name for this git-annex repository" - Similarly to git init, you also need to initialize your current directory as a git-annex repo (git and git-annex works toghether but their settings are separated).
  2. git annex initremote my_git_annex_remote type=external externaltype=rclone target=rclone_cfg_name prefix=git_annex/repo_name chunk=50MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower - Like any other git repository, git-annex repositories have remotes. This config sets your Google Drive as a remote git-annex remote. Replace rclone_cfg_name by the cloud service label you gave in configuration step (it is the bracketed name output of the command rclone config show). Also, replace my_git_annex_remote by any label you want (it is equivalent to the git remote origin label, which is automatically set by git when you clone a repo). After this command, you will see the directory git_annex/repo_name on your Google Drive. For a detailed info on each option, see the git-annex-remote-rclone's

Push files to Google Drive

  1. git annex add largefile.txt - Stage largefile.txt not in git, but in git-annex. At this point you are adding the git annexed files, which will be converted to symlinks to git. After running this command, you will see that largefile.txt has been added to git, but it is only a symlink that is being add and will be pushed to Github.
  2. git commit -m "Add largefile.txt"; git push origin main - At this point, git is aware that largefile.txt should handled by git-annex. Thefore, on the git remote repo (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, etc), a symlink named largefile.txt is created, which is links to a file in .git/annex/objects/. This file is obtained from the special remote when we run git annex get largefile.txt (you first need to sync the uploaded file with git, though).
  3. git annex copy --to=my_git_annex_remote - Copy the annexed file(s) to the specified special remote, that is, Google Drive. This command effectively copies the git annexed files to Google Drive. After this command, you will see that the path git_annex/repo_name contains blob files.
  4. git annex sync [my_git_annex_remote] - Once copied to Googe Drive, git annex sync creates two branches on Github: synced/git-annex and synced/main (or any other branch name that is git annexed). This command generates metadata in these branches about the files that were uploaded to Google Drive, thus serving as a bridge between the Git-annexed symlinks on GitHub and the actual files stored on Google Drive.

Pull files from Google Drive

  1. Suppose you just cloned the repo. You should be able to see my_git_annex_remote when running git annex info.
  2. git annex enableremote my_git_annex_remote - The git-annex remote name that you enabled become in brackets when you run git annex info.
  3. git annex get [you_large_file.dat] --from=my_git_annex_remote - allows you to selectively retrieve the content you need without performing a full synchronization of the repository.

Removing git annexed files from Github and Google Drive.

  1. git annex unannex .: converts the git-annexed files back to regular Git files. This means that all git-annexed files that were symlinks will be replaced by their original content.
  2. Delete all git-annex-related branches on Github: TODO: understand the branch names and their functions
  3. Delete the Google Drive git-annex-related files on Google Drive. TODO: See how the files are organized in Google Drive


How are the git-anex files organized in the Google Drive repository?

annex info [git-annex-remote] Get information (name, UUID, annex keys, etc) from all git-annex remotes [Get information only from git-annex-remote].
annex find [--in=git-annex-remote] Find all annexed files [find annexed files only in git-annex-remote].
annex dead git-annex-remote-or-uuid Remove git-annex-remote-or-uuid.

Syntax and good practices in commits

GitHub CI/CD, Github Actions, and workflows with .ylm files

GitHub Projects

Git merge conflicts

Git Workflow


  1. Workspace is also called working directory or working tree
  2. Index is also called Staging area, which is the file ./.git/index
  3. Local repository is also called ".git repository" (because the local repository lives is ./.git/ folder).
  4. In this folder, we have the ./.git/objects/ that gather all the older versions of your repo

Git file cycle


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