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Shell cheat sheet

Personal Unix shell cheat sheet. It contains:

  • zsh and bash shell tricks
  • nontrivial commands


Parameter expansion

bash zsh Description
${parameter:-word} ${parameter:-word} If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted.
${parameter:=word} ${parameter:=word} If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter.
${parameter:?message} ${parameter:?message} If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of message is written to the standard error and the shell, if it is not interactive, exits.
${parameter:+word} ${parameter:+word} If parameter is unset or null, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted (it works like masking parameter if it is set).

Substring Expansion

${parameter:n} ${parameter:n} Expand to the string started at the nth term of parameter (offset is zero based).
${parameter: -n} ${parameter: -n} Expand to the string started at the end-nth term of parameter (offset is zero based) (Note that a negative offset must be separated from the colon by at least one space to avoid being confused with the :- expansion).
${parameter:n:m} ${parameter:n:m} Expand to the m-sized string started at the nth term of parameter (offset is zero based).
${parameter:n:-m} ${parameter:n:-m} Expand to the string started at the nth term and ended at the end-mth term of parameter (offset is zero based).
${parameter##*.} ${parameter##*.} Remove prefix greedily.
${parameter#*.} ${parameter#*.} Remove prefix lazily.
${parameter/#foo/bar} ${parameter/#foo/bar} Prefix substitution. It doesn't match substring. For that, you can use the * wildcard (backreference is not possible, though).
${parameter%%.*} ${parameter%%.*} Remove suffix greedily.
${parameter%.*} ${parameter%.*} Remove suffix lazily.
${parameter/%foo/bar} ${parameter/%foo/bar} Suffix substitution. It doesn't match substring. For that, you can use the * wildcard (backreference is not possible, though).
${parameter/foo/bar} ${parameter/foo/bar} First-occurrence substitution. It doesn't match substring. For that, you can use the * wildcard (backreference is not possible, though).
${parameter//foo/bar} ${parameter//foo/bar} Global substitution. It doesn't match substring. For that, you can use the * wildcard (backreference is not possible, though).
${parameter^^} ${foo:u} Upper case.
${parameter^} First-letter upper case.
${parameter,,} ${foo:l} Lower case.
${parameter,} First-letter lower case.

Brace Expansion

{foo,bar} {foo,bar} List expansion.
{1..10} {1..10} Numeric sequence expansion.
{a..z} {a..z} Character sequence expansion.

Command and process substitution

$(command) $(command) Command expansion.
`command` `command` Command expansion (deprecated).
<(command) <(command) Process substitution (expand to the the path of a temporary file whose content is the output of command).

Regular expressions

/foo/bar* /foo/bar* Expand to anything starting with bar.
/foo/bar?? /foo/bar?? Expand to anything starting with bar and with 2 any character (you can put ? as many as you want).
/foo/[abc]* /foo/[abc]* Expand to anything starting with a, b, or c.
/foo/[^abc]* /foo/[^abc]* Expand to anything not starting with a, b, or c.
/foo/[a-f]* /foo/[a-f]* Expand to anything starting with any character between a a f.
/foo/[0-7]* /foo/[0-7]* Expand to anything starting with any character between 0 a 7.
[[:xdigit:]] [[:xdigit:]] Hexadecimal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F a b c d e f.
[[:digit:]] [[:digit:]] Decimal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
[[:lower:]] [[:lower:]] Lower-case letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.
[[:upper:]] [[:upper:]] Upper-case letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
[[:alpha:]] [[:alpha:]] [[:lower:]] and [[:upper:]].
[[:alnum:]] [[:alnum:]] [[:alpha:]] and [[:digit:]].
[[:punct:]] [[:punct:]] Punctuation characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
[[:graph:]] [[:pragh:]] [[:alnum:]] and [[:punct:]].
[[:print:]] [[:print:]] [[:graph:]] and space.
[[:blank:]] [[:blank:]] Space and tab.
[[:space:]] [[:space:]] tab, newline, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, and space.


${PATH_TO_FILE:a} Simplifies the path by resolving ., .., ~...
${PATH_TO_FILE:A} Same as a, but follows symbolic links.
${PATH_TO_FILE:e} Expand to the extension name.
${PATH_TO_FILE:r} Remove the extension name.
${PATH_TO_FILE:t} Tail: basename (with the extension).
${PATH_TO_FILE:h} Head/prefix, that is, the dir path.

History expansion

!n !n Expand to nth first command.
!-n !-n Expand to nth last command.
!! !! Expand to last command.
!-n:m !-n:m Expand to the mth argument of the nth last command. You can also use !n:m< to get the nth command in the commad history (this form is rarely used, though).
!str !str Expand to last command starting with the string str.
!* !* Expand to all arguments in the previous command.
!^ !^ Expand to the first argument in the previous command.
!$ !$ Expand to the last argument in the previous command.
!:n !:n Expand to the nth argument in the previous command (0 is the command itself).
!:n-m !:n-m Expand to the argument range n-m in the previous command.
!#:* !#:* Expand to all arguments in the current command.
!#:^ !#:^ Expand to the first argument in the current command.
!#:$ !#:$ Expand to the last argument in the current command.
!#:n !#:n Expand to the nth argument in the current command (0 is the command itself).
!#:n-m !#:n-m Expand to the argument range n-m in the current command.

Extended glob expansion

(zsh exclusive. EXTENDED_GLOB must be set.)
^foo Expand to everything but foo.
^(foo|bar) Expand to everything but foo or bar (you can repeat it as many as you want).


command foo < bar baz command foo < bar baz < treats the very next value (in this case, bar) as a path to a file whose content is put within the STDIN of command. If it is already the default behavior of command, nothing changes
command <<< "some text" command <<< "some text" <<< (called here string) puts "some text" within the STDIN of command.
command > foo command > foo > redirects the STDOUT of command to the file path foo instead of printing it on the terminal (the default behavior).
command >> foo command >> foo The same as the previous command, but append to foo if it already exists instead of overwriting it.
command 2> foo command 2> foo 2> redirects the STDERR of command to the file path foo instead of printing it on the terminal (the default behavior).
command &> foo command &> foo > redirects both the STDERR and STDOUT of command to the file path foo instead of printing them on the terminal (the default behavior).
command &>> foo command &>> foo The same as the previous command, but append to foo if it already exists instead of overwriting it.
command1 foo | command2 command1 foo | command2 Put the STDOUT of command1 within the STDIN of command2.

Array manipulation

bash zsh Description
arr=("apple" "banana" "pineapple") arr=("apple" "banana" "pineapple") Initialize an array.
arr+=("orange") arr+=("orange") Append element to arr.
${arr[n]} ${arr[n]} Return the nth element of the array. Bash is 0-based and a string is not treated as an array. Zsh is 1-based and a string is treated as an array.
${arr[@]} ${arr[@]} or ${(@)arr} Expand to all element in arr into different words, that is ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]}...
${arr[*]} ${(j[c])arr} In bash, it expands to all element in arr into a single word, that is, ${arr[1]}c${arr[2]}..., where c is the first character defined in IFS. In zsh, this character is defined after the j flag. You can enclose this character with other pairs besides [] ((c), {c}, <c>, ...). Alternatively, you can use a different character to enclose c (e.g., aca, :c:, scs, ...).
(IFS="c"; joined="${arr[*]}") ${(j:str:)arr} In zsh, join elements of arr with str between them. In bash, you need to create a subshell so the IFS modification takes effect only within this subshell (you can joint the array elements with a single character only).
unset arr[n] unset "arr[n]" Remove the nth element in arr. Bash is 0-based while zsh is 1-based.


Command Description

Users and system

lsmod Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel.
usermod A command used for modifying user account properties.
-a|--append -G|--groups group user Modify a user's group membership. Adds the user to the group group.
uname Print system information (kernel, computer architecture ...).
lspci Print detailed information about all PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) buses and devices in the system, including graphics cards, network adapters, storage controllers, and more. Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) is a standard interface for connecting various hardware devices to a computer's motherboard. It is a local bus standard developed by Intel Corporation, and it provides a high-speed data path between the central processing unit (CPU) and attached devices. The PCI bus has evolved over time, and its successors include PCI-X and PCI Express (PCIe).
-nn Show vendor and device ID as both numbers and names in the form vendorID:deviceID. The Device ID helps the operating system and drivers to recognize and distinguish between different models provided by the vendor.
lscpu A "core" refers to an independent processing unit within a single physical CPU (Central Processing Unit) chip. Each core is capable of executing its own set of instructions independently of other cores. Modern CPUs often have multiple cores, allowing them to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The nproc command prints the number of processing units available to the system. This includes both physical cores and virtual cores (threads) if the CPU supports technologies like Hyper-Threading. Hyper-Threading allows each physical core to appear as two logical cores to the operating system, enabling better utilization of resources. The term "socket" refers to a physical CPU socket on the motherboard. A socket is a mechanical component that provides a physical and electrical connection between the CPU and the motherboard. It's the slot where you insert the CPU. When lscpu displays information about sockets, it is indicating the number of physical CPU sockets present on the system. Each socket can contain one or more cores.

Debian-based package management

apt-get download pkg Download pkg as a .deb.
apt-file list pkg List files within pkg.
apt-file search /path/to/file.h List packages that contain /path/to/file.h.
apt-cache Get info in the APT cache.
pkgnames Print all package names.
show pkg Show information about pkg.
rdepends [--installed] pkg Print dendency tree of pkg [limit the search to installed packages].
dpkg-deb -x /path/to/file.deb /path/to/dir/ Extract .deb file to /path/to/dir/.
dpkg package manager for Debian.
-l List installed packages.
-L pkgname List files installed to your system from package-name.
-i /path/to/file.deb Install .deb pkg.
-S /path/to/file Find for package name that contains the file /path/to/file (it does the same as apt-file search.
--audit Search for broken packages (return nothing if it wasn't found).
--print-architecture Prints the architecture of the current system (both "x86_64" and "AMD64" are widely used to refer to the same 64-bit architecture).

GNU Privacy Guard

gpg GNU Privacy Guard. The GPG has two extensions for storing cryptographic keys, also known as, keyring files. /usr/share/keyrings and ~/.gnupg are some directories where you can find such GPG keys. There are two main types:
  • .gpg: is often associated with the older GPG keyring file format. These files are used in GPG versions before 2.1.
  • .kbx: is associated with the Keybox format, which is a more modern and efficient format for storing cryptographic keys. The Keybox format is designed to address some performance and scalability issues associated with the older .gpg format.
We also have the
  • .asc: PGP public key file. It is associated with ASCII-armored files. They are plain text representations of GPG keys, signatures, or other cryptographic data. Here is an example of a ASCII-armored file:

mQGNBF+Zd4sBDADS3dS1LUaLWb2TFosMtRn0Nl4TT1Y/y/ma2nehP8uDUUW5AAgk EJdEyfCaTKSswfDkBQ27l9aKJZwA4IZMFXErhY6GHA2gHi7KFDf7oOn0NBm4reJk zYgVAcsEXmd2G1QgqFoj7iCRAU/blnJNaZfrTBvvyinDGhXmU+ocvsLsJpk0iOSB 2eZ0B8VAvxphBfZoTobk8AWDZueTfYTAAoBBxzaVaPMze+UyDrZvhmHaQJHAXxPh YhLW2pj4Rsr3cNklIOY27hdxq5q7phK5pbGGu3cH6uxgx+qey2g6/S8tQMujHtGW amR68NqJ0m+BJfEu4wpHJnojOGzIKOkRgQ6X+Gzo0kA/3YpbfWaOQjRkqD7f6H3A vWd14bsqdtipFGpKB9kMafesoUWVIUHE7SO1f4E2XOo9+TDFoNYt+sC94sK0CnSW Yk14EbrCsXrL45hInUpgxw6+aEHbLQnmNuzKE/j34/E2kORQeVI/k4vK5Mylip4I ldIDF5LlSyghZr8AEQEAAbQtUHJvdG9uIFRlY2hub2xvZ2llcyBBRyA8b3BlbnNv dXJjZUBwcm90b24ubWU+iQHUBBMBCgA+FiEEqIRBvUhk+VvuCOY6cetHQBmUDhEF Al+Zd4sCGwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQcetHQBmU DhEpUQv/fpIedzHGMo9uub8OwpcbhrqQaaBJujdx6r30NJuE5+zmsHMuJmQ5DHez pit/1fzCeKSgtIE8nkT55e2nGcwczVp4uK+tIQZ8ahxiAzivTfbIOBc72+KnjwVV Kb0C3+ohTRWOME18ljDsYus/xy1LtHDIQ8neu7/tqeWwzf+qu3NT7vAJulAbshMv PUPx2YbTEsLamoJNJsCpoSNeXEZypHGUsZ553Clu8Zo832Ig+U61+7o3eyIeMJOI MBSZ6+NZjOF9gGAA7Qmx2YxHeUuiT2Dc5sH7n++xwl7VNaWWTgILtyj8oTZD5Q3X b5Kn9jkK0fB15pdzSKOeqo9H2GXYkdU7y03x68xf978pj/s8BAhUrT+F4qaBivs0 9Hux6Bf4BEe7WBWmyUD6axFO4JwwIpPCEide8Emu+96gtBh0iSE4C1FB4pdZIBnd uHw2K7z51AoZnfgqMBk/laki71cxSeIWmVPicT+c2UQArA6PoAvUsD+8uTynb2il LbiIW+yVuQGNBF+Zd4sBDAC4HAK0uD1CrZcpICiS96vV7RoZn+nDvF3HWOs0CLee uSWiShEeRU0/BmWmbIYlz08nt4cfaYFA8EhSYysO0+HSt4cSr6s7ZVw5NKfzxmLx LvZ5BeZgDnGkdTY6htgQyRdh1g+b525dzEp/FLsjKe4fyvv1FXxKizur2J+bBqic 90OaqUcA3Zu4BY0bE+gJ6V8JbKGJai/twSHwpnveCYwMiAag//Zs4yFm5x7apwp4 3oKoyTQeFVArbsH2bz9FF0HXAbtFYL2lrds2zQ/bvVHzF+NkTSN36yNptnkmZStY rI9BrJ2jBAB7bTsVFOAO5LFqRzfdIWz1/c50sqR3z/5GatNwe09pKoymy7yxBeyo AGDPes1ihpOAueNTP3Fx4BVa6/fGezodWOijodgxXct5jte7W/0RyzRLWhiXKKHj z3wVWJeC8yJP187C46wt/UFI0oJepN42+wuqsn5/1bnMvkoEiSz+fsar65Q7IKF4 JJDKvHpXokw5+xTZhABfQF0AEQEAAYkBvAQYAQoAJhYhBKiEQb1IZPlb7gjmOnHr R0AZlA4RBQJfmXeLAhsMBQkDwmcAAAoJEHHrR0AZlA4RWrEL+gPHq78BIbKdrdYi bwrtUnMvad4zXtbJ/u8Un/CEWmJ4qAlm4TaaPVzFLT8Jc6bDrHL33xvzW8GlgdC+ FfWClOwVGyXPixT7DMDH6c+30DIB38kIfypmfYVmYvPyQiliaPgUMea1L6oO1uCl z7v1/KECazGf9Y3i0zfBpoELsHJpxmXCrL/8xeHnCu40KrSn9UR/JOhnObEmhD8H jjHEHlP3IZZy8x4bFUo+YtSCywKVolCMjrgqjD1yjrt6O4sR3kigtYKRFzSvTtAk ClTF+jpx94tvpeJYte4OkOgg+W+HwB4Q54f+T/AfnpfnINKNPivsCMOmuZJBIAlP l5Kp3AnG1L+tu9liFPAIwdI1vyhpk+39b9U7TIUf6GwGH5NVhK2YNMQrdW8vh54s UHgUgaJeCTzWGQXkWyiysRD1eS0C7US4VDk7UjlhbyzWibi5e8y/Hwxgyi0y6pYv CzX5NxKplGdceZEmIo87fn+mVGmICeeFG0hoLzGrXfCKUIDfUQ== =g4xg -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    • PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a public key block. PGP is a cryptographic method used for securing communications
    • This file is make available publicly, and you have to add it to your public keys.
  • .sig extension, which indicates GPG signed document files, in binary format.
--import public_key.asc Import public_key.asc to ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx. This file (or ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg in older versions of GPG) is a keyring file that serves as a repository for storing multiple public keys. Every new public key, which usually comes from a PGP public key file (.asc), is appended to this file.
--list-public-keys|-k|--list-keys|--fingerprint|--check-sigs List imported and generated public keyring files on the default path, which is on ~/.gnupg/. There are two main keyring files:
  • pubring.kbx: The public keyring is a file that contains the public keys of others.
  • trustdb.gpg: The trust database, often stored in the trustdb.gpg file, contains information about the level of trust you have assigned to specific public keys in your keyring. Trust levels are used to indicate how much you trust the identity verification associated with a public key. Trust levels include: Unknown (default trust level), None, Marginal, Full, Ultimate. Trust levels help GPG users make informed decisions about the authenticity of keys and the messages they receive. Trust levels are subjective and depend on the user's confidence in the key's owner.

It follows an example
        pub   rsa3072 2023-11-16 [SC] [expires: 2025-11-15]
        uid           [ unknown] Docker login 
        sub   rsa3072 2023-11-16 [E] [expires: 2025-11-15]
  • pud: Indicates that it is a public key.
  • rsa3072: The key type is RSA¹ with a key size of 3072 bits.
  • EFDBABBD3F246CF213F711EDB8699361831715DA: Fingerprint, a 40-characters and unique identifier for the key. The GPG key ID refers to the last 16 characters of the fingerprint. In this case, B8699361831715DA is the key ID.
  • Docker login : User ID (uid) and email associated to this public key.
Except by some minor details, --fingerprint (it provides a clearer print!) and --check-sigs performs the same listing task.

¹: RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a widely used public-key cryptographic algorithm.
--list-secret-keys|-K Same as --list-public-keys, but for secret/private keys.
--show-keys /path/to/keyring_file.gpg
--show-keys /path/to/pgp_public_key_file.asc
Instead of printing GPG keys from the default keyring files (i.e., ~/.gnupg/{pubring.kbx,trustdb.gpg}), print all GPG keys from /path/to/keyring-file.gpg or the public GPG key that the PGP public key file /path/to/pgp_public_key_file.asc represents.
--delete-keys gpg-key-id Remove from ~/.gnupg/pubring.kbx. By using the GPG key ID in the last example, we can run gpg --delete-keys B8699361831715DA to delete it. A yes/no prompt will pop up.
--delete-secret-keys gpg-key-id
--generate-key Initiate an interactive process to generate a new key pair. A key pair consists of:
  • Public Key: This key can be freely shared and is used for encrypting data that only the holder of the corresponding private key can decrypt.
  • Private Key: This key must be kept confidential. It is used for decrypting data encrypted with the associated public key and for signing messages.
--full-generate-key Like --generate-key, but with much more details.
--export-secret-keys -a|--armor "Real Name" > armored_private_key.asc Generate the ASCII-armored file armored_private_key.asc from a private key whose real name is Real Name. The --armor option stands for ASCII armor. It tells GPG to output the key or data in a format that is comprised of plain ASCII text, making it more human-readable and easily exchangeable. These plain text files are usually called armored files and use the armored_ filename prefix.
[-o /path/to/keyring_file.gpg] --dearmor armored_pub_key.asc Convert the ASCII-armored file into a binary GPG keyring file and save it as armored_pub_key.asc.gpg [or /path/to/keyring_file.gpg].
--export -a|--armor "Real Name"|gpg-key-id > public_key.asc Generate the GPG public key from the GPG public key ID or the "Real Name" value.
--list-packets public_key.asc Inspect the public key packets and retrieve details like the user ID and key ID.
--edit-key your_generated_gpg-id
--sign|--detach-sig filename Sign a file with your GPG private key, thus generating a signature file (usually with extension .sig or .gpg). Signature file is used for a different purpose than encryption and decryption: Its primary goal is to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the content, while encrypting/decrypting is to keep the content confidential (you don't even use signature files for encrypting/decrypting things). However, the same idea of public and private key is applied. The signature file is a cryptographic proof that the file has been signed by the holder of the private key associated with the GPG key pair. It is unique to both the content of the file and the private key. Others can then use your public key to verify the signature's authenticity. If --sign is used, gpg attaches a signature to the end of the file, creating a unique file that includes both the original data and the signature. Hence, the signed file can be shared as a single entity. On the other hand, if --detach-sig is used, gpg creates a detached signature, that is, a signature file that is separated from the original file. The signature file contains information about the digital signature but it doesn't include the actual content of the file. In either way, if the verification is successful, it provides assurance that the file has not been tampered with and was indeed signed by the private key associated with the public key used for verification.
   --default-key keyid_or_userid Use keyid_or_userid to sign. If omitted, the first private key listed will be used.
   --output custom_signature_filename If --output is not given, the actual output is filename.sig
   --local-user keyid_or_userid GPG will use the first private key for signing unless you specify the --local-user option.
--recipient uid_or_keyID --encrypt file Encrypt file with the uid_or_keyID public key.
   --output custom-filename (optional) output as custom-filename filename instead of putting to STDOUT.
--decrypt attached-sigfile By using the private key, decrypt an encrypted message or an attached signature file (like unzip) and put it to SDTOUT. If the decrypted file is signed, the signature is also verified. Since private keys requires careful consideration, a passphrase is often required whenever you use private keys. The passphrase is defined when you generate a new key pair. The passphrase adds an additional layer of security, ensuring that even if the private key is obtained, an attacker would still need the passphrase to decrypt it.
   --output custom-filename (optional) output as custom-filename filename instead of putting to STDOUT.


pass Besides encrypting/decrypting and signature authentication, another application is to manage passwords. pass is a simple password manager for Unix-like operating systems that stores encrypted passwords using GPG.
list Displays a hierarchical list of all passwords stored in your password store, showing the folder structure and password names. pass organizes passwords into a folder structure that mirrors the structure of the passwords. If you've organized your passwords into folders based on categories or purposes, this command will give you an overview of the entire structure.
rm [--recursive|-r] password/path Remove password/path [if it is a path to a directory, [--recursive|-r] removes it recursively.
init gpg_key_id [--path=sub-folder] Initialize new password storage and use GPG ID public key for encryption. [Organize it in the sub-folder directory]. This command initializes the password store for a specific GPG key, but it doesn't automatically create any password entries. To add passwords to the store, you need to use the pass insert command.
insert meaningful/path/to/stored/password Add passwords and organize with the following structure within $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR: meaningful/path/to/stored/password. The pass command uses the GPG public key specified during the initialization of the password store (that is, pass init.
show meaningful/path/to/stored/password Uses the GPG private key associated with the password identity used during the initialization to decrypt and print the stored password. In other words, it will display the password saved in the encrypted entry password, which is located at $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR/meaningful/path/to/stored/.

Libraries and linking

ldd /path/to/your/executable Print shared object dependencies of executable.
ldconfig Updates the default library search paths.
-v|-p Print the default library search paths.

Processes and services (deamons)

ps Print a snapshot of the current processes
-A|-e All.
-H Show process tree hierarchy.
-L Show LWP (Lightweight Process) and NLWP (Number of Lightweight Processes). An LWP is a thread, which is a basic unit of CPU utilization. In a traditional sense, a process consists of one or more threads, and each thread has its own LWP. Threads within the same process share resources like memory space but have their own execution contexts, allowing for parallel execution. NLWP represents the total number of LWPs (threads) in a process. It indicates how many threads are currently running within a specific process.
-f Full-format listing, such as parend PID (PPID), etc...
top Dynamic ps.
jobs Display the status of processes that are running in the background (which are called jobs) owned by current shell session.
fg %n Bring the nth job to foreground.
ctrl+Z If a process hangs the terminal, you can press ctrl+Z to send a suspend signal to this precess. In this case, the suspended process becomes a job in suspended state
ctrl+C If a process hangs the terminal, you can press ctrl+C to send a kill signal to this precess.
bg %n Change the stato of the nth job to running status.
disown %n Disown the nth background job from the current shell. It won't be list by the `jobs` command anymore However, the PPID (parent process ID) of the disowned process is still the PID of your terminal. When you kill your current terminal, the PPID of the child process chages. Note that, although the child process generally dies when you kill its parent process (it actually depends on how the parent process propagates the KILL signal), in this case, the PPID just changes (in the Unix jargon, we say that this child process was adopted by another process).
systemctl Command-line utility used to control the systemd system and service manager. systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, which is widely adopted by modern Linux distributions. Besides some subtle differences in their historical and conceptual origins, the terms "services" and "daemons" are often used interchangeably. A service refers to a background process that runs continuously and provides specific functions to the operating system or other applications. Services are typically managed by a service management system, such as systemd on many modern Linux distributions. It's important to note that while all daemons are processes, not all processes are daemons. Regular foreground processes, such as those initiated by user commands in a terminal, are distinct from background services or daemons.
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