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Last active June 26, 2024 03:35
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Typst general snippets

Typst general snippets

Some must-have Typst general snippets

#show regex("function|if|or|and|return"): it => strong(it)
#set list(marker: none, indent: .7em)
#show list: it => block(
stroke: (left: 1pt),
outset: (left: -.3em, top: .8em),
inset: (left: -.4em, top: -.5em, bottom: .3em),
place(dx: .6em + .5pt, dy: -.3em, line(length: .6em))
place(dx: .6em + .5pt, dy: .3em, line(length: .6em))
function fib$(n)$:
- if $n < 0$:
- return null
- if $n = 0$ or $n = 1$:
- return $n$
- return fib$(n-1) +$ fib$(n-2)$
#let tablemaker(data, header: none) = {
let items = data.pairs()
columns: 2,
stroke: (x, y) => if y == 0 { (bottom: black) },
..if header != none { (table.header(..header),) } else { () },, value)) => ([*#key*], [#value])).flatten()
Name: [John],
Age: 25,
Data: [Cool]
header: ([*Property*], [*Value*])
// upright+bold (usually used for vectors and matrices
#let bu(it) = [
// <a>
#let avg(it) = [
$#lr(#sym.angle.l #it #sym.angle.r)$
#let Re(it) = $op("Re") {#it}$
#let Im(it) = $op("Im") {#it}$
// expected value
#let exp(it) = $op("E ")[#it]$
// script font
#let scr(it) = [
#set text(stylistic-set: 1)
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