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Created April 26, 2020 15:33
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Consul and related terms
  • Node - a physical or virtual machine that hosts services
    • Nodes also referred to as members.
    • Examples
      • Your computer
      • An AWS EC2 instance
      • A bare metal machine in your private data center
  • Service - executing software that provides utility via an interface
    • Typically long-lived process listening on a port(s)
    • Examples
      • A web server (nginx, apache, iis)
      • A database server (mysql, mongo, mssql)
      • DNS, DHCP, consul agent
  • Client Address - The default address to bind local client services
    • (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS, DNS: 8600, Client RPC: 8400)
    • By default this is for local consumption only
  • Cluster Address - The default address to bind node to node services
    • (LAN gossip: 8301, WAN gossip: 8302, Server RPC: 8300)
    • By default this is
    • If you have multiple IPs on a node, then you need to specify the one to advertise with the -advertise flag
  • Service Registration - Telling consul about services on a node.
    • Often independent of service
    • Configure health checks
    • Many methods: service definition config file, HTTP API, consul aware apps, registrator (sniff docker containers), scheduler integrated (marathon/mesos, nomad, docker swarm).
  • Consul Agent – a daemon meant to be run on every node in your infrastructure.
    • Intended as a system service (one agent per node)
    • Characteristics
      • Provides consul services to other local services:
        • DNS: dig @localhost -p 8600 web.service.consul
        • HTTP: curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/web
        • RPC (port 8400) used for consul CLI commands: consul members
        • Avoids chicken and egg problem
      • Registers local services
      • Health checks the host node & local services
      • Partakes in LAN gossip pool
    • Two modes
      • Consul Client
        • Basically just the above agent characteristics
        • Forwards RPC to servers
        • Relatively stateless
      • Consul Server
        • Usually 3 to 5 dedicated server nodes per DC for HA
          • Each server peer set is canonical for its local DC
          • One elected leader per DC, rest of servers are followers
          • See deployment table
        • Additional responsibilities
          • store and replicate cluster state
          • participate in Raft quorum
          • partake in WAN gossip with other DCs
          • followers forward RPC to leader
          • leaders respond to RPC, coordinate transactions
          • remote DC queries are forwarded to random, remote DC server
  • Atlas join - Join nodes together by leveraging Atlas so you don't have to configure any IP or hostnames. Leverages environment names that can be created on the fly.
  • Gossip pool via Serf
    • Analogy: think of a crowd of people chatting. Imagine a fight breaks out, the people nearby will begin gossiping about it and the message will likely spread like wildfire across the crowd.
      • Gossip is an eventually consistent means of distributing information
      • Massive scalability
      • Random P2P node communication
      • Uses Serf
      • LAN Gossip (port 8301) - one pool per DC, with all nodes in the DC, hence LAN
        • Optimized for low latency
      • WAN Gossip (port 8302) - one global pool with all servers in all DCs, hence WAN
        • Optimized for high latency
      • Information disseminated:
        • Membership (discovery, joining) - joining the cluster entails only knowing the address of one other node (not required to be a server)
        • Failure detection - affords distributed health checks, no need for centralized health checking
        • Event broadcast - i.e. leader elected, custom events
      • Details:
  • Edge triggered updates
    • Only send updates when something changes
    • Combined with serf membership detection to make sure node didn't just disappear
    • Highly efficient and scalable
  • Leave versus Fail
    • Leave - like when a friend moves out of town, no longer part of the group
      • No longer need to gossip with the node to make sure it's ok
    • Fail - power outage, agent process killed/dies, network partition
      • Node doesn't tell us that it left
      • Still part of group, so something must be wrong
    • Signals and what they simulate
      • SIGKILL - Simulates Failure
        • server will remain in peers list, unhealthy state
        • no log output, process doesn't get to handle this signal
      • SIGTERM - Simulates Graceful Failure in version 0.6.4
      • SIGINT - Simulates Leave (Graceful Shutdown) in version 0.6.4
        • server removed from peers list
        • not a part of quorum anymore
        • log Graceful Shutdown with Leave
        • Override behavior with skip_leave_on_interrupt
          • Defaults to false (0.6.4)
          • in 0.7 server will be true, client will be false
          • false = leave on interrupt
          • true = not leave on interrupt
  • Datacenter (in consul parlance) - a logical grouping of nodes that reside within close proximity
    • Close proximity meaning low latency, high bandwidth
    • A datacenter becomes a logical grouping to ensure responsiveness, design accordingly.
    • A datacenter in consul doesn't have to tie to a physical datacenter.
    • Each DC can support tens of thousands of nodes.
    • Configurable per agent via -dc flag, no need for central DB!
    • Examples
      • AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean regions
      • Private datacenter
      • Corporate offices
    • Cluster state is unique per Datacenter (key value store, service catalog, node catalog, etc)
  • Custom Events
    • Coolest use case: rolling, real-time autonomous deployments (see my Pluralsight course)
    • No guarantee of delivery but still works in a server outage
    • Consul Exec uses events, but data stored in K/V store, so doesn't work in a server outage.
    • Optional, small payload
    • Serf provides peer to peer event transmission
  • Watches
    • "view" types: services, nodes, individual service, health checks, custom events, individual key, entire key/value prefix
    • Logging, debug/troubleshoot, notifications
    • Persistent watches via consul configuration
    • Keep in mind consul-template is an advanced version of consul watch with integrated templating

My favorite consul architecture reference:

Architectural image from Architectural image from


This information was collected from my own usage of consul and the following doc links:

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