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Last active May 9, 2022 02:46
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set noautofocus
let hintcharacters = "hjklgfdsayuioptrewq"
map ; :
map b :buffer<Space>
map J scrollPageDown
map K scrollPageUp
map <C-f> scrollFullPageDown
map <C-b> scrollFullPageUp
map d :execute gTx<CR>
map u lastClosedTab
map R reloadTabUncached
unmap B
imap <C-a> beginningOfLineOrSelectAll
imap <C-k> deleteToEnd
imap <C-i> editWithVim
iunmap <C-p> <C-n> <C-j>
copyURIEncoded(node) -> {{
var url = encodeURIComponent(node.href);
RUNTIME('copy', { text: url });
Status.setMessage(url, 2);
map yE createScriptHint(copyURIEncoded)
copyTitle(node) -> {{
var text = node.innerText || node.value;
RUNTIME('copy', { text: text });
Status.setMessage(text, 2);
map yT createScriptHint(copyTitle)
copyAsMarkdownLink(node) -> {{
var text = node.innerText || node.value;
var url = node.href;
var link = '[' + text + '](' + url + ')';
RUNTIME('copy', { text: link });
Status.setMessage(link, 2);
map yM createScriptHint(copyAsMarkdownLink)
copyAsHatenaLink(node) -> {{
var text = node.innerText || node.value;
var url = node.href;
var link = '[' + url + ':title=' + text + ']';
RUNTIME('copy', { text: link });
Status.setMessage(link, 2);
map yH createScriptHint(copyAsHatenaLink)
copyThisPageEncoded() -> {{
var url = encodeURIComponent(location.href);
RUNTIME('copy', { text: url });
Status.setMessage(url, 2);
map ye :call copyThisPageEncoded<CR>
copyThisPageTitle() -> {{
var text = document.title || (document.querySelector("title") || {}).innerText || '';
RUNTIME('copy', { text: text });
Status.setMessage(text, 2);
map yt :call copyThisPageTitle<CR>
copyThisPageAsMarkdownLink() -> {{
var text = document.title || (document.querySelector("title") || {}).innerText || '';
var url = location.href;
var link = '[' + text + '](' + url + ')';
RUNTIME('copy', { text: link });
Status.setMessage(link, 2);
map ym :call copyThisPageAsMarkdownLink<CR>
copyThisPageAsHatenaLink() -> {{
var text = document.title || (document.querySelector("title") || {}).innerText || '';
var url = location.href;
var link = '[' + url + ':title=' + text + ']';
RUNTIME('copy', { text: link });
Status.setMessage(link, 2);
map yh :call copyThisPageAsHatenaLink<CR>
map C :tabnew hb @%<CR>
site '*/add.confirm' {
set autofocus
let completionengines = [ "google", "", "", "oald", "oaad", "collins", "en.wikipedia", "ja.wikipedia", "rfc", "javadoc", "metacpan", "hatena-bookmark", "gsearch" ]
let searchengine googlemaps = ""
let searchengine googlecache = [ "''.replace('%s',encodeURIComponent(location.href.substr(location.protocol.length+2))))", "" ]
let searchengine wayback = [ "'*/%s'.replace('%s',location.href))", "*/%s" ]
let searchengine megalodon = [ "''.replace('%s',encodeURIComponent(location.href)))", "" ]
let searchengine hatena = [ "", "" ]
let searchengine hatenakeyword = [ "", "" ]
let searchengine gooej = ""
let searchengine gooje = ""
let searchengine goojn = ""
let searchengine synonym = ""
let searchengine gnn = [ "", "" ]
let searchengine edit = [ "javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';document.designMode='on';void(0)", "javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';document.designMode='on';'%s',void(0)" ]
let searchalias g = "google"
let searchalias gen = ""
let searchalias gmap = "googlemaps"
let searchalias cache = "googlecache"
let searchalias takemeback = "wayback"
let searchalias fishprint = "megalodon"
let searchalias ee = "oald"
let searchalias ej = "gooej"
let searchalias je = "gooje"
let searchalias jn = "goojn"
let searchalias wj = "ja.wikipedia"
let searchalias w = "en.wikipedia"
let searchalias cpan = "metacpan"
let searchalias h = "hatena"
let searchalias hb = "hatena-bookmark"
let searchalias hk = "hatenakeyword"
let searchalias gs = "gsearch"
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