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haskell-book chapter16 exersizes
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Funct where
import Data.Data
-- import Data.Typeable
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Function
functorIdentity :: (Functor f, Eq (f a)) => f a -> Bool
functorIdentity f = fmap id f == f
functorCompose' :: (Eq (f c), Functor f) => f a -> Fun a b -> Fun b c -> Bool
functorCompose' x (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) =
(fmap (g . f) x) == (fmap g . fmap f $ x)
-- 1
data Quant a b
= Finance
| Desk a
| Bloor b
deriving (Show)
instance Functor (Quant a) where
fmap _ Finance = Finance
fmap _ (Desk a) = Desk a
fmap f (Bloor b) = Bloor (f b)
-- 2
newtype K a b =
K a
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (K a) where
fmap _ (K x) = K x
-- 3
newtype Flip f a b =
Flip (f b a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Flip K a) where
fmap f (Flip (K x)) = Flip (K (f x))
genFlipK :: (Arbitrary b) => Gen (Flip K a b)
genFlipK = do
b <- arbitrary
return (Flip (K b))
instance (Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Flip K a b) where
arbitrary = genFlipK
functorIdentityFlipK :: Flip K Int String -> Bool
functorIdentityFlipK = functorIdentity :: Flip K Int String -> Bool
functorComposeFlipK ::
Flip K Int String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeFlipK =
functorCompose' :: Flip K Int String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckFlipK :: IO ()
quickCheckFlipK = do
quickCheck functorIdentityFlipK
quickCheck functorComposeFlipK
-- 4
newtype EvilGoateeConst a b =
GoatyConst b
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Functor (EvilGoateeConst a) where
fmap f (GoatyConst x) = GoatyConst (f x)
genEvilGoateeConst :: (Arbitrary b) => Gen (EvilGoateeConst a b)
genEvilGoateeConst = do
b <- arbitrary
return (GoatyConst b)
instance (Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (EvilGoateeConst a b) where
arbitrary = genEvilGoateeConst
functorIdentityGoatyConst :: EvilGoateeConst Int String -> Bool
functorIdentityGoatyConst =
functorIdentity :: EvilGoateeConst Int String -> Bool
functorComposeGoatyConst ::
EvilGoateeConst Int String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeGoatyConst =
functorCompose' :: EvilGoateeConst Int String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckGoatyConst :: IO ()
quickCheckGoatyConst = do
quickCheck functorIdentityGoatyConst
quickCheck functorComposeGoatyConst
-- 5
newtype LiftItOut f a =
LiftItOut (f a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
genLiftItOut :: (Arbitrary (f a)) => Gen (LiftItOut f a)
genLiftItOut = do
fa <- arbitrary
return (LiftItOut fa)
instance (Arbitrary (f a)) => Arbitrary (LiftItOut f a) where
arbitrary = genLiftItOut
instance Functor f => Functor (LiftItOut f) where
fmap g (LiftItOut fa) = LiftItOut (fmap g fa)
functorComposeLiftItOut ::
LiftItOut [] String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeLiftItOut =
functorCompose' :: LiftItOut [] String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorIdentityLiftItOut :: LiftItOut [] String -> Bool
functorIdentityLiftItOut = functorIdentity :: LiftItOut [] String -> Bool
quickCheckLiftItOut :: IO ()
quickCheckLiftItOut = do
quickCheck functorIdentityLiftItOut
quickCheck functorComposeLiftItOut
-- 6.
data Parappa f g a =
DaWrappa (f a)
(g a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Parappa f g) where
fmap h (DaWrappa fa ga) = DaWrappa (fmap h fa) (fmap h ga)
genParappa :: (Arbitrary (f a), Arbitrary (g a)) => Gen (Parappa f g a)
genParappa = do
fa <- arbitrary
ga <- arbitrary
return (DaWrappa fa ga)
instance (Arbitrary (f a), Arbitrary (g a)) => Arbitrary (Parappa f g a) where
arbitrary = genParappa
functorIdentityParappa :: Parappa [] Maybe String -> Bool
functorIdentityParappa = functorIdentity :: Parappa [] Maybe String -> Bool
functorComposeParappa ::
Parappa [] Maybe String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeParappa =
functorCompose' :: Parappa [] Maybe String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckParappa :: IO ()
quickCheckParappa = do
quickCheck functorIdentityParappa
quickCheck functorComposeParappa
-- 7.
data IgnoreOne f g a b =
IgnoringSomething (f a)
(g b)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (IgnoreOne f g a) where
fmap h (IgnoringSomething fa gb) = IgnoringSomething fa (fmap h gb)
genIgnoreOne :: (Arbitrary (f a), Arbitrary (g b)) => Gen (IgnoreOne f g a b)
genIgnoreOne = do
fa <- arbitrary
gb <- arbitrary
return (IgnoringSomething fa gb)
instance (Arbitrary (f a), Arbitrary (g b)) =>
Arbitrary (IgnoreOne f g a b) where
arbitrary = genIgnoreOne
functorIdentityIgnoreOne :: IgnoreOne [] Maybe Int Int -> Bool
functorIdentityIgnoreOne = functorIdentity :: IgnoreOne [] Maybe Int Int -> Bool
functorComposeIgnoreOne ::
IgnoreOne [] Maybe Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeIgnoreOne =
functorCompose' :: IgnoreOne [] Maybe Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckIgnoreOne :: IO ()
quickCheckIgnoreOne = do
quickCheck functorIdentityIgnoreOne
quickCheck functorComposeIgnoreOne
-- 8.
data Notorious g o a t =
Notorious (g o)
(g a)
(g t)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Functor g) => Functor (Notorious g o a) where
fmap h (Notorious ga go gt) = Notorious ga go (fmap h gt)
genNotorious ::
(Arbitrary (g o), Arbitrary (g a), Arbitrary (g t))
=> Gen (Notorious g o a t)
genNotorious = do
go <- arbitrary
ga <- arbitrary
gt <- arbitrary
return (Notorious go ga gt)
instance (Arbitrary (g o), Arbitrary (g a), Arbitrary (g t)) =>
Arbitrary (Notorious g o a t) where
arbitrary = genNotorious
functorIdentityNotorious :: Notorious [] Int Bool String -> Bool
functorIdentityNotorious =
functorIdentity :: Notorious [] Int Bool String -> Bool
functorComposeNotorious ::
Notorious [] Int Bool String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeNotorious =
functorCompose' :: Notorious [] Int Bool String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckNotorious :: IO ()
quickCheckNotorious = do
quickCheck functorIdentityNotorious
quickCheck functorComposeNotorious
-- 9.
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a
(List a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Functor List where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons a b) = Cons (f a) (fmap f b)
genSizedList :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (List a)
genSizedList m = do
n <- choose (0, m)
a <- arbitrary
case n of
0 -> return Nil
1 -> return (Cons a Nil)
_ -> do
t <- genSizedList (n - 1)
return (Cons a t)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a) where
arbitrary = sized genSizedList
functorIdentityList :: List String -> Bool
functorIdentityList = functorIdentity :: List String -> Bool
functorComposeList :: List String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
functorComposeList =
functorCompose' :: List String -> Fun String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Bool
quickCheckList :: IO ()
quickCheckList = do
quickCheck functorIdentityList
quickCheck functorComposeList
-- 10.
data GoatLord a
= NoGoat
| OneGoat a
| MoreGoats (GoatLord a)
(GoatLord a)
(GoatLord a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor GoatLord where
fmap _ NoGoat = NoGoat
fmap f (OneGoat a) = OneGoat (f a)
fmap f (MoreGoats a b c) = MoreGoats (fmap f a) (fmap f b) (fmap f c)
genGoatLordSized :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (GoatLord a)
genGoatLordSized m = do
n <- choose (0, m)
a <- arbitrary
case n of
0 -> return NoGoat
1 -> frequency [(1, return NoGoat), (2, return (OneGoat a))]
2 -> frequency [(1, return NoGoat), (2, return (OneGoat a))]
_ -> do
ga <- genGoatLordSized (n - 1)
gb <- genGoatLordSized (n - 1)
gc <- genGoatLordSized (n - 1)
[ (1, return NoGoat)
, (2, return (OneGoat a))
, (5, return (MoreGoats ga gb gc))
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (GoatLord a) where
arbitrary = sized genGoatLordSized
functorIdentityGoatLord :: GoatLord Int -> Bool
functorIdentityGoatLord = functorIdentity :: GoatLord Int -> Bool
functorComposeGoatLord :: GoatLord Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Bool
functorComposeGoatLord =
functorCompose' :: GoatLord Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Bool
quickCheckGoatLord :: IO ()
quickCheckGoatLord = do
quickCheck functorIdentityGoatLord
quickCheck functorComposeGoatLord
-- 11
data TalkToMe a b
= Halt
| Print a
| Read { runF :: a -> b }
instance (Show a, Show b, Typeable a, Typeable b) => Show (TalkToMe a b) where
show Halt = "Halt"
show (Print x y) = "Print " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y
show (Read f) = "Read " ++ show (typeOf f)
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (TalkToMe a b) where
Halt == Halt = True
Halt == _ = False
_ == Halt = False
(Print x y) == (Print x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
(Print _ _) == _ = False
_ == (Print _ _) = False
(Read _) == (Read _) = undefined
--(Read f) == (Read g) = show (typeOf f) == show (typeOf g)
instance Functor (TalkToMe a) where
fmap _ Halt = Halt
fmap f (Print x y) = Print x (f y)
fmap f (Read fs) = Read (f . fs)
genTalkToMe ::
(Function a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary a) => Gen (TalkToMe a b)
genTalkToMe = do
func <- arbitrary
x <- arbitrary
str <- arbitrary
[(1, return Halt), (2, return (Print str x)), (2, return (Read func))]
instance (Function a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary a) =>
Arbitrary (TalkToMe a b) where
arbitrary = genTalkToMe
functorIdentityTalkToMe :: String -> TalkToMe String Int -> Bool
functorIdentityTalkToMe x (Read fsi) =
runF (fmap id (Read fsi)) x == runF (Read fsi) x
functorIdentityTalkToMe _ x = (fmap id x) == x
functorComposeTalkToMe ::
String -> TalkToMe String Int -> Fun Int Double -> Fun Double Char -> Bool
functorComposeTalkToMe s x@(Read _) (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) =
runF (fmap (g . f) x) s == runF (fmap g . fmap f $ x) s
functorComposeTalkToMe _ x (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) =
fmap (g . f) x == (fmap g . fmap f $ x)
quickCheckTalkToMe :: IO ()
quickCheckTalkToMe = do
quickCheck functorIdentityTalkToMe
quickCheck functorComposeTalkToMe
main :: IO ()
main = do
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