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Created March 7, 2018 13:08
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ch24 - Log parser - exercise 5
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Exlog where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (unless, void)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (dropWhile, dropWhileEnd)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Time
import Text.Groom
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.Trifecta
logStr :: String
logStr =
-- wheee a comment
# 2025-02-05
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Sanitizing moisture collector
11:00 Exercising in high-grav gym
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Programming
17:00 Commuting home in rover
17:30 R&R
19:00 Dinner
21:00 Shower
21:15 Read
22:00 Sleep
# 2025-02-07 -- dates not nececessarily sequential
08:00 Breakfast -- should I try skippin bfast?
09:00 Bumped head, passed out
13:36 Wake up, headache
13:37 Go to medbay
13:40 Patch self up
13:45 Commute home for rest
14:15 Read
21:00 Dinner
21:15 Read
22:00 Sleep
logDayRecord :: String
logDayRecord =
# 2025-02-07 -- dates not nececessarily sequential
08:00 Breakfast -- should I try skippin bfast?
09:00 Bumped head, passed out
13:36 Wake up, headache
13:37 Go to medbay
13:40 Patch self up
13:45 Commute home for rest
14:15 Read
21:00 Dinner
21:15 Read
22:00 Sleep
-- types
-- show
data LogRecord = LogRecord
{ time :: TimeOfDay
, event :: String
instance Show LogRecord where
show lrec = " time: " ++ show (time lrec) ++ " event: " ++ event lrec
data LogDay = LogDay
{ date :: Day
, eventList :: [LogRecord]
showDayHeader :: Day -> String
showDayHeader d = "\n date :" ++ show d
showRecords :: [LogRecord] -> [String]
showRecords = map show
instance Show LogDay where
show (LogDay d rs) = unlines $ showDayHeader d : showRecords rs
newtype Log =
Log [LogDay]
showLog :: Log -> [String]
showLog (Log []) = []
showLog (Log (dayLog:logs)) = show dayLog : showLog (Log logs)
instance Show Log where
show l = unlines $ showLog l
-- trim
ltrim :: String -> String
ltrim = dropWhile isSpace
rtrim :: String -> String
rtrim = dropWhileEnd isSpace
trim :: String -> String
trim = rtrim . ltrim
-- skip ws and line comments
skipEOL :: Parser ()
skipEOL = skipMany (char '\n')
skipComments :: Parser ()
skipComments =
(do _ <- string "--"
_ <- skipMany (noneOf "\n")
skipWhitespace :: Parser ()
skipWhitespace = skipMany (char ' ' <|> char '\n')
-- cleans whitespaces and comments
skipWhitespaceAndComments :: Parser ()
skipWhitespaceAndComments = do
s <- try (string "--" <* many (noneOf "\n") <* string "\n") <|> return []
unless (s /= "--") skipWhitespaceAndComments
-- parsing
parseDay :: Parser Day
parseDay = do
_ <- char '#'
yyyy <- count 4 digit
_ <- char '-'
mm <- count 2 digit
_ <- char '-'
dd <- count 2 digit
return (fromGregorian (read yyyy) (read mm) (read dd))
parseLogRecord :: Parser LogRecord
parseLogRecord = do
hh <- count 2 digit
char ':'
mn <- count 2 digit
s <-
(noneOf "\n")
(try (string "--" >> many (noneOf "\n") >> string "\n") <|>
(char '\n' >> return []))
let timeofday = TimeOfDay (read hh) (read mn) 0
return (LogRecord timeofday (trim s))
parseLogDay :: Parser LogDay
parseLogDay = do
d <- parseDay
recs <- some parseLogRecord
return (LogDay d recs)
parseLog :: Parser Log
parseLog = do
l <- many parseLogDay
return (Log l)
-- calculations
logDayToList :: LogDay -> [(String, TimeOfDay)]
logDayToList (LogDay _ ls) = map (\l -> (event l, time l)) ls
toTimeDiffList :: [(String, TimeOfDay)] -> [(String, DiffTime)]
toTimeDiffList [] = []
toTimeDiffList [s] = [(fst s, 0)]
toTimeDiffList (s:s2:xs) = (fst s, t2 - t) : toTimeDiffList (s2 : xs)
t2 = timeOfDayToTime (snd s2)
t = timeOfDayToTime (snd s)
logDayToDiffList :: LogDay -> [(String, DiffTime)]
logDayToDiffList logDay = toTimeDiffList (logDayToList logDay)
data Stat = Stat
{ arg :: DiffTime
, events :: Integer
} deriving (Show)
logDayToMap :: LogDay -> M.Map String Stat -> M.Map String Stat
logDayToMap ld = lDayToMap (logDayToDiffList ld)
lDayToMap :: [(String, DiffTime)] -> M.Map String Stat -> M.Map String Stat
lDayToMap [] m = m
lDayToMap (l:xs) m =
M.insertWith insWith (fst l) (Stat (snd l) 1) (lDayToMap xs m)
insWith :: Stat -> Stat -> Stat
insWith (Stat dt _) (Stat dt2 i2) = Stat avg numb
n2 = fromInteger i2
avg = (dt + (dt2 * n2)) / (n2 + 1)
numb = round (n2 + 1)
logCalc :: Log -> M.Map String Stat
logCalc (Log []) = M.empty
logCalc (Log l) = go l M.empty
go xs m = foldr logDayToMap m xs
-- test function
pst :: Parser a -> String -> Result a
pst p = parseString p mempty
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ pst parseLog logStr
putStrLn $ groom $logCalc <$> pst parseLog logStr
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