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Last active August 12, 2023 12:10
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export const name = "webrtc_shell_cmd";
export const description = "This executes shell commands over webrtc connection. It's not able to execute interactive commands like vim, prefer to use tee, etc instead";
* 3. A JSON Schema defining the function's parameters. See:
* -
* -
export const parameters = {
type: "object",
properties: {
cmd: {
type: "string",
description: "Valid shell command",
required: ["cmd"],
class RTC {
_onMessage_cb = null;
_onConnected_cb = null;
constructor() {
this.pc = null;
this.dc = null;
onMessage(msg) {
if (this._onMessage_cb) {
this._onMessage_cb = null;
get connected() {
return this.pc && this.pc.connectionState == "connected";
async connectAndcreateOffer() {
const config = {
iceServers: [
urls: "",
this.pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config);
this.dc = this.pc.createDataChannel("chat", {
negotiated: true,
id: 0,
const dc = this.dc;
const pc = this.pc;
let self = this;
// pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = (ev) => handleChange(pc);
// pc.onconnectionstatechange = (ev) => handleChange(pc)
dc.onmessage = (ev) => self.onMessage(;
dc.onopen = (ev) => {
if (self._onConnected_cb) {
self._onConnected_cb = null;
dc.onerror = (ev) => console.log(`dc.onerror() ${ev}`);
await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createOffer());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pc.onicecandidate = ({ candidate }) => {
// console.log(`[createOffer()] onicecandidate() signalingState: ${this.pc.signalingState} candidate: ${candidate}`);
if (candidate)
const offer = JSON.stringify(pc.localDescription);
async handleInput(input) {
console.log(`[handleInput()] input: ${input}`);
if (!this.pc) {
return await this.connectAndcreateOffer();
else if (this.pc.connectionState != "connected") {
console.log(`[pc.connectionState == "${this.pc.connectionState}"]`);
// this is js code for handling case where offer first arrives from elsewhere
// if (this.pc.signalingState == "stable") {
// let offer = JSON.parse(input);
// console.log(`[pc.connectionState == "new"] prior to setRemoteDescription() signalingState: ${this.pc.signalingState}`);
// await this.pc.setRemoteDescription(offer);
// console.log(`[pc.connectionState == "new"] prior to setLocalDescription() signalingState: ${this.pc.signalingState}`);
// await this.pc.setLocalDescription(await this.pc.createAnswer());
// console.log(`setLocalDescription`);
// const ret = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// this.pc.onicecandidate = ({ candidate }) => {
// console.log(`[pc.connectionState == "new"] onicecandidate() signalingState: ${this.pc.signalingState} candidate: ${candidate}`);
// if (candidate) return;
// const answer = JSON.stringify(this.pc.localDescription);
// resolve(answer);
// };
// });
// return await ret;
// }
// here expecting input to be JSON offer reply from other node
// receive counter offer, and try to connect
// if (this.pc.signalingState == "have-local-offer")
const answer = JSON.parse(input);
let self = this;
const ret = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._onConnected_cb = () => {
this.pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer));
return await ret;
// if we got here we are connected
// send message
// wait for response
const retP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._onMessage_cb = resolve;
let ret = await retP;
console.log(`[handleInput()] ret: ${ret}`);
return ret;
export default async function (value) {
const cmd = value.cmd;
// cache the connection
let rtc = window.rtc;
if (!rtc) {
window.rtc = rtc = new RTC();
const offer = await rtc.handleInput("");
let reply = prompt("Copy this offer to other node, and paste reply", offer);
console.log("reply", reply);
const replyReply = await rtc.handleInput(reply);
console.log(`rtc.connected: ${rtc.connected}`);
if (!rtc.connected) {
return replyReply;
return await rtc.handleInput(cmd);
const replyStr = await rtc.handleInput(cmd);
let output = undefined;
try {
const reply = JSON.parse(replyStr);
if (reply.error) {
return replyStr;
output = reply.output.trim();
catch (e) {
return '```\n' + (output ? output : replyStr) + '\n```';
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