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Last active October 15, 2020 23:30
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Personal ggplot theme
theme_foundation <- function(base_size=12, base_family="") {
thm <- theme_grey(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family)
for (i in names(thm)) {
if ("colour" %in% names(thm[[i]])) {
thm[[i]]["colour"] <- list(NULL)
if ("fill" %in% names(thm[[i]])) {
thm[[i]]["fill"] <- list(NULL)
thm + theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
line = element_line(colour = "black"),
rect = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
text = element_text(colour = "black"))
colors <- tibble::tribble(
~name, ~value,
"Dark", "#2A2E45",
"Light", "#F3F6F7",
"Medium", "#D1D2DB",
"Blue", "#3F88C5",
"Yellow", "#EAC435",
"Red", "#DF2935"
theme_tk <- function(base_size = 12, base_family = "Roboto Condensed") {
colors <- deframe(colors)
(theme_foundation(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family)
+ theme(
line = element_line(colour = "Dark"),
rect = element_rect(fill = colors["Light"],
linetype = 0, colour = NA),
text = element_text(colour = colors["Dark"],
family = "Roboto Condensed"),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(family="Roboto Mono", size = rel(0.7)),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
# axis.line = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_rect(),
legend.direction = "horizontal", = "vertical",
panel.grid = element_line(colour = NULL),
panel.grid.major =
element_line(colour = colors["Medium"]),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"),
strip.background = element_rect(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = rel(1.5),
plot.caption = element_text(family="Roboto Condensed"),
legend.title = element_text(family="Roboto Condensed"),
legend.text = element_text(family="Roboto Mono", size = rel(0.7)),
tk_pal <- function() {
colors <- deframe(colors)
values <- unname(colors[c("Blue", "Yellow", "Red")])
max_n <- length(values)
f <- manual_pal(values)
attr(f, "max_n") <- max_n
scale_colour_tk <- function(...) {
discrete_scale("colour", "tk", tk_pal(), ...)
scale_color_tk <- scale_colour_tk
scale_fill_tk <- function(...) {
discrete_scale("fill", "tk", tk_pal(), ...)
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