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Last active February 28, 2020 20:09
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go context example
// ref:
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package main
import (
//Slow function
func sleepRandom(fromFunction string, ch chan int) {
//defer cleanup
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("sleepRandom:%v complete\n", fromFunction)
//Perform a slow task
//For illustration purpose,
//Sleep here for random ms
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
randomNumber := r.Intn(100)
sleeptime := randomNumber + 100
fmt.Printf("sleepRandom:%v start %vms\n", fromFunction, sleeptime)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleeptime) * time.Millisecond)
fmt.Printf("sleepRandom:%v end %vms\n", fromFunction, sleeptime)
//write on the channel if it was passed in
if ch != nil {
ch <- sleeptime
//Function that does slow processing with a context
//Note that context is the first argument
func sleepRandomContext(ctx context.Context, ch chan bool) {
//Cleanup tasks
//There are no contexts being created here
//Hence, no canceling needed
defer func() {
ch <- true
//Make a channel
sleeptimeChan := make(chan int)
//Start slow processing in a goroutine
//Send a channel for communication
go sleepRandom("sleepRandomContext", sleeptimeChan)
//Use a select statement to exit out if context expires
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
//If context is cancelled, this case is selected
//This can happen if the timeout doWorkContext expires or
//doWorkContext calls cancelFunction or main calls cancelFunction
//Free up resources that may no longer be needed because of aborting the work
//Signal all the goroutines that should stop work (use channels)
//Usually, you would send something on channel,
//wait for goroutines to exit and then return
//Or, use wait groups instead of channels for synchronization
case sleeptime := <-sleeptimeChan:
//This case is selected when processing finishes before the context is cancelled
fmt.Printf("sleepRandomContext:sleeptime:=%vms\n", sleeptime)
//A helper function, this can, in the real world do various things.
//In this example, it is just calling one function.
//Here, this could have just lived in main
func doWorkContext(ctx context.Context) {
//Derive a timeout context from context with cancel
//Timeout in 150 ms
//All the contexts derived from this will returns in 150 ms
ctxWithTimeout, cancelFunction := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Duration(150)*time.Millisecond)
//Cancel to release resources once the function is complete
defer func() {
//Make channel and call context function
//Can use wait groups as well for this particular case
//As we do not use the return value sent on channel
ch := make(chan bool)
go sleepRandomContext(ctxWithTimeout, ch)
//Use a select statement to exit out if context expires
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
//This case is selected when the passed in context notifies to stop work
//In this example, it will be notified when main calls cancelFunction
case <-ch:
//This case is selected when processing finishes before the context is cancelled
func main() {
//Make a background context
ctx := context.Background()
//Derive a context with cancel
ctxWithCancel, cancelFunction := context.WithCancel(ctx)
//defer canceling so that all the resources are freed up
//For this and the derived contexts
defer func() {
//Cancel context after a random time
//This cancels the request after a random timeout
//If this happens, all the contexts derived from this should return
go func() {
sleepRandom("Main", nil)
fmt.Println("Main Sleep complete. canceling context")
//Do work
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