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Created June 10, 2024 12:12
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* Eldeebs AutoMailer
* Installation: This script should be triggered daily.
* Example:
* History: v0.1 19.9.2016: Initial Release
* v0.2 20.9.2016: Bug fix + Added buttons + help
* v0.3 25.9.2016: Bug fix
* v0.4 27.9.2016: Added CC and Index columns + Report
var TWELVE_HOURS = 12*60*60*1000; // millis
function eldeebsAutoMailer() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var emailsToSend = sheet.getRange("B3:B").getValues();
var lastRow = emailsToSend.filter(String).length + 3;
var report = "";
// Fetch Columns B:G for non-empty rows (According to B)
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(3, 3, lastRow-3, 6);
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
//for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = d; //data[i];
var now = new Date();
var frequency = row[0]; // column B
var subject = row[1]; // column C
var message = row[2]; // column D
var emailAddress = row[3]; // column E
var ccAddress = row[4]; // column F
var emailSent = row[5]; // column G
//Logger.log("[%s:%s] %s - %s - %s - %s - %s",now,now.getDay(),frequency,subject,message,emailAddress,emailSent);
Logger.log("[%s] %s - %s - %s - %s",now,frequency,now.getDay(),ScriptApp.WeekDay.SUNDAY,ScriptApp.WeekDay.MONDAY);
if (emailSent == "" || (now.valueOf() - emailSent.valueOf() > TWELVE_HOURS) ) { // Prevents sending duplicates
if ( (frequency == "Saturday") && (now.getDay() == 6)
|| (frequency == "Sunday" ) && (now.getDay() == 0)
|| (frequency == "Monday" ) && (now.getDay() == 1)
|| (frequency == "Thursday") && (now.getDay() == 4)
|| (frequency == "Friday" ) && (now.getDay() == 5)
|| (frequency == "Monthly" ) && (now.getDate() == 1)
|| (frequency == "Daily" ) ){
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, {cc:ccAddress});
sheet.getRange(3 + i, 8).setValue(now);
// Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted
report += "Sent email \#"+(i+1)+" with title \""+subject+"\"\\n";
//Show report
if(report.length == 0)report="No emails sent this time!";
Browser.msgBox('AutoMailer Report',report, Browser.Buttons.OK);
function help() {
Browser.msgBox('AutoMailer Help',
'This sheet automates sending multiple emails to different people periodically. \\n\\nJust select the frequency, fill in the title, '+
'multi-lined body and a comma-separated email list of receipients. A script is triggered on a daily basis. On success, a timestamp '+
'is added for each row/email. The script compares the last timestamp and rejects to resend the same email within 12 hours.'+
'\\n\\nFeel free to add new rows/emails but be aware that google limits your daily emails quota.'+
'\\n\\nIf you added extra features to this sheet/script please send a copy to:', Browser.Buttons.OK);
function onEdit(e){
var timestamp = "Last edited on: "+new Date().toDateString()+" by ";
var n = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail().match(/^([^@]*)@/)[1].split(".");
for(i = 0 ; i < n.length ; i++){
n[i] = n[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n[i].substr(1);
timestamp = timestamp + n.join(' ');
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