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Tareq Islam tareq3

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1. Add Components and sources using cocoapods to your podfile.

//Weavr Component and KYC
pod 'WeavrComponents' ,'1.1.0'
pod 'IdensicMobileSDK' , '1.19.5'
source ''

A project using typescript generate release build app

  1. Release key need to be added 
and do some regular steps as per react -native guidelines

  2. Instead of creating aab we will create apk

  3. Create assets directory inside Android like below


4.Bundle assets using the following command

## How we can publish a xcframework to cocoapod with a single command
### Step 1: We have to make sure we can publish the framework to cocoapod manually
### Step 2: Then start a terminal from remote repo directory which holds the framework and podspec file
### Step 3 : Run `fastlane init` command to initialize fastlane in this directory and press "4" when to select manual deploy
This should generate fastlane directory and Gem files and Gemfile.lock

Deploy xcframwork to cocoapod

Step 1: make sure cocoapod is installed

Step 2: prepare your xcframework

Step 3: create a remote public github repo and clone that to your any folder location.


Step 4 : Copy xcFramework to the github_repo

Step 5: Add framweworkName.podspec in that github_repo

Create a xcframework

First create a new project selecting type framework

Step 1:

turn on Build libraries for distribution

All about podfile for iOS

What is use_frameworks!

How to add any dependency in podfile

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.6'


Using Alamofire make a quick post call without dto

target payload

   private func loginUser(email:String, pass : String){
        let headers = ["Accept": "application/json",
                       "Content-Type": "application/json"
main() {
List<Test> first = [Test(1,"temp"), Test(2,"temp")];
first.where((e)=>{ 5;

How to create Docker custom Container

1.Create a Dockerfile in your project

one exmpaple:

FROM node:12.16.1

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

Create a folder with a meaningful name as this will be your container name

create a file named as docker-composer.yaml

paste following file

version: '3'  //version is important and defined by docker not custom