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Created September 25, 2020 21:20
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JS for the 'Custom Style Script' browser extension to render the exit time
// Homepage:
window.addEventListener("load", () => {add_listner()});
function add_listner() {
if (window.jQuery) {
$('body').on('DOMSubtreeModified', '#mainPanelDipendente', function() {
if ($('#container-sp-cl-total').length) {
$('body').off('DOMSubtreeModified'); // stopping observe the event to avoid infinite loop!
function render_exit_time() {
var today_row = get_today_row();
if (today_row != null)
render_exit_minutes(today_row, get_exit_time_minutes(get_stampings_of_the_day(today_row)));
function get_today_row() {
var today = new Date();
var row = null;
$('#container-sp-cl-total table tr').each(function(day) {
var day = parseInt($('td span:first', this).text().substr(0,2));
if (day == today.getDate()) {
row = this;
return false; // stopping each loop
return row;
function get_stampings_of_the_day(day_row) {
return $('td:eq(3)', day_row).find('span');
function render_exit_minutes(target_row, exit_minutes) {
if (exit_minutes == null)
var exit_time_str = minutes_to_time_str(exit_minutes);
var css = 'font-weight: bold;';
var now = new Date();
var now_minutes = now.getHours() * 60 + now.getMinutes();
if (exit_minutes > now_minutes) {
css += 'color: red;';
exit_time_str += ' (-' + minutes_to_time_str(exit_minutes - now_minutes) + ')';
} else {
css += 'color: green;';
exit_time_str += '<br>E esci la timbrata!!!';
$('td:eq(5)', target_row).html('<span style="' + css + '">Uscita ore: ' + exit_time_str + '</span>');
function minutes_to_time_str(minutes) {
var hours = parseInt(minutes/60);
var minutes = minutes - (60 * hours);
return hours + ':' + ((minutes < 10) ? '0' + minutes : minutes);
function get_exit_time_minutes(stampings) {
var num_stampings = stampings.length;
if (num_stampings < 1 || num_stampings > 3) {
return null;
var morning_entry_minutes = get_stamping_minutes(stampings, 0);
var morning_exit_minutes = get_stamping_minutes(stampings, 1);
var afternoon_entry_minutes = get_stamping_minutes(stampings, 2);;
var working_minutes = 8 * 60;
var pause_minutes = 30;
if (afternoon_entry_minutes != 0) {
var pause_elapsed_minutes = afternoon_entry_minutes - morning_exit_minutes;
if (pause_elapsed_minutes > pause_minutes)
pause_minutes = pause_elapsed_minutes;
return morning_entry_minutes + working_minutes + pause_minutes;
function get_stamping_minutes(stampings, index) {
var stamping = $(stampings).eq(index);
if (stamping.length == 0) {
return 0;
var [hours, minutes] = stamping.text().substr(0,5).split(':');
return parseInt(hours) * 60 + parseInt(minutes);
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