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Examples of Messaging Pattern in Philippe Mougin's F-Script. These are excerpts from FScriptGuide, could be reached at
"With F-Script, the operations that apply to single objects can be applied with equal ease to
the processing of entire arrays."
"What is fun is that the same sort of element-by-element parallel processing can be obtained with any
kind of message!"
> {1,2,3,4} * {1,2,3,4}
{1, 4, 9, 16}
> {1,2,3,4} max:{-10,20,0,2}
{1, 20, 3, 4}
> {1,2,3,4, 'bar'} > {-10,20,0,2,'foo'}
{true, false, true, true, false}
> {1,2,3,4,5,6} = {-1,2,-3,4,-5,6}
{false, true, false, true, false, true}
> {1,2,3,4} between:{0,1,-5,3} and:{2,2,-2,10}
{true, true, false, true}
> {1.2, 1.8, 3.2, 4} floor
{1, 1, 3, 4}
> {'oliver', 'henry', 'bertram'} uppercaseString
> {1,2,3,4} * 2
{2, 4, 6, 8}
> {1,2,3,4} between:3 and:10
{false, false, true, true}
> {{1,2,3,4}, {'oliver', 'henry'}, {10,100}} count
> {{1,2,3,4}, {'oliver', 'henry'}, {10,100}} @ count
{4, 2, 2}
"The ' @' notation means that a loop is performed on the array."
> { { {1,2,3,4}, {'oliver', 'henry'}, {10,100} } , { {1945,1968}, {20002} } } @@ count
{{4, 2, 2}, {2, 1}}
"You can string as many @ as you want. The leftmost @ is said to be at level 1, the next @ is said to be
at level 2 and so on."
"What about arguments? Is there an equivalent special notation to force loops on arguments? Yes –in
the case of arguments, you have to put a @ before the argument."
> {'General ', 'Mr. ', 'Miss ' } @ ++ @ {'Grant', 'Smith', 'Robinson'}
{'General Grant', 'Mr. Smith', 'Miss Robinson'}
> 2 max: @ {0,1,10,20}
{2, 2, 10, 20}
"Note that when there is @ in a message-sending expression, any other loop for the same level on objects
of the expressions must be explicitly stated. For example:"
> {1,2,3} + {10,20,30} " implicit loop on the receiver and the argument (because Array does not respond to +)"
{11, 22, 33}
> {1,2,3} @ + {10,20,30} " explicit loop on the receiver -> no more implicit loop on the argument. "
error: argument of method "+" must be a Number or a FSBoolean
> {1,2,3} @ + @ {10,20,30} " explicit loop on the receiver and the argument"
{11, 22, 33}
> {1,2,3} @1 * @2 {10,100,1000,10000}
{{10,100,1000,10000}, {20,200,2000,20000}, {3,300,3000,30000}}
"The outer-most loop specifications can be abbreviated by omitting the 1 after @. The above command
and the following are thus equivalent:"
> {1,2,3} @ * @2 {10,100,1000,10000}
{{10,100,1000,10000}, {20,200,2000,20000}, {3,300,3000,30000}}
"The @1:@2 pattern has a standard name; it is called the outer-product."
> {'a1', 'a2', 'a3' } ++ {'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4' }
> {'a1','a2','a3'} @ ++ @ {'b1','b2','b3','b4'}
> {'a1','a2','a3'} @1 ++ @2 {'b1','b2','b3','b4'}
> {'a1','a2','a3'} @2 ++ @1 {'b1','b2','b3','b4'}
> {{'a11','a12','a13'},{'a21','a22','a23'}} ++ {{'b11','b12'},{'b21','b22'}}
{{'a11','a12','a13'}, {'a21','a22','a23'}, {'b11','b12'}, {'b21','b22'}}
> {{'a11','a12','a13'},{'a21','a22','a23'}} @ ++ {{'b11','b12'},{'b21','b22'}}
{{'a11', 'a12', 'a13', {'b11', 'b12'}, {'b21', 'b22'}},
{'a21', 'a22', 'a23', {'b11', 'b12'}, {'b21', 'b22'}}}
> {{'a11','a12','a13'},{'a21','a22','a23'}} @@ ++ @@ {{'b11','b12'},{'b21','b22'}}
{{'a11b11', 'a12b12'}, {'a21b21', 'a22b22'}}
> {{'a11','a12','a13'},{'a21','a22','a23'}} @1@ ++ @2@ {{'b11','b12'},{'b21','b22'}}
{{{'a11b11', 'a12b12'}, {'a11b21', 'a12b22'}},
{{'a21b11', 'a22b12'}, {'a21b21', 'a22b22'}}}
> {{'a11','a12','a13'},{'a21','a22','a23'}} @1@2 ++ @2@1 {{'b11','b12'},{'b21','b22'}}
"Let's analyze the last example:
The pattern here is @1@2:@2@1.
This pattern has the form ij:kl where i is @1,j is @2,k is @2 and l is @1."
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