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Created May 22, 2020 06:28
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Filter to highlight some authors in the bibliography
local List = require 'pandoc.List'
local utils = require 'pandoc.utils'
local stringify = utils.stringify
function highlighter(given_name_pattern, family_name_pattern)
local highlight_author = function (author)
local given = author.given and stringify(author.given)
local family = and stringify(
if given and given:match(given_name_pattern) and
family and family:match(family_name_pattern) then
author.given = {pandoc.Strong(setmetatable(author.given, nil))} = {pandoc.Strong(setmetatable(, nil))}
return author
return function(reference)
if and then =
return reference
function Pandoc (doc)
local meta = doc.meta
local fh = io.popen(
"pandoc-citeproc --bib2yaml "
.. stringify(meta.bibliography)
if io.type(fh) ~= 'file' then return end
local bibyaml = fh:read('*a')
local references =
meta.bibliography = nil
meta.references = references:map(
return utils.run_json_filter(
pandoc.Pandoc(doc.blocks, meta),
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gnpan commented Jun 17, 2021

It may be worth using pandoc -t json first and check the resulting file to see how the initials and periods are shown in the AST.
Can't help with the error, maybe Albert has some ideas.

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tarleb commented Jun 17, 2021

Sounds like the find patterns are inconsistent: the one in the if condition probably returns a truthy value, but the latter one doesn't match.

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kjayhan commented Sep 13, 2022

Any updates on this? Including [highlight-author.lua] in the _output.yml throws the following error:

Error running filter lua/highlight-author.lua:
PandocLuaError "Cannot get Attr from TypeNil"
stack traceback:
lua/highlight-author.lua:32: in function 'Pandoc'
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 83
Execution halted

While "local highlight_author_filter = {
Para = function(el) ..." approach does not do the highlighting trick for me.

Thanks in advance.

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gnpan commented Sep 13, 2022

The highlight-author.lua filter only works with old versions of pandoc that use pandoc-citeproc. The other filter should work, but you have to be careful about how your name and initials are output by the csl you are using. Try converting to a .json file first to see how your csl treats initials, commas, periods, etc and make sure that you copy the strings correctly into the filter. I did a quick search in Scopus for Ayhan and created a short bibliography to test (as .json file, can also be .bib) - not sure if this is you, but you can adjust accordingly. I include below a text with two references (save as test.txt), the lua filter modified with your name (save as test.lua), the bibliography (save as biblio.json) and a csl file that I use to create a cv with my name underlined (so it puts all the details in the citation, not in a bibliography at the end - save as CiteOnly.csl). The command:

pandoc --citeproc --bibliography=biblio.json --csl=CiteOnly.csl -L test.lua -o test.pdf test.txt

should give you the correct result with name underlined - or use -o test.html if you don't want pdf. Then try with your csl file, if it doesn't work, convert to .json (pandoc -t json etc.), check how your initials are formated and adjust the lua filter.





function Inline (el)
  if el.t == "Cite" then
    for k,_ in ipairs(el.content) do

      if el.content[k].t == "Str" and el.content[k].text == "Ayhan,"
      and el.content[k+1].t == "Space"
      and el.content[k+2].t == "Str" and el.content[k+2].text:find("^K.J.") then

          local _,e = el.content[k+2].text:find("^K.J.")
          local rest = el.content[k+2].text:sub(e+1) 
          el.content[k] = pandoc.Underline { pandoc.Str("Ayhan, K.J.") }
          el.content[k+1] = pandoc.Str(rest)
          table.remove(el.content, k+2) 
  return el


		"id": "Ayhan2022872",
		"type": "article-journal",
		"container-title": "Journal of Asian and African Studies",
		"DOI": "10.1177/00219096211035800",
		"issue": "4",
		"note": "tex.document_type: Article\ntex.source: Scopus",
		"page": "872-893",
		"title": "Exploring global korea scholarship as a public diplomacy tool",
		"URL": "",
		"volume": "57",
		"author": [
				"family": "Ayhan",
				"given": "K.J."
				"family": "Gouda",
				"given": "M."
				"family": "Lee",
				"given": "H."
		"issued": {
			"date-parts": [
		"id": "Varpahovskis202252",
		"type": "article-journal",
		"container-title": "Place Branding and Public Diplomacy",
		"DOI": "10.1057/s41254-020-00177-0",
		"issue": "2",
		"note": "tex.document_type: Article\ntex.source: Scopus",
		"page": "52-64",
		"title": "Impact of country image on relationship maintenance: a case study of Korean Government Scholarship Program alumni",
		"URL": "",
		"volume": "18",
		"author": [
				"family": "Varpahovskis",
				"given": "E."
				"family": "Ayhan",
				"given": "K.J."
		"issued": {
			"date-parts": [


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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kjayhan commented Sep 22, 2022

Thank you very much for very detailed instructions. I should have probably mentioned that I am a markdown novice. And this is first time touching a lua file. I tried adding test.lua to my folder and to _output.yml here, but it didn't produce any result either (probably I should change something more).

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