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Created November 15, 2012 17:53
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$con = mysql_connect("", "devel", "n3tdn@");
if (!$con) die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("clients_test", $con);
// MUST Consider 100TB packages
// Default settings for all packages are placed into package_features
// - max_zones, bandwidth, storage, initial credits (SSL, Flex, Secure, Full Site, etc)
// Available additions for all packages are placed into package_addons
// - additional credits (SSL, Flex, Secure, Full Site, etc),
// should add a description column to package_features - at least for internal knowledge (different types of ssl could be confusing)
// would love to go through packages table and remove any unused packages - also convert customers with rarer packages to something more standard
// update bandwidth amounts to be in base 1024 not 1000
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.packages SET bandwidth=549755813888 WHERE id=262;");
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.packages SET bandwidth=1099511627776 WHERE id=263;");
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.packages SET bandwidth=5497558138880 WHERE id=264;");
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.packages SET bandwidth=10995116277760 WHERE id=265;");
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.packages SET bandwidth=27487790694400 WHERE id=266;");
// udpate billing_cycles table
mysql_query("UPDATE clients_test.billing_cycles SET name='Annually' WHERE id=5;");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.billing_cycles VALUES ('', 'Biannually');");
//retrieve current package information
$packages = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clients_test.packages");
//loop through packages
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($packages))
// handle NetDNA separately
if($row['brand_id'] == 1) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'max_zones', -1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'bandwidth', 0),
('', {$row['id']}, 'seo_enabled', 1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_enabled', 1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'geo_enabled', 1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_credits', -1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'rules_enabled', 1);
} else {
// insert bandwidth and max_zones features
if(in_array($row['id'], array(262, 263, 264, 265, 266))) {
// set MaxCDN recurring values to settings in packages table
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'max_zones', {$row['max_pull_zones']}),
('', {$row['id']}, 'bandwidth', {$row['bandwidth']}),
('', {$row['id']}, 'storage', -1);"
} else if($row['brand_id'] == HDDN || $row['brand_id'] == CloudCache) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'max_zones', -1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'bandwidth', 0),
('', {$row['id']}, 'storage', {$row['storage']});"
} else {
// set remaining packages to unlimited
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'max_zones', -1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'bandwidth', 0),
('', {$row['id']}, 'storage', -1);"
// insert seo_enabled & ssl_enabled features
if(in_array($row['id'], array(263, 264, 265, 266))) {
// enable ssl addon & seo for MaxCDN recurring (except 500GB)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'seo_enabled', 1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_enabled', 1);"
} else if(in_array($row['id']), array()) { // add package ids for HDDN enterprise & permium packages
// insert ssl_enabled (& seo_enabled?) where applicable
} else {
// disable ssl addon & seo for remaining packages
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'seo_enabled', 0),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_enabled', 0);"
// insert geo_enabled & ssl_credits features
if(in_array($row['id'], array(264, 265, 266))) {
// enable flex
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'geo_enabled', 1),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_credits', 1);"
} else if(in_array($row['id']), array()) { // add package ids for HDDN enterprise & permium packages
// insert ssl_credits where applicable
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'geo_enabled', 0),
('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl_credits', 0);"
if(in_array($row['id'], array(265, 266))) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'rules_enabled', 1);");
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'rules_enabled', 0);");
// insert feature records for API Access Level
// mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_addons VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl', 'EdgeSSL', '39.00', 0, 3, 1), ('', {$row['id']}, 'flex', 'Asia Network', '39.00', 0, 3, 1), ('', {$row['id']}, 'ssl', 'EdgeSSL', '39.00', 0, 3, 1);");
///// NOTES: /////
// need to move pricing / billing information from packages table to package_pricing table
// need to consider secure tokens accross brands and zone types
// need to consider that PAYG MAXCDN will remain indefinitely (only for existing customers)
// storage will be handled outside of packages for the time being
// mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients_test.package_features VALUES ('', {$row['id']}, 'storage', {$row['storage']});");
///// Queries to run once CP2 is dropped /////
// ALTER TABLE clients_test.companies DROP COLUMN max_pull_zones, DROP COLUMN max_push_zones, DROP COLUMN max_vod_zones, DROP COLUMN max_live_zones, DROP COLUMN max_secure_zones, DROP COLUMN bandwidth, DROP COLUMN storage, DROP COLUMN price, DROP COLUMN setup, DROP COLUMN price_monthly, DROP COLUMN price_quarterly, DROP COLUMN price_annually, DROP COLUMN price_biannually;
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