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Created January 6, 2017 10:44
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<Query Kind="Program">
//using System;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//public static class Extension
// public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> e, Action<T, int> action)
// {
// var i = 0;
// foreach (var element in e) action(element, i++);
// }
public class FifteenPuzzle
public static void Main()
var inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse)
.Concat(Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse))
.Concat(Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse))
.Concat(Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse))
foreach (var max in Enumerable.Range(1, 45))
if (!Board.Move(new Board(inputs), 1, max))
public class Board
public Node[] Nodes { get; set; }
public HashSet<long> Hash { get; private set; }
public Board(IEnumerable<int> inputs)
Nodes = inputs.Select((x, i) => new Node((i + 1) % 16, x))
Hash = new HashSet<long>();
public Board() { }
// public Board[] Move(int count, int max)
// {
// var empty = Nodes.First(x => x.Current == 0);
// var children = empty.AdjacentNumbers
// .Select(_ => Board.Clone(this))
// .ToArray();
// empty.AdjacentNumbers
// .ForEach((adj, i) =>
// {
// var board = children[i];
// var left = board.Nodes.First(x => x.Current == 0);
// var right = board.Nodes.First(x => x.CorrectNumber == adj);
// board.SwapCurrent(left, right);
// if (!hash.Add(board.GetHash()))
// children[i] = null;
// else if (board.Nodes.Where(x => x.Current != 0).Sum(x => GetManhattanDistance(x.Current, x.CorrectNumber)) > max - count)
// children[i] = null;
// });
// return children.Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
// }
public static bool Move(Board board, int count, int max)
if (board.Nodes.All(x => x.IsCorrect()))
return true;
var empty = board.Nodes.First(x => x.Current == 0);
var children = empty.AdjacentNumbers
.Select(_ => Board.Clone(board))
.ForEach((adj, i) =>
var child = children[i];
var left = child.Nodes.First(x => x.Current == 0);
var right = child.Nodes.First(x => x.CorrectNumber == adj);
child.SwapCurrent(left, right);
if (!child.Hash.Add(child.GetHash()))
children[i] = null;
var distance = child.Nodes.Where(x => x.Current != 0).Sum(x => GetManhattanDistance(x.Current, x.CorrectNumber));
if (distance > max - count)
children[i] = null;
children = children.Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
// if (children.Any(x => x.Nodes.All(node => node.IsCorrect()))) return true;
return children.Any(x => Board.Move(x, count + 1, max));
public void SwapCurrent(Node left, Node right)
var temp = left.Current;
left.Current = right.Current;
right.Current = temp;
private static Board Clone(Board board)
return new Board
Nodes = board.Nodes.Select(Node.Clone)
Hash = new HashSet<long>(board.Hash)
public override string ToString()
return Nodes.Select(x => x.Current)
.Select(x => x.ToString())
.Aggregate((acc, x) => acc + " " + x);
public long GetHash()
var code = Nodes.Select(x => x.Current).Aggregate((accum, x) => accum * 10 + x);
return code;
private static int GetManhattanDistance(int current, int correct)
var cu = current - 1;
var co = correct == 0 ? 15 : correct - 1;
var d = Math.Abs(cu / 4 - co / 4) + Math.Abs(cu % 4 - co % 4);
return d;
public class Node
private static readonly Dictionary<int, int[]> adjacentNumbersDic =
new Dictionary<int, int[]>
{ 1, new [] { 2, 4 } },
{ 2, new [] { 1, 3, 6 } },
{ 3, new [] { 2, 4, 7 } },
{ 4, new [] { 3, 8 } },
{ 5, new [] { 1, 5, 9 } },
{ 6, new [] { 2, 5, 7, 10 } },
{ 7, new [] { 3, 6, 8, 11 } },
{ 8, new [] { 4, 7, 12 } },
{ 9, new [] { 5, 10, 13 } },
{ 10, new [] { 6, 9, 11, 14 } },
{ 11, new [] { 7, 10, 12, 15 } },
{ 12, new [] { 8, 11, 0 } },
{ 13, new [] { 9, 14 } },
{ 14, new [] { 10, 13, 15 } },
{ 15, new [] { 11, 14, 0 } },
{ 0, new [] { 12, 15 } },
public int CorrectNumber { get; private set; }
public int Current { get; set; }
public int[] AdjacentNumbers { get; set; }
public Node(int correct, int current)
CorrectNumber = correct;
Current = current;
AdjacentNumbers = adjacentNumbersDic[correct];
public static Node Clone(Node node)
return new Node(node.CorrectNumber, node.Current);
public bool IsCorrect() { return CorrectNumber == Current; }
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