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Last active December 25, 2019 03:46
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map = Import[""];
matrix = MorphologicalComponents[map];
vars = Flatten[Map[{p[#], q[#]} &, Rest[Union[Flatten[matrix]]]]];
f[r_] := Map[If[Length[Union[#]] > 2, Sort[Select[#, Positive]], Nothing] &,
Partition[r, 4, 1]];
neighbours = Union[Flatten[Map[f, Join[matrix, Transpose[matrix]]], 1]];
eqns = Apply[And,
Xor[p[#[[1]]], p[#[[2]]]],
Xor[q[#[[1]]], q[#[[2]]]]], "CNF"] &, neighbours]];
sol = FindInstance[eqns, vars, Booleans];
colors = {
{True, True} -> RGBColor["#ea5415"],
{True, False} -> RGBColor["#1d7a21"],
{False, True} -> RGBColor["#005192"],
{False, False} -> RGBColor["#ffdf00"]};
cTable = Table[i -> {p[i], q[i]} /. sol[[1]] /. colors, {i, 2, Length[vars]/2}];
Frame -> False,
ColorRules -> Append[cTable, 0 -> Black]]
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