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Created December 1, 2016 02:22
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Getting Started

This will help you get started on running your first Gobblin pipeline to extract file metadata from HDFS and store it in Ground with Kafka being the intermediary.


The following need to be set up and running before you start the pipelines :

  • Ground
  • HDFS
  • Confluent Kafka, Zookeeper, Schema Registry

Building Ingest

The data ingestion takes place through two Gobblin pipelines, the first to extract data from HDFS and store it in a Kafka topic, and the second to read the data from the topic and write it to Ground. Both these pipelines are run from within ground-ingest.Inside the top level directory, execute the following command :

mvn clean install -DskipTests

This will build all the components inside ground, including ground-ingest. Once the build succeeds, a zip file of the ground-ingest snapshot will be created inside the target in ground-ingest.Unzip the file locally.

cd ground-ingest/target

A new folder called ground-ingest-0.1-SNAPSHOT will be created inside target. All Gobblin pipelines will now be run from within this folder.

Creating Pull Files

A pull file is a gobblin configuration file which containes properties that specify various locations of the files required to run the pipeline. There is a separate pull file required for each of the two gobblin pipelines you want to run.

In ground-ingest, the pull file is located in two locations. The main copy is located in the following location: ground-ingest/src/main/resources/jobConf/. Any changes to the pull file need to be made here. A copy of this pull file is also located insite the snapshot created earlier: ground-ingest/target/ground-ingest-0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/jobConf. This is the pull file that you will be using when you run the pipeline. To be safe, any changes you want to make to the pull file should be made to both these locations.

The following are the two pull files needed to run the Gobblin pipelines for the HDFS data ingestion.

HDFS-Kafka Pull File from hdfs
job.description=A getting started example for hdfs


source.filebased.fs.uri=hdfs://localhost:8020 of HDFS directory)



The property job.schedule should be used if the pipeline is required to be scheduled to run at certain times. The value of this property must be a CRONTrigger. When executed, this gobblin pipeline will create a new topic in Kafka called 'SampleTopic' and store the file metadata there. The property source.filebased.fs.uri needs to be set to the HDFS uri. The property needs to be set to point to the HDFS directory where the files are stored. Make sure that the writer.kafka.producerConfig.schema.registry.url is correctly set.

Kafka-Ground Pull File from kafka
job.description=A getting started example for kafka




The second pipeline will read the 'SampleTopic' and write to Ground. The property writer.ground.serverAddress should be set to the correct ground server address.

Setting Environment Variables

To run Gobblin in standalone mode we need a Gobblin configuration file (such as uses And for each job we wish to run, we also need a job configuration file (or pull file). The Gobblin configuration file should contain certain properties which specify the locations of configuration files, working directories etc. By default these properties point to certain environment variable Make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set correctly. Next, set the environment variable GOBBLIN_JOB_CONFIG_DIR to point to the folder inside the snapshot containing the pull file ,i.e to ground-ingest/target/ground-ingest-0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/jobConf. Next create a folder as Gobblin's working directory. Gobblin will write job output as well as other information there, such as locks and state-store. Set environment variable GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR to point to that folder.

Running the Pipelines

Once all the services are up and running (HDFS, Kafka, Ground, Zookeeper, Schema Registry), and all the environment variables correctly set, you are now ready to run the pipelines.

  • HDFS - Kafka

Make sure you have the correct pull file stored in both locations mentioned before. Next, run the script from within the snapshot directory created earlier.

cd ground-ingest-0.1-SNAPSHOT

The logs will be displayed in the terminal window. To check if the data has been successfully written to the Kafka topic, you can check the kafka-logs.

cd /tmp/kafka-logs/SampleTopic

Check the log file. You should see some data corresponding to the files written in the Avro format.

  • Kafka - Ground

Again, make sure to replace the pull file in both locations with the one corresponding to this pipeline. Run the script the same way as before. To check whether data has been correctly written to Ground, you can check the ground database inside postgres manually to see the nodes and node versions being created.

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