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Last active December 23, 2015 09:29
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Save tarqd/6614666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A pseudo-specification for a Math Abstract Syntax Tree

AST Goals

  • Should be an accurate representation of the users input
  • Should be easy to convert to a human friendly representation (text, latex, images, etc)

AST Nodes

Node Type Description Examples / Purposed Syntax
MathExpression Equivelent of "Program" in Spidermonkey JS AST, container for all other Nodes
AssignmentExpression Expression assigning a value to a variable x := 1; y := 3; y += 5; x -= 3
FunctionDeclaration Declares a callable function f(x) := x+3
FunctionBranchDeclaration Define a conditional branch in a function f(x) := x+2 if x > 0
ComparisonExpression Defines an expression that compares two values and returns a boolean x > 0; 15 > x < 20; 5 = 1; x = 5; 2x + 5 = 20
BinaryExpression Defines a binary expression with a left value, right value, and an operator * / + - mod % OR XOR AND pow := /^
UnaryExpression* Defines a unary expression with an argument (left or right) and an operator !5,
GroupExpression Defines a group that contains a math expression to be evaluated. 5 + (5 + 1); 2 | -5 + 1|; 5[3 + (x+ 1)]
MatrixExpression Defines a matrix literal ((a, b, c), (e, f, g))
VectorExpression Defines a vector literal (19, 4)
NumberExpression Defines a numeric literal (number, big number, complex number) 5; 2 + 5i
IntervalExpression Defines an interval using interval notation [1, 3]; (-inf, inf), [0, inf) uu [-1,-5]; {x |; x in R if x = x^2}
IntervalRangeExpression Defines an interval range [1, 3], (-inf, inf), [0, inf)
RosterExpression Defines a roster set {1, 2, 3}
Identifier Reference to a variable or constant, may be a string pi; x; 'Total Sales' := 5
CallExpression Describes a function call and it's arguments sin(sqrt(9)); sin x
LimitExpression Defines a limit limit(x -> c, f(x), L)
MonomialExpression Defines a monomial group with a variable and coefficient (defaulting to 1) 5x; x
PolynomialExpression Defines a polynomial group and it's terms (monomials) 5x + 3y - z
AliasExpression Defines a human-friendly alias for a variable (aliases can be thought of as pointers) 'Total Sales' as x; 'Total Sales' as x := 5
UnitExpression** Unary expression that defines the unit of measure for a value x = $5.00; y = 5lbs;

* It may be favorable to remove unary expressions and operators and have things like the NOT/! be parsed as functions in the actual AST. Downside would be there'd be no way to define precedence for these operations and they'd always be executed as function calls

** May be removed, it may be favorable to just have them defined as unary expressions but since it's such a specific use-case there may be good reasons for defining them as a seperate expression. You could argue you could put this logic into the parsing for NumberExpression's but having them as an operator that assigns the units make it easier for evaluators to handle conversions like x := (5in + 6in)ft where x is assigned the value of the result of 5in + 6in after applying the ft operator which handles conversion from other units

Parser Implementation Notes

  • Must have a context object that has mappings for all
    • Variables
    • Constants
    • Functions
    • Binary Operators
    • Unary Operators (and whether they take a left or right argument)
    • Aliases
  • Should units be defined as an unary operator that takes a
  • Should expose and allow maniupulation of the context
  • May allow sharing it's context with an evaluator
  • Should only share it's context with one evaluator at a time
  • May create automatic alias identifiers for long identifiers ("Total Sales in March" := 5 could define an alias of TSiM)
  • Automatic aliases should only be created if the shorthand identifier is not already defined

Evaluator Implentation Notes

  • Should expose and allow manipulation of the execution context
  • Should expose the parser bound to it's context
  • Must understand all AST nodes defined by the Math AST spec
  • Must throw an exception when an undefined operator is used
  • Must throw an exception when an undefined function is called
  • Must not add any "magic" to the interpration of the AST (for example defining automatic aliases for long identifiers)
  • Must support aliases for identifiers (useful internally for creating short-hand names for functions/constants as well)
  • Should support long idenitifers such as "Total Sales" := 5 but leave defining aliases up to the parser
  • Aliases must be treated like any other identifier and behave as a getter/setter for the target identifier
  • Should not allow redefinition of an alias (they should only ever point to one other idenitifer)
  • Must follow basic order of operations (PEMDAS)
  • Should allow operators to define their preferred precedence
  • Should allow definitions of unary and binary operators
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