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tarranjones / phpstorm-eap-update
Created March 6, 2018 09:08 — forked from AubreyHewes/phpstorm-eap-update
Update/Install the latest PhpStorm EAP automatically (add to external tools)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Updates/Install the latest PhpStorm EAP
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Retrieves the current version from the EAP wiki
# * If the new version is not the current version (based on symlink to PhpStorm) then updates
# * Creates a symlink from versioned folder to PhpStorm
//class ParentClass
// public function getClassName()
// {
// return get_called_class() === (new \ReflectionMethod(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__))->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
// }
// public function getClassNameDoesntExist()
function is_valid_regex($vat,$country){
// current regex function
return true;
function validate_vat($vat,$country){
if(is_valid_regex($vat,$country)) {
tarranjones /
Created March 2, 2017 09:24
ssh keygen stuff functions
# host="${1#*@}"
# user="${1%@*}"
function ssh_keygen(){
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -C "$USER@$HOSTNAME to $1" -f ~/.ssh/"$1_id_rsa"
pub_key $1
function pub_key(){
tarranjones /
Created February 16, 2017 17:08
How to Move a Git Repo
mkdir -p ~/prestine/ #stores prestine git repos, no dev happens here (mostly just used for phpstorm framework intergartion)
rm -fr ~/prestine/$2
git clone https://$1.git ~/prestine_repos/$2
cd ~/prestine_repos/$2
git remote set-url origin https://$2.git
git push origin master
cd -
tarranjones /
Created February 16, 2017 17:08
How to Move a Git Repo
mkdir -p ~/prestine/ #stores prestine git repos, no dev happens here (mostly just used for phpstorm framework intergartion)
rm -fr ~/prestine/$2
git clone https://$1.git ~/prestine_repos/$2
cd ~/prestine_repos/$2
git remote set-url origin https://$2.git
git push origin master
cd -
tarranjones /
Last active October 3, 2019 13:48 — forked from jexchan/
Multiple SSH keys for different github accounts

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different git account

Create different public keys

Create different ssh keys for each git account

tarranjones / .extract.function
Last active February 1, 2017 23:03
# Extract archives - use: extract <file>
# Based on
function extract() {
if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
local filename=$(basename "$1")
local foldername="${filename%%.*}"
local fullpath=`perl -e 'use Cwd "abs_path";print abs_path(shift)' "$1"`
local didfolderexist=false
if [ -d "$foldername" ]; then
tarranjones /
Created January 6, 2017 21:43
How to require a Gist using Composer
composer config repositories.$1 '{"type":"package","package": {"name": "'$1'","version": "master","source": {"url": "'$1'.git","type": "git","reference":"master"},"autoload": {"classmap": ["."]}}}'
add_gist_repository $1
composer require $1:dev-master
tarranjones /
Created January 6, 2017 12:57
Archives a a git repository in $HOME/{hostname}/{username}/{repository} and optionally creates a symlink to the git directory
mkdir -p ~/$1
if ! git -C ~/$1 pull; then
git clone https://$1.git ~/$1
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
mkdir -p $2
rm -rf $2