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Last active April 3, 2018 16:00
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source code for number rush
float limit;
int scoreadd;
int found;
boolean done;
float startTime;
float totalTime;
String totalTimeS;
List<Integer> tab;
void setup() {
float winwid = window.innerWidth / 2;
float winhei = window.innerHeight * 0.8;
float winsiz = min(winwid, winhei);
size(winsiz * 0.9, winsiz);
limit = 20.0;
scoreadd = 1;
found = 1;
done = false;
startTime = elapsedTime();
totalTime = 0.0;
float elapsedTime() {
return millis() / 1000;
void create(int schmiz) {
tab = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// fill table with numbers
for (z=1; z<=schmiz; z++) {
// shuffle the board
for (z=1; z<=schmiz; z++) {
int n = round(random(0, schmiz+1-z));
findTime = elapsedTime() + limit;
void draw() {
float diff = findTime - elapsedTime();
float amnt = min(1, diff / limit);
color backcol = color(255 - 255*amnt, 180*amnt, 255*amnt, 255);
color oBCol = color(255*amnt, 255 - 180*amnt, 255 - 255*amnt, 255);
float fS = width / 30;
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
if (done) {
text("Total time: " + totalTimeS, width / 2, height / 2 + fS);
text("Tap to play again", width / 2, height / 2 - fS);
} else {
totalTime = elapsedTime() - startTime;
int count = 0;
int minS = min(width, height);
int rsize = minS / sqrt(tab.size());
float lw = width / 2 - minS / 2;
float lh = height / 2 - minS / 2;
for (x = 0; x <= sqrt(tab.size()) - 1; x++) {
for (y = 0; y <= sqrt(tab.size()) - 1; y++) {
color fC = color(0);
if (tab.get(count) < found) {
fC = oBCol;
float nx = lw + x * rsize;
float ny = lh + y * rsize;
rect(nx, ny, rsize, rsize);
text(tab.get(count), nx + rsize / 2, ny + rsize / 2);
count = count + 1;
text("Time left: " + round(diff), width / 2, fS);
long csecond = round((totalTime) % 60);
long cminute = round((totalTime / 60) % 60);
long chour = round((totalTime / (60 * 60)) % 24);
totalTimeS = nf(cminute, 2) + ":" + nf(csecond, 2);
if (chour > 0) {
totalTimeS = nf(chour, 2) + ":" + totalTimeS;
text("Total time: " + totalTimeS, width / 2, height - fS);
if (diff <= 0) {
found = round(max(found - 1, 1));
textSize(width / 2);
fill(0, 0, 0, 127);
text(found, width / 2, height / 2);
void mousePressed() {
if (done) {
return null;
int minS = min(width, height);
int xOT = floor((mouseX - ((width - minS) / 2)) / (minS / sqrt(tab.size()))) + 1;
int yOT = floor((mouseY - ((height - minS) / 2)) / (minS / sqrt(tab.size()))) + 1;
if (xOT >= 1 & xOT <= sqrt(tab.size()) & yOT >= 1 & yOT <= sqrt(tab.size())) {
if (tab.get((yOT-1) + (xOT-1)*sqrt(tab.size())) == found) {
found = found + 1;
findTime = min(findTime + scoreadd, elapsedTime() + limit);
} else if (found > 1) {
found = found - 1;
if (found > tab.size()) {
totalTime = elapsedTime() - startTime;
done = true;
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