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Created February 26, 2013 00:44
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solution the RopeInternet google codejam problem
(* solving the rope internet problem *)
exception Error
val min = Int.min
val inFile= TextIO.stdIn
val outFile= TextIO.stdOut
fun new_node (n1,n2) l =
(* how many nodes did this tuple introduce to the problem *)
case l of
[] => 0
| (x1, x2)::xs => (if ( x1 > n1 andalso x2 < n2) orelse (x1 < n1 andalso x2 > n2) then 1 else 0) + (new_node (n1,n2) xs)
fun solveCase l=
case l of
[] => 0
| (w1,w2)::ws => solveCase ws + (new_node (w1,w2) l)
val solve = solveCase (* cases *)
fun sti s=
(* string ==> SML Int *)
val ss (fn x => if x = #"-" then #"~" else x) s
case Int.fromString ss of
NONE => raise Error
| SOME i => i
fun getLine inFile=
case (TextIO.inputLine inFile) of
NONE => ""
| SOME line => line
val getWords = String.tokens (fn x => (x = #" ") orelse (x = #"\n") orelse (x= #"\t"))
fun list_to_tuple l=
case l of
[x1,x2] => (x1,x2)
| _ => raise Error
val getOneint = sti o getLine
fun parseIn inFile=
(* get the cases from the input *)
val T = getOneint inFile
fun getCase inFile n=
(* take how many windows in the case
and return a list of tuples *)
if n = 0
then []
else list_to_tuple ( sti (getWords (getLine inFile)))::(getCase inFile (n -1))
fun getCases inFile n=
if n = 0
then []
else (getCase inFile (getOneint inFile))::(getCases inFile (n - 1 ))
getCases inFile T
fun parseOut f solutions outFile=
(* parse a solutions to the output, using f to parse every solution in the list *)
fun getStringFrom i0 solutions =
case solutions of
[] => ""
| r::[] => "Case #" ^ (Int.toString i0) ^ ": " ^ (f r) ^ "\n"
| r::rs => "Case #" ^ (Int.toString i0) ^ ": " ^ (f r) ^ "\n" ^ (getStringFrom (i0 + 1) rs)
val _ = TextIO.output (outFile, getStringFrom 1 solutions)
val _ = parseOut Int.toString (solve (parseIn inFile)) outFile
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