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Created November 9, 2014 16:18
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Holt-Winters Forecasting Method in Scala
* Holt-Winters Forecasting Method.
* Written by Artem Tartakynov.
* This particular implementation uses immutable collections and possibly
* creates a lot of work for garbage collector. Please feel free to use or modify it in
* whatever way best works for you.
* References:
* Jia Li and Andrew W. Moore. Forecasting Web Page Views: Methods and Observations. 2008.
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.optimize.{LBFGS, ApproximateGradientFunction}
import scala.math._
object HoltWinters {
implicit def ArrayExtension(arr: Array[Double]) = new {
def mean(): Double = arr.sum / arr.length
private def rootMeanSquareError(series: Array[Double], seasonalPeriod: Int) = new ApproximateGradientFunction[Int, DenseVector[Double]](
(theta: DenseVector[Double]) => {
val smooth = HoltWinters(series, seasonalPeriod, 0, theta(0), theta(1), theta(2))
val zipped = series.drop(1).zip(smooth)
sqrt( { case (actual, predicted) => pow(actual - predicted, 2)}.mean())
def apply(series: Array[Double], periodSeasonal: Int, periodForecast: Int): Array[Double] = {
val initial = DenseVector(0.3, 0.1, 0.1)
val optimizer = new LBFGS[DenseVector[Double]](tolerance = 1.0E-5)
val error = rootMeanSquareError(series, periodSeasonal)
val theta = optimizer.minimize(error, initial)
HoltWinters(series, periodSeasonal, periodForecast, theta(0), theta(1), theta(2))
def apply(series: Array[Double], periodSeasonal: Int, periodForecast: Int, alpha: Double, beta: Double, gamma: Double): Array[Double] = {
var x: Array[Double] = series
var L: Array[Double] = Array()
var T: Array[Double] = Array()
var I: Array[Double] = Array()
var X: Array[Double] = Array()
// use the first period of data for initialization
val (a, b) = if (periodSeasonal > 1) linearRegression(x.take(periodSeasonal)) else (x(0), 0.0)
for (t <- 0 until periodSeasonal) {
L :+= a * (t + 1) + b
T :+= 0.0
I :+= gamma * (x(t) - L(t))
X :+= L(t) + T(t) + I(t)
// start calculation
for (t <- periodSeasonal until (series.length + periodForecast - 1)) {
if (t == x.length) {
x :+= X.last
L :+= alpha * (x(t) - I(t - periodSeasonal)) + (1 - alpha) * (L(t - 1) + T(t - 1))
T :+= beta * (L(t) - L(t - 1)) + (1 - beta) * T(t - 1)
I :+= gamma * (x(t) - L(t)) + (1 - gamma) * I(t - periodSeasonal)
X :+= L(t) + T(t) + I(t - periodSeasonal + 1)
private def linearRegression(input: Array[Double]): (Double, Double) = {
val y = DenseVector(input)
val x = DenseMatrix.fill[Double](input.length, 2)(1)
x(::, 0) := DenseVector.rangeD(1, input.length + 1)
val cov = (DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](x.cols, x.cols) + (x.t * x))
val scaled = DenseVector.zeros[Double](x.cols) + (x.t * y)
val theta: DenseVector[Double] = cov \ scaled
(theta(0), theta(1))
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