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Created May 18, 2014 23:45
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  • Save tarunc/4abd0f8514fb47e0c173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tarunc/4abd0f8514fb47e0c173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# ./docker-docs-folder
# Sweeten docco output with syntax highlighted JSDoc and Codo tags.
# Builds sed command for the current os
sed_cmd() {
local cmd=''
local os=$( uname )
case $os in
Darwin) cmd='sed -E -i .orig' ;;
Linux) cmd='sed -r -i.orig' ;;
printf "$cmd"
SED=$( sed_cmd )
if [[ -e "$1" ]]; then
cd "$1"
echo -n "Sweetening docco... "
# Tag lists for JSDoc & Codo
jsdocTags='author constructor deprecated exception param private property return see this throws version'
codoTags='abstract author concern copyright deprecated example extend include note method mixin option overload param private return see since todo version'
# More tags...
extendedTags='api export require env global'
# Build a combined list, and regex to match any tag
allTags=$( echo $extendedTags $codoTags $jsdocTags | uniq )
anyTag=$( echo $allTags | sed 's/ /|/g' )
# Literal newline for sed substitution on Mac OS X
# Put each paragraph tag on its own line
$SED "s/(.)(<p>|<\/p>)/\1\\$newLine\2/g" *.html
$SED "s/(<p>|<\/p>)(.)/\1\\$newLine\2/g" *.html
# Sed range to match within paragraph tags
# HTML-escape angle brackets in tag statements
$SED $inParagraph' {
/<div class="doc-tag">/b
/@('$anyTag')/ s/</\&lt;/g
/@('$anyTag')/ s/>/\&gt;/g
}' *.html
# Wrap each doc tag statement
$SED $inParagraph' s/(@('$anyTag').*)/<div class="doc-tag">\1<\/div>/' *.html
# Param pattern helpers
# Ensure the param name is listed before the type;
# wrap param name with <code>, param type with <i>, and tag names with <b>
$SED $inParagraph' s/(@param|@property) +('$paramType') +('$paramNameTokens')/\1 \3 \2/' *.html
$SED $inParagraph' s/(@param|@property) +('$paramNameTokens')/\1 <code>\2<\/code>/' *.html
$SED $inParagraph' s/(@param|@property|@return) ([^[{]*)'"$paramTypeBegin($paramTypeTokens)$paramTypeEnd"'/\1 \2<i>\3<\/i>/' *.html
$SED $inParagraph' s/@('$anyTag')/<b>\1<\/b>/' *.html
# Delete the sed backups
rm *.html.orig
# Append doc-tag style to docco's css
echo '.doc-tag { color: #777; }' >> docco.css
echo '.doc-tag * { color: #222; }' >> docco.css
echo "Done."
echo "Directory 'docs' not found."
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