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Created June 22, 2020 06:08
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Recreating Peter Norvig's Sudoku solver from memory
I've always found Peter Norvig's Python solver for Sudoku at very elegant.
It had been a few years since I visited the page and I decided I would try to recreate it from memory.
I got pretty close!
The major difference is that my solution is missing one of the two propagation strategies.
Search works without it so I thought Norvig's solution might not use it.
Turns out I was wrong and it did have it.
Another difference is that Norvig's code is much better documented at the page .
So if you have trouble understanding the code below, be sure to visit the original.
def _run_examples():
# From
problem_1 = """
53_ _7_ ___
6__ 195 ___
_98 ___ _6_
8__ _6_ __3
4__ 8_3 __1
7__ _2_ __6
_6_ ___ 28_
___ 419 __5
___ _8_ _79
# From
problem_2 = """
_21 __4 98_
4__ __2 _6_
__5 _3_ 2__
___ __7 ___
_5_ _1_ _9_
___ 2__ ___
__4 _2_ 1__
_9_ 8__ __7
_16 9__ 83_
def _str_product(a_str, b_str):
return {a + b for a in a_str for b in b_str}
def _chunk(str, chunk_length):
return [str[i:i+chunk_length] for i in range(0, len(str), chunk_length)]
NUMBERS = set("123456789")
X_COORDS = "123456789"
ROWS = [_str_product(y, X_COORDS) for y in Y_COORDS]
COLUMNS = [_str_product(Y_COORDS, x) for x in X_COORDS]
_str_product(y_chunk, x_chunk)
for y_chunk in _chunk(Y_COORDS, 3)
for x_chunk in _chunk(X_COORDS, 3)
# Each cell belongs to one row, one column and one box.
SETS = {
coord: [set for set in (ROWS + COLUMNS + BOXES) if coord in set]
for coord in ALL_COORDS
class NoSolutionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, sudoku):
self.sudoku = sudoku
class Sudoku:
def __init__(self, copy=None):
if copy is None:
self._available = {
loc: NUMBERS.copy()
for loc in ALL_COORDS
self._available = copy._available.copy()
def __getitem__(self, coord):
if len(self._available[coord]) == 1:
number, = self._available[coord]
return number
return None
def __setitem__(self, coord, number):
self._constrain(coord, {number})
def _constrain(self, coord, constraint):
old = self._available[coord]
new = old & constraint
self._available[coord] = new
if len(new) == 0:
raise NoSolutionError(self)
elif old != new and len(new) == 1:
for set in SETS[coord]:
for c in set - {coord}:
self._constrain(c, NUMBERS - new)
def solve(self):
for coord in ALL_COORDS:
if len(self._available[coord]) == 0:
raise NoSolutionError(self)
elif len(self._available[coord]) > 1:
return self._try_each_number(coord)
# For each coordinate only one choice, so this is the solution
return self
def _try_each_number(self, coord):
for number in self._available[coord]:
sudoku = Sudoku(self)
sudoku[coord] = number
return sudoku.solve()
except NoSolutionError:
raise NoSolutionError(self)
def from_str(cls, board_str):
sudoku = cls()
row_strs = [r.strip()
for r in board_str.replace(" ", "").strip().split("\n")
if r.strip() != ""]
assert [len(r) for r in row_strs] == [9] * 9, str(row_strs)
for y, row in zip(Y_COORDS, row_strs):
for x, number in zip(X_COORDS, row):
assert number in NUMBERS | set("_")
if number != "_":
sudoku[y+x] = number
return sudoku
def __str__(self):
return "\n\n".join(
" ".join(
self[y + x] or '_' for x in x_chunk
) for x_chunk in _chunk(X_COORDS, 3)
) for y in y_chunk
) for y_chunk in _chunk(Y_COORDS, 3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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