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Created February 22, 2013 13:28
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This file has the original Bad C# CommandExecutor, a good one, and a good one using the same names as you used for the VB version. Original tests are at bottom, with extra set for the VBish CommandExecutor
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ChrissieGist5012518
public class BadCommandExecuter : ICommandExecuter
public void Execute<TCommand>() where TCommand : class, ICommand, new()
var command = new TCommand();
//same terms as the C# version
public void Execute<TCommandWithParameter, TParameterType>(TParameterType parameter)
where TCommandWithParameter : class, ICommandWithParameter<object>, new() // <-- that object should be TParameterType
var command = new TCommandWithParameter();
public class CommandExecuter : ICommandExecuter
public void Execute<TCommand>() where TCommand : class, ICommand, new()
var command = new TCommand();
//same terms as the C# version
public void Execute<TCommandWithParameter, TParameterType>(TParameterType parameter)
where TCommandWithParameter : class, ICommandWithParameter<TParameterType>, new()
var command = new TCommandWithParameter();
// used parameter names for the generics that matched your VB code
public class CommandExecuterVBish : ICommandExecuter
public void Execute<TCommand>() where TCommand : class, ICommand, new()
var command = new TCommand();
// same terms as the VB version
public void Execute<TCommand, TParameter>(TParameter parameter)
where TCommand : ICommandWithParameter<TParameter>, new()
var command = new TCommand();
#region Interfaces
public interface ICommandExecuter
public interface ICommand
void Execute();
public interface ICommandWithParameter
void Execute();
public interface ICommandWithParameter<T>
void ExecuteWitParameter(T Parameter);
public class BadTests
public void IfExecuteExecutesCommandWithParameter()
var executer = new BadCommandExecuter();
Assert.Throws<System.NotImplementedException>(() => executer.Execute<TestCommandWithParameter, String>("test"));
private class TestCommandWithParameter : ICommandWithParameter<object>
public void ExecuteWitParameter(object parameter)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public class WhatIWantTests
public void IfExecuteExecutesCommandWithParameter_VBStyleParamNames()
var executer = new CommandExecuterVBish();
Assert.Throws<System.NotImplementedException>(() => executer.Execute<TestCommandWithParameter, string>("test"));
public void IfExecuteExecutesCommandWithParameter()
var executer = new CommandExecuter();
Assert.Throws<System.NotImplementedException>(() => executer.Execute<TestCommandWithParameter, string>("test"));
private class TestCommandWithParameter : ICommandWithParameter<string>
public void ExecuteWitParameter(string parameter)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
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