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Created February 18, 2015 11:33
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Save tarwn/daea99600b2caead549b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Smoke Test script from the MvcMusicStore ContinuousDelivery posts on LessThanDot
Dim url, expVersion, outputPath
Dim testResults
url = WScript.Arguments(0)
expVersion = WScript.Arguments(1)
outputPath = Wscript.Arguments(2)
'url = ""
'expVersion = "38"
'outputPath = "output.xml"
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Initializing Tests")
Set testResults = New TestResult
testResults.Initialize "SmokeTests.BasicTests"
Dim tstime
tstime = timer
'-- GET
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Executing GET...")
Dim xmlHttp
Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlHttp.Open "GET", url, False
xmlHttp.send ""
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("GET Completed")
'-- GET 200 test
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Testing: GET is 200")
If xmlHttp.Status = 200 Then
testResults.AddTestResult "BasicGet", True, "", timer - tstime
testResults.AddTestResult "BasicGet",False, "Expected 200, actually received: " & xmlHttp.Status & " - " &xmlHttp.StatusText, timer - tstime
End If
'-- Version Number Test
tstime = timer
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Testing: Version Number is " & expVersion)
Dim content, Regex, matches
content = xmlHttp.responseText
Set Regex = new RegExp
Regex.Pattern = """version"">version:\s*([^\s<]+)\s*</"
Regex.IgnoreCase = True
If Not Regex.Test(content) Then
testResults.AddTestResult "VersionStamp",False, "Expected " & expVersion & ", Actual: Couldn't locate version", timer - tstime
Set matches = regex.Execute(content)
If matches.Count = 0 Then
testResults.AddTestResult "VersionStamp",False, "Expected " & expVersion & ", Actual: Wierd error where Test() worked and Execute() did not", timer - tstime
ElseIf matches.Item(0).SubMatches(0) <> expVersion Then
testResults.AddTestResult "VersionStamp",False, "Expected " & expVersion & ", Actual: received: " & matches.Item(0).SubMatches(0), timer - tstime
testResults.AddTestResult "VersionStamp",True, "", timer - tstime
End If
End If
'-- Database stuff showed up
tstime = timer
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Testing: Genre content from DB present")
Regex.Pattern = "<a href=""(/[^""]*)/Store/Browse\?Genre=[^""]+"">"
Set matches = Regex.Execute(content)
If matches.count = 0 Then
testResults.AddTestResult "Genre Content", False, "Couldn't locate genre links on home screen", timer - tstime
testResults.AddTestResult "Genre Content", True, "", timer - tstime
End If
'-- Output
Dim fso, fil
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fil = fso.CreateTextFile(outputPath)
fil.WriteLine testResults.GetResult()
Set fil = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Class TestResult
Dim testCount, failCount, testsName
Dim startTime
Dim content
Sub Initialize(name)
startTime = timer
testsName = name
testCount = 0
failCount = 0
content = ""
End Sub
Sub AddTestResult(name, isSuccess, message, timeAmt)
testCount = testCount + 1
If Not isSuccess Then failCount = failCount + 1
content = content & "<testcase name=""" & name & """ time=""" & Round(timeAmt,4) & """>"
If Not IsSuccess Then content = content & "<failure message=""" & message & """></failure>"
content = content & "</testcase>"
End Sub
Function GetResult
endTime = (timer - startTime)
GetResult = "<testsuite classname=""" & testsName & """ failures=""" & failCount & """ name=""" & testsName & """ skipped=""0"" tests=""" & testCount & """ time=""" & Round(endTime,4) & """>" & content & "</testsuite>"
End Function
End Class
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