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Created April 9, 2016 05:15
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# lvm Cookbook
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Installs lvm2 package and includes custom resources (providers) for managing LVM.
## Requirements
### Platforms
- Debian/Ubuntu
- RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle
### Chef
- Chef 11+
### Cookbooks
- none
## Resources/Providers
### lvm_physical_volume
Manages LVM physical volumes.
#### Actions
<td>(default) Creates a new physical volume</td>
<td>Resize an existing physical volume</td>
#### Parameters
<td>(required) The device to create the new physical volume on</td>
#### Examples
lvm_physical_volume '/dev/sda'
### lvm_logical_volume
Manages LVM logical volumes.
#### Actions
<td>(default) Creates a new logical volume</td>
<td>Resize an existing logical volume</td>
#### Parameters
<td>(name attribute) Name of the logical volume</td>
<td>(required) Volume group in which to create the new volume (not required if the volume is declared inside of an `lvm_volume_group` block)</td>
<td>(required) Size of the volume.
<li>It can be the size of the volume with units (k, K, m, M, g, G, t, T)</li>
<li>It can be specified as the percentage of the size of the volume group</li>
<td>The format for the file system</td>
<td>Optional parameters to use when formatting the file system</td>
<td><tt>'-j -L log -m 2 -i 10240 -J size=400 -b 4096'</tt></td>
Either a String containing the path to the mount point, or a Hash with the following keys:
<li><tt>location<tt> - (required) the directory to mount the volume on</li>
<li><tt>options</tt> - the mount options for the volume</li>
<li><tt>dump</tt> - the <tt>dump</tt> field for the fstab entry</li>
<li><tt>pass</tt> - the <tt>pass</tt> field for the fstab entry</li>
<td>Array of physical volumes that the volume will be
restricted to</td>
<td><tt>['/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb']</tt></td>
<td>Number of stripes for the volume</td>
<td>Number of kilobytes per stripe segment (must be a power of 2 less than or equal to the physical extent size for the volume group)</td>
<td>Number of mirrors for the volume</td>
<td>Whether or not volume should use the contiguous allocation
<td>The readahead sector count for the volume (can be a value
between 2 and 120, 'auto', or 'none')</td>
<td>whether to have the LV take up the remainder of free space on the VG. Only valid for resize action</td>
#### Examples
lvm_logical_volume 'home' do
group 'vg00'
size '25%VG'
filesystem 'ext4'
mount_point '/home'
stripes 3
mirrors 2
### lvm_volume_group
Manages LVM volume groups.
#### Actions
<td>(default) Creates a new volume group</td>
<td>Extend an existing volume group to include new physical volumes</td>
#### Parameters
<td>(required) Name of the volume group</td>
<td>(required) The device or list of devices to use as physical volumes (if they haven't already been initialized as physical volumes, they will be initialized automatically)</td>
<td><tt>['/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb']</tt></td>
<td>The physical extent size for the volume group</td>
<td>Shortcut for creating a new `lvm_logical_volume` definition (the logical volumes will be created in the order they are declared)</td>
<td>Force the creation of the Volume Group, even if `lvm` detects existing non-LVM data on disk</td>
#### Examples
lvm_volume_group 'vg00' do
physical_volumes ['/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb', '/dev/sdc']
wipe_signatures true
logical_volume 'logs' do
size '1G'
filesystem 'xfs'
mount_point location: '/var/log', options: 'noatime,nodiratime'
stripes 3
logical_volume 'home' do
size '25%VG'
filesystem 'ext4'
mount_point '/home'
stripes 3
mirrors 2
## Usage
If you're using [Berkshelf](, just add this cookbook to your `Berksfile`:
cookbook 'lvm'
You can also install it from the community site:
knife cookbook site install lvm
Include the default recipe in your run list on a node, in a role, or in another recipe:
Depend on `lvm` in any cookbook that uses its Resources/Providers:
# other_cookbook/metadata.rb
depends 'lvm'
## Caveats
This cookbook depends on the [di-ruby-lvm]( and [di-ruby-lvm-attrib]( gems. The di-ruby-lvm-attrib gem in particular is a common cause of failures when using the providers. If you get a failure with an error message similar to
No such file or directory - /opt/chef/.../di-ruby-lvm-attrib-0.0.3/lib/lvm/attributes/2.02.86(2)/lvs.yaml
then you are running a version of lvm that the gems do not support. However, getting support added is usually pretty easy. Just follow the instructions on "Adding Attributes" in the [di-ruby-lvm-attrib README](
## License and Authors
- Author:: Joshua Timberman <>
- Author:: Greg Symons <>
Copyright:: 2011-2015, Chef Software, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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