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Created August 11, 2015 16:51
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Retention chart generator for
# KeenIO stuff
CsvStringify = require 'csv-stringify'
Keen = require './'
Q = require 'q'
_ = require 'underscore'
moment = require 'moment-timezone'
class Retention
constructor: (@keenClient, @steps, @period = 'weeks') ->
@periodsBack = 12
if @period == 'weeks'
@startOfThisPeriod = moment().day(0).startOf('day')
@period = 'days'
@startOfThisPeriod = moment().startOf('day')
firstRowLabels: ->
periodLabel = if @period == 'weeks' then 'Week' else 'Day'
firstRowLabels = [periodLabel, 'Cohort Size']
firstRowLabels = firstRowLabels.concat(
_(@periodsBack).times (n) ->
periodLabel + ' ' + (n+1)
startOfPeriod: (periodsAgo) ->
moment(@startOfThisPeriod).subtract(periodsAgo, @period).toDate()
cohortTimeframe: (cohortPeriod) ->
start: @startOfPeriod(cohortPeriod)
end: @startOfPeriod(cohortPeriod - 1)
retentionTimeframe: (cohortPeriod, currentPeriod) ->
start: @startOfPeriod(cohortPeriod - currentPeriod)
end: @startOfPeriod(cohortPeriod - currentPeriod - 1)
generate: ->
console.log 'Generating retention chart'
finished = Q.defer()
rowPromises = _(@periodsBack).times(@rowPromiseForPeriodAgo)
allPromises = Q.all(rowPromises)
allPromises.done((results) =>
csv = [@firstRowLabels()]
csv = csv.concat(results)
CsvStringify csv, (err, csv) ->
console.log(err) if err
rowPromiseForPeriodAgo: (n) =>
rowPromise = Q.defer()
cohortPeriod = @periodsBack - n
Q.all(@getCohortRow(cohortPeriod)).done((results) =>
cohortSize = results[0].result[0]
rowValues = [moment(@startOfPeriod(cohortPeriod)).format('MMM D'), cohortSize]
rowValues.concat(, (el) ->
el.result[el.result.length - 1] / cohortSize
getCohortRow: (cohortPeriod) ->
_.times(cohortPeriod, (currentPeriod) =>
@getCohortCell(cohortPeriod, currentPeriod)
getCohortCell: (cohortPeriod, currentPeriod) ->
@keenClient.scheduleWithPromise(@funnelQuery(cohortPeriod, currentPeriod))
funnelQuery: (cohortPeriod, currentPeriod) ->
currentSteps = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(@steps))
[step0, ..., stepN] = currentSteps
step0.timeframe = @cohortTimeframe(cohortPeriod)
stepN.timeframe = @retentionTimeframe(cohortPeriod, currentPeriod)
new Keen.Query(
steps: currentSteps,
maxAge: 43200
module.exports = Retention
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