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Last active October 10, 2023 20:03
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Using a TPM EKcert as input, recursively fetch the TPM CA certificate chain
# Using a TPM EKcert filename as input, this script recursively fetches TPM CA certificates.
# It depends on the EKcert having an AIA (Authority Information Access) Issuer URI field.
# This field is not required and may not be present.
# If available, the CA certificates will be saved into the current directory.
# To use this script, you will need the following programs:
# jq —
# step —
# curl
# Function to download a certificate from a URL
download_certificate() {
local url="$1"
local filename="${url##*/}"
echo "Downloading certificate from $url..."
curl -LO "$url"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Certificate downloaded: $filename"
extract_urls "$filename"
echo "Failed to download certificate from $url"
# Function to extract URLs from a certificate file
extract_urls() {
local cert_file="$1"
local urls=$(step certificate inspect "$cert_file" --format json | jq -r '.extensions.authority_info_access.issuer_urls[]?')
if [ -n "$urls" ]; then
while read -r url; do
download_certificate "$url"
done <<< "$urls"
echo "No URLs found in certificate: $cert_file"
# Main function
main() {
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_certificate>"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$input_certificate" ]; then
echo "Input certificate not found: $input_certificate"
exit 1
extract_urls "$input_certificate"
main "$@"
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