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Created August 12, 2021 00:49
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/* Generic Monitoring Code common for all properties. */
import net.sf.javabdd.{BDD, BDDFactory}
import org.apache.commons.csv.{CSVFormat, CSVRecord}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object Options {
var DEBUG: Boolean = false
var PROFILE: Boolean = false
var PRINT: Boolean = false
var BITS: Int = 20
var UNIT_TEST: Boolean = false
var STATISTICS: Boolean = true
object Util {
type Binding = Map[String, Any]
val emptyBinding: Binding = Map()
var resultFile: PrintWriter = null
var profileFile: BufferedWriter = null
def openResultFile(name: String): Unit = {
resultFile = new PrintWriter(new File(name))
def writelnResult(x: Any) = {
resultFile.write(x + "\n")
def closeResultFile(): Unit = {
def openProfileFile(name: String): Unit = {
val file = new File(name)
profileFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
def writeProfile(x: Any): Unit = {
def writelnProfile(x: Any): Unit = {
profileFile.write(x + "\n")
def writelnProfile(): Unit = {
def closeProfileFile(): Unit = {
def debug(str: => String): Unit = {
if (Options.DEBUG) println(str)
def bddToString(bdd: BDD): String = {
if (bdd.isZero)
else if (bdd.isOne)
implicit def liftBDD(bdd: BDD) = new {
def dot(msg: String = "DEBUGGING"): Unit = {
if (Options.DEBUG) {
if (bdd.isZero)
else if (bdd.isOne)
import Util._
* Patterns for checking whether the state contains a certain event.
trait Pattern
case class V(name: String) extends Pattern {
override def toString: String = name
case class C(value: Any) extends Pattern {
override def toString: String = value.toString
* A state in a trace. A trace holds one event. Event patterns can be checked against
* the state using the <code>holds</code> method.
class State {
type Event = (String, List[Any])
var current: Event = null
* Updates the current state with a new event.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param args the arguments of the event.
def update(name: String, args: List[Any]): Unit = {
current = (name, args)
// println(s"$name(${args.mkString(",")})")
* Matches an event pattern as it occurs in a formula against the current event.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param patterns the argument patterns.
* @return optional BDD in case there is a match. The BDD will represent the binding of
* variables to values.
def holds(name: String, patterns: List[Pattern]): Option[Binding] = {
val (cname, cargs) = current
var binding: Binding = emptyBinding
if (cname != name) None else {
assert(patterns.size == cargs.size,
s"patterns '${patterns.mkString(",")}' do not match args: '${cargs.mkString(",")}'")
for ((pat, value) <- {
pat match {
case C(v) =>
if (v != value) return None
case V(x) =>
if (binding.isDefinedAt(x)) {
if (binding(x) != value) return None
} else {
binding += (x -> value)
override def toString: String = {
var result = ""
result += "#########################################################\n"
result += s"#### ${current._1}("
result += current._2.mkString(",") + ")\n"
result += "#########################################################\n"
* A variable is represented by an object of this class.
* @param F the formula that the variable is part of.
* @param name the name of the variable, used for error messages
* @param offset the offset in the total bitvector where the bits for this variable start.
* @param nrOfBits the number of bits allocated to represent values of this variable.
class Variable(F: Formula)(name: String, bounded: Boolean, offset: Int, nrOfBits: Int) {
val G = F.bddGenerator
var bits: Array[Int] = (for (x <- offset + nrOfBits - 1 to offset by -1) yield x).toArray
val quantvar: BDD = G.getQuantVars(bits)
// needed to perform quantification.
var next: Int = -1
var bdds: Map[Any, BDD] = Map()
val MAX = Math.pow(2, nrOfBits)
val allOnes: BDD = {
var result: BDD = G.True
for (pos <- bits) {
result = result.and(G.theOneBDDFor(pos))
val freeInitially: BDD = allOnes.not
var free: BDD = freeInitially
var seen: BDD = G.False
var inRelation: BDD = G.False
* Records the fact that a BDD for this variable occurs in a relation, thus
* preventing it from being garbage collected.
* @param bdd the BDD being recorded as being part of a relation.
def inRelation(bdd: BDD): Unit = {
if (!bounded) inRelation = inRelation.or(bdd) // only add if not already added (i.e. the variable is bounded)
* Returns the BDD corresponding to the value, according to the enumeration of the value.
* Either it exists already or it is built.
* @param v the value for which a BDD must be created.
* @return the BDD corresponding to <code>v</code>.
def getBddOf(v: Any): BDD = {
if (bdds.contains(v)) {
val result = bdds(v)"Looking up existing BDD for $v")
} else {"free before get new BDD for variable $name for positions ${bits.mkString(",")}")
if (timeToGarbageCollect) collectGarbage()
if (free.isZero) {
writelnResult(s"${F.monitor.lineNr} oom")
assert(false, s"Out of memory for variable $name!")
val result = free.satOne(allOnes, true)
free = free.and(result.not())
bdds += (v -> result)
F.addTouchedByLastEvent(name, v, result)"BDD for $name=$v")
if (bounded) {
seen = seen.or(result)"seen thereafter")
}"free thereafter")
* Determines whether it is time to garbage collect for a variable.
* @return true if it is time to garbage collect.
def timeToGarbageCollect: Boolean = {
!bounded && free.isZero
* Collects garbage for a variable.
def collectGarbage(): Unit = {
F.monitor.garbageWasCollected = true
debug("+++++ START GARBAGE COLLECTION +++++")
free = freeInitially"##### free initially")
for (i <- F.indices) {
val bdd_i = G.getFreeBDDOf(name, F.pre(i)) // not sure we access now at the right time
free = free.and(bdd_i)"##### bdd_i for index $i")"##### free this cycle around")
}"++++++++++ free after garbage collection before taking uncollectable into account ++++++++++")"++++++++++ uncollectable before garbage collection ++++++++++")
free = free.and(inRelation.not())"++++++++++ free after garbage collection ++++++++++")
* Called after the <code>collectGarbage()</code> has been called to remove all
* value-BDD mappings, where the BDD has been garbage collected.
def removeGarbageValues(): Unit = {
val values = bdds.keySet
for (v <- values) {
val bdd = bdds(v)
if (bdd.imp(free).isOne) {
debug(s"removing variable $name's entry for value $v")
writelnResult(s"${F.monitor.lineNr} -- $v")
bdds -= v
debug(s"Remaining entries for variable $name: ${bdds.keySet.mkString(", ")}")
* An object of this class represents all the variables in a formula,
* including variables containing time values if timed temporal properties
* occur in the property.
* It contains a mapping from variable names (strings) to objects of
* class <code>Variable</code>, each of which contains the hashmap
* from values of the corresponding variable to BDDs.
* @param variables the variables in the formula, each indicated by
* name, whether it is bounded (true = yes), and number of bits representing it.
* @param bitsPerTimeVar the number of bits to be allocated per time variable.
* This number is `0` if the property does not contain
* timed temporal operators.
class BDDGenerator(F: Formula)(variables: List[(String, Boolean, Int)], bitsPerTimeVar: Int) {
var B: BDDFactory = BDDFactory.init(10000, 10000)
val True: BDD =
val False: BDD =
var offset: Int = 0
val totalNumberOfBits: Int =
var varMap: Map[String, Variable] = Map()
lazy val otherQuantVars: Map[String, List[BDD]] = {
val varNames =
var result: Map[String, List[BDD]] = (for (varName <- varNames) yield (varName -> Nil)).toMap
for (varName1 <- varNames; varName2 <- varNames if varName1 != varName2) {
val otherQuantVarsSoFar = result(varName1)
val newOtherQuant = varMap(varName2).quantvar
result += (varName1 -> (newOtherQuant :: otherQuantVarsSoFar))
val nrOfTimeVariables = 5
if (totalNumberOfBits > 0 || bitsPerTimeVar > 0) {
B.setVarNum(totalNumberOfBits + (nrOfTimeVariables * bitsPerTimeVar))
* Returns a BDD for the bit positions provided as argument. The BDD is used to
* represent the bits to quantify over for a particular DejaVu formula variable.
* @param bits the bit positions (variables) to include in the BDD.
* @return a BDD over those variables.
def getQuantVars(bits: Array[Int]): BDD = {
B.buildCube(0, bits).support()
* The BDD for a single position that is true only of that bit is 1.
* @param pos the position making part of the resulting BDD.
* @return the BDD accepting on 1 for that position.
def theOneBDDFor(pos: Int): BDD = {
* Initializes the <code>varMap</code> variable by mapping each variable in the formula to
* an instance of the <code>Variable</code> class.
def initializeVariables(): Unit = {
for ((x, b, v) <- variables) {
varMap += (x -> new Variable(F)(x, b, offset, v))
offset += v
* Get the BDD of value <code>v</code> when assigned to variable <code>x</code>.
* @param x the variable the value <code>v</code> is assigned to.
* @param v the value being assigned to <code>x</code>.
* @return the BDD representing the value <code>v</code>.
def getBddOf(x: String, v: Any): BDD =
* Collects the garbage for a variable in a sub-formula. This is done using the formula:
* <code>
* forall y0,...,z0,... . (F[1/x0,...,1/xn] <-> F)
* </code>
* where <code>x</code> is the variable, and <code>x0,x1,...,xn</code> are the bit positions for that variable,
* and <code>y0,...,z0,...</code> are the bit positions for all other variables <code>y, z, ...</code>.
* The formula defines a BDD which accepts values <code>v</code> for <code>x</code> (in <code>F</code>)
* such that <code>F[v/x]</code> is identical to <code>F[1/x0,...,1/xn]</code>. Those are the values
* that are no longer needed, hence can be garbage collected. Recall that 111..1 represents all values not
* yet seen.
* @param varName the name of the variable being garbage collected (<code>x</code> in the above example).
* @param formula the formula being garbage collected over (<code>F</code> in the above example).
* @return the free assignments.
def getFreeBDDOf(varName: String, formula: BDD): BDD = {
val variable = varMap(varName)
val formulaWithOnes = formula.restrict(variable.allOnes)
var result = formulaWithOnes.biimp(formula)
for (quantVar <- otherQuantVars(varName)) result = result.forAll(quantVar)
* Maintains trace statistics for a monitoring session. It specifically keeps track of
* which events occur in the trace, how many times, and how this relates to the events
* referred to in the specification. Can be useful for debugging a specification.
* @param events the events referred to in the specification
class TraceStatistics(events: Set[String]) {
var eventTable: Map[String, Long] = -> 0.asInstanceOf[Long]).toMap
def upddate(eventName: String): Unit = {
eventTable.get(eventName) match {
case None => eventTable += (eventName -> 1)
case Some(count) => eventTable += (eventName -> (count + 1))
override def toString: String = {
var result: String = ""
result += "\n"
result += "==================\n"
result += " Event Counts:\n"
result += "------------------\n"
val maxNameSize =
for ((name, count) <- eventTable) {
val spaces = maxNameSize - name.size
val namePadded = name + (" " * spaces)
result += f" $namePadded : $count"
if (count == 0) {
result += " event did not occur in trace\n"
} else if (!(events contains name)) {
result += " unknown\n"
} else {
result += "\n"
result += "==================\n"
result += "\n"
* The generic Monitor class.
* A specialized monitor for a set of properties must extend this class.
* It contains the BDD generator (which generates the association between values
* and BDDs), the state (which contains the current event), and the list of user
* provided formulas. In addition it provides a set of options that can be set
* by the user.
abstract class Monitor {
val state: State = new State
var formulae: List[Formula] = Nil
var lineNr: Int = 0
var garbageWasCollected: Boolean = false
var statistics: TraceStatistics = new TraceStatistics(eventsInSpec)
var currentTime: Int = 0
var deltaTime: Int = 0
var errors: Int = 0
* Sets the current time to the time indicated by the timestamp associated
* with the latest event. It specifically sets `deltaTime` to denote the
* difference between the previous time stamp and this one.
* @param timeStamp the new time value for the latest event.
def setTime(timeStamp: Int): Unit = {
deltaTime = timeStamp - currentTime
currentTime = timeStamp
* Returns the set of events referred to in the specification, either defined, or referred to
* in the LTL formulas. Must be overridden by generated specification specific monitor.
* @return the set of referred to events.
def eventsInSpec: Set[String]
* Used for timing performance. The timing is printed on standard output.
* @param block the code block that is being timed.
* @tparam R the result type of the block.
* @return the result of the block.
def time[R](block: => R): R = {
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = block
val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val ms = (t2 - t1).toFloat
val sec = ms / 1000
println("Elapsed analysis time: " + sec + "s")
* Submits an event to the monitor. This again causes the monitor evaluation to be
* performed, which will evaluate all asserted formulas on this new event.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param args the arguments to the event.
def submit(name: String, args: List[Any]): Unit = {
lineNr += 1
if (Options.STATISTICS) {
state.update(name, args)
* Vararg (variable length argument list) variant of method above. This form allows calls
* like <code>submit("send",1,2)</code> rather than writing <code>submit("send",List(1,2))</code>.
* Submits an event to the monitor. This again causes the monitor evaluation to be
* performed, which will evaluate all asserted formulas on this new event.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param args the arguments to the event.
def submit(name: String, args: Any*): Unit = {
submit(name, args.toList)
* Submits an entire trace to the monitor, as an alternative to submitting
* events one by one. This method can only be called in offline monitoring.
* @param events the trace.
def submitTrace(events: List[(String, List[Any])]): Unit = {
for ((event, args) <- events) {
submit(event, args)
* Submits an entire trace stored in CSV (Comma Separated Value format) format
* to the monitor, as an alternative to submitting events one by one. This method
* can only be called in offline monitoring.
* @param file the log file in CSV format to be verified.
def submitCSVFile(file: String) {
val in: Reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))
// DEFAULT.withHeader()
val timed: Boolean = file.contains(".timed.")
var eventSize: Int = 0
time {
val records: Iterable[CSVRecord] = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(in).asScala
lineNr = 0
for (record <- records) {
lineNr += 1
if (Options.PRINT && lineNr % Options.PRINT_LINENUMBER_EACH == 0) {
if (lineNr >= 1000000)
println(lineNr.toDouble / 1000000 + " M")
else if (lineNr >= 1000)
println(lineNr.toDouble / 1000 + " K")
val name = record.get(0)
var args = new ListBuffer[Any]()
if (timed) {
eventSize = record.size() - 1
val timeStamp: Int = record.get(eventSize).toInt
} else {
eventSize = record.size()
for (i <- 1 until eventSize) {
args += record.get(i)
submit(name, args.toList)
println(s"Processed $lineNr events")
* Called at the end of a trace analysis. Only called in connection of
* log analysis (analysis of finite traces).
def end(): Unit = {
println(s"\n$errors errors detected!\n")
if (Options.STATISTICS) println(statistics)
if (garbageWasCollected) {
} else {
println("\n- Garbage collector was not activated")
* Evaluates all formulas on a new state (new event). In case a property is violated an
* error message is printed. There is currently no other consequence of a violated
* property.
def evaluate(): Unit = {
debug(s"\ncurrentTime = $currentTime\n$state\n")
for (formula <- formulae) {
if (!formula.evaluate()) {
errors += 1
println(s"\n*** Property ${} violated on event number $lineNr:\n")
* Records property violation in the result file. Currently only event number
* of violating event is recorded. This information is used for unit testing.
def recordResult(): Unit = {
* Prints information useful for understanding the data written to the profile CSV file.
def printProfileHeader(): Unit = {
* Every formula will be defined as a class extending this class.
abstract class Formula(val monitor: Monitor) {
// A property named xyz will be defined by a class Formula_xyz. Pick out the name xyz:
var name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName.split("_")(1)
// BDD generator:
var bddGenerator: BDDGenerator = null
// Pre and now arrays, as in article:
var pre: Array[BDD] = null
var now: Array[BDD] = null
// temporary pointer, used to swap the pre and now arrays:
var tmp: Array[BDD] = null
// maps sub-formula indexes to the text format of the sub-formulas, used for
// debugging purposes:
var txt: Array[String] = null
// indices of temporal formulas, used for computing free assignments during garbage collection:
val indices: List[Int]
// stores variable-value-bdd pairs of newly detected values for most recent event, null means no relations:
val emptyTouchedSet: Set[(String, Any, BDD)] = Set()
var touchedByLastEvent: Set[(String, Any, BDD)] = emptyTouchedSet
// records variables referred to in relations. Used to pre-condition update of above variable:
var varsInRelations: Set[String] = Set()
* Type of relational operators.
trait RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean
* The '<' relational operator.
case object LTOP extends RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean = {
v1.asInstanceOf[String].toInt < v2.asInstanceOf[String].toInt
override def toString = "<"
* The '<=' relational operator.
case object LEOP extends RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean = {
v1.asInstanceOf[String].toInt <= v2.asInstanceOf[String].toInt
override def toString = "<="
* The '>' relational operator.
case object GTOP extends RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean = {
v1.asInstanceOf[String].toInt > v2.asInstanceOf[String].toInt
override def toString = ">"
* The '>=' relational operator.
case object GEOP extends RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean = {
v1.asInstanceOf[String].toInt >= v2.asInstanceOf[String].toInt
override def toString = ">="
* The '=' relational operator.
case object EQOP extends RelOp {
def compare(v1: Any, v2: Any): Boolean = {
v1 == v2
override def toString = "="
* Turns an optional binding from variable names to values (an assignment) into a BDD.
* This is achieved by computing the BDD for each variable/value pair and the AND-ing these BDDs
* together. The function is called when an event pattern has matched an incoming
* event in the state.
* @param binding the binding to convert into a BDD.
* @return the BDD resulting from and-ing the BDDs for each variable binding in <code>binding</code>.
def bddFromBinding(binding: Option[Binding]): BDD = {
binding match {
case None => bddGenerator.False
case Some(b) =>
var bdd: BDD = bddGenerator.True
for ((x, v) <- b) {
bdd = bdd.and(bddGenerator.getBddOf(x, v))
* Builds a BDD from an event pattern, matching it against the latest
* incoming event in the current state. A particular event pattern either matches the
* current event or not. If so, values are bound to formal parameter names of the event,
* forming a binding (assignment). The BDD is then created from this binding.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param patterns the patterns that are meant to match the arguments of the actual event.
* @return the BDD resulting from the match, False if no match occurred.
def build(name: String)(patterns: Pattern*): BDD =
bddFromBinding(monitor.state.holds(name, patterns.toList))
* Builds a BDD from a relational expression of the form: <code>varName1 op varName2</code>, only
* comparing the new values seen in this event.
* @param varName1 the name of the left-hand side variable.
* @param op the operator.
* @param varName2 the name of the right-hand side variable.
* @return the BDD resulting from comparing new values against previous values.
def relation(varName1: String, op: RelOp, varName2: String): BDD = {
val variable1 = bddGenerator.varMap(varName1)
val variable2 = bddGenerator.varMap(varName2)
var result: BDD = bddGenerator.False
for ((varName, value, bdd) <- touchedByLastEvent) {
if (varName == varName1) {
for ((value2, bdd2) <- variable2.bdds) {
if (, value2)) {
result = result.or(bdd.and(bdd2))
debug(s"adding [$varName1:$value] $op $varName2:$value2 to '$varName1 $op $varName2' BDD")
if (varName == varName2) {
for ((value1, bdd1) <- variable1.bdds) {
if (, value)) {
result = result.or(bdd.and(bdd1))
debug(s"adding $varName1:$value1 $op [$varName2:$value] to '$varName1 $op $varName2' BDD")
* Builds a BDD from a relational expression of the form: <code>varName op const</code>, only
* comparing the new values seen in this event.
* @param varName the name of the left-hand side variable.
* @param op the operator.
* @param const the right-hand side constant.
* @return the BDD resulting from comparing new value against the constant.
def relationToConstant(varName: String, op: RelOp, const: Any): BDD = {
val variable = bddGenerator.varMap(varName)
var result: BDD = bddGenerator.False
for ((`varName`, value, bdd) <- touchedByLastEvent if, const)) {
result = result.or(bdd)
debug(s"adding [$varName:$value] $op $const to '$varName $op $const' BDD")
* If the formula contains relations (<code>touchedByLastEvent != null</code>), this function
* adds a newly generated binding of a variable to a value and binding. This is used for updating
* the relational expressions.
* @param name the name of the variable.
* @param value the value it is bound to.
* @param bdd the corresponding BDD generated.
def addTouchedByLastEvent(name: String, value: Any, bdd: BDD): Unit = {
if (varsInRelations.contains(name)) {
touchedByLastEvent += ((name, value, bdd))
debug(s"recording binding $name -> $value for subsequent relation updating")
* Adds a time value `d` to a time value `t`, resulting in the new time value `u` using
* carrier bits `c` as auxiliary variables.
* Time values are represented by BDDs. Each such BDD, call it `B`, represents a sequence of
* bits `B1,...,Bn` mentioned from least significant bit to most significant bit. This
* allows a recursive algorithm, which adds bits from lowest to highest significant bit.
* The `c` the carrier bits used to carry over.
* E.g. say we want to add `t=01`` (the number 1) and `d=01` (the number 1). These are
* passed to this function as `10` and `10` respectively (least significant bits first).
* The function adds `1` and `1` giving `0` and resulting in carrier bit `c1` being `1`.
* `c1=1` is then used when adding the two `0` resulting in `1`, overall resulting in `01`
* with the least significant but mentioned first, hence this is
* `10` in normal bit format (the number 2).
* The function takes care of the first (least significant) bit addition, and then calls
* `addConstRest` for the rest of the bits.
* @param t the time value to add to (from previous event).
* @param u the resulting time value.
* @param d the time delta to add to `t` (the time difference between this and previous event).
* @param c the carrier bits used as auxiliary variable.
* @return the BDD defining the result `u` of the addition.
def addConst(t: List[BDD], u: List[BDD], d: List[BDD], c: List[BDD]): BDD = {
(t, u, d, c) match {
case (t_bit :: t_rest, u_bit :: u_rest, d_bit :: d_rest, c_bit :: c_rest) =>
val initBDD = u_bit.biimp(t_bit.xor(d_bit))
val initCarrier = c_bit.biimp(t_bit.and(d_bit))
initBDD.and(initCarrier).and(addConstRest(t_rest, u_rest, d_rest, c_bit :: c_rest))
case _ => assert(false, "addConst pattern match fails").asInstanceOf[BDD]
* Adds a time value `d` to a time value `t`, resulting in the new time value `u` using
* carrier bits `c` as auxiliary variables.
* This function is called on all bits following the least significant bit. See
* `addConst`.
* @param t the time value to add to (from previous event).
* @param u the resulting time value.
* @param d the time delta to add to `t` (the time difference between this and previous event).
* @param c the carrier bits used as auxiliary variable.
* @return the BDD defining the result `u` of the addition.
def addConstRest(t: List[BDD], u: List[BDD], d: List[BDD], c: List[BDD]): BDD = {
(t, u, d, c) match {
case (Nil, Nil, Nil, _) => bddGenerator.True
case (t_bit :: t_rest, u_bit :: u_rest, d_bit :: d_rest, c_prev :: c_cur :: c_rest) =>
val u_bit_def = u_bit.biimp(t_bit.xor(d_bit).xor(c_prev))
val c_cur_def = c_cur.biimp(
u_bit_def.and(c_cur_def.and(addConstRest(t_rest, u_rest, d_rest, c_cur :: c_rest)))
case _ => assert(false, "addConstRest pattern match fails").asInstanceOf[BDD]
* Returns true of the first `bit1` is one and the second `bit2` is zero.
* @param bit1 the first bit.
* @param bit2 the second bit.
* @return the `True` BDD if the first bit is one and the second is zero.
def gtBit(bit1: BDD, bit2: BDD): BDD =
* Determines whether one time value `u` is strictly bigger than another `l`.
* The time values are presented with the most significant bit first, and the
* function recurses over the bits comparing them until the result becomes
* obvious.
* E.g. to compare binary `101` (number 5) to binary `110` (number 6) the
* function first compares the first two `1`s, which does not determine the
* result. It then moves on to the next two bits `0` and `1`, and here it becomes
* clear that the first number is not bigger than the second.
* @param u the first time value (the time difference of the current event)
* @param l the second time value (the limit constant associated with the S-operator)
* @return the result of the comparison, `True` if the first number is bigger than the second.
* Otherwise `False`.
def gtConst(u: List[BDD], l: List[BDD]): BDD = {
(u, l) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => bddGenerator.False
case (u_bit :: u_rest, l_bit :: l_rest) =>
gtBit(u_bit, l_bit).ite(
gtBit(l_bit, u_bit).ite(
gtConst(u_rest, l_rest)
case _ => assert(false, "gtConst pattern match fails").asInstanceOf[BDD]
* From a list of BDD variable-numbers (the JavaBDD package represents a
* variable by a number), the function returns a list of the BDDs, one for
* each of these variables. The BDD returns `1` for `1` and `0` for `0`.
* @param positions the numbers of the variables.
* @return the corresponding one-bit BDDs.
def generateBDDList(positions: Array[Int]): List[BDD] = {
for (pos <- positions.toList) yield bddGenerator.theOneBDDFor(pos)
* Sets the time delta in the individual formula. Note that the delta stored in the
* individual formula is a function of the maximal time limit occurring in
* the formula, in order to save bits. It is meant to be overridden by each
* formula class if the formula contains time constraints.
* @param actualDelta the actual difference in time between the timestamp of
* the previous event and the current event.
def setTime(actualDelta: Int) {}
* Returns the True BDD if the Delta time (the time difference between the
* time stamp of the current event and the time stamp of the previous event)
* is less than the time limit passed as argument, otherwise the False BDD
* is returned.
* @param timeLimit the timelimit (small delta) occuring as part of a temporal
* operator in the property being evaluated.
* @return the True or False BDD, depending on whether the time passed since last
* event is less than the argument time value or not.
def deltaLessThanTimeLimit(timeLimit: Int): BDD = {
if (monitor.deltaTime < timeLimit)
* Declares all variables (each identified by a name) in a formula.
* This includes initializing the BDD generator, which is stored in
* <code>bddGenerator</code>, and initializing <code>True</code> and
* <code>False</code>. The result returned is a list of the Variable objects.
* In addition BDD variables are allocated for keeping track of time in case
* the property contains timed temporal operators. In this case `bitsPerTimeVar > 0`.
* @param variables the (name,bounded) pairs for variables in a formula.
* @param bitsPerTimeVar the number of bits to be allocated per time variable.
* This number is `0` if the property does not contain
* timed temporal operators.
* @return a list of Variable objects, one for each variable.
def declareVariables(variables: (String, Boolean)*)(bitsPerTimeVar: Int): List[Variable] = {
val variableList = variables.toList
val nameList: List[String] =
val varsAndBitsPerVar = {
case (n, b) => (n, b, Options.BITS)
bddGenerator = new BDDGenerator(this)(varsAndBitsPerVar, bitsPerTimeVar)
* The evaluation method for a formula. Must be overridden for each formula.
* The method will evaluate the formula on each new event.
* @return true iff. the formula is true on the trace seen so far.
def evaluate(): Boolean
* Returns a string representation of the current values of the <code>pre</code> and
* <code>now</code> arrays. For each index into these arrays also the text of the
* subformula is printed for better comprehension.
* @return string representation of formula state.
override def toString: String = {
var result: String = ""
result += s"===============\n"
result += s"Property $name:\n"
result += s"===============\n"
for (i <- 0 to now.size - 1) {
result += s"[$i] ${txt(i)}\n\n"
result += s"pre: ${bddToString(pre(i))}\n"
result += s"now: ${bddToString(now(i))}\n"
result += s"-------------\n"
* Prints information useful for understanding what is written to the profile CSV file.
def printProfileHeader(): Unit = {
println(s"Property: $name")
println("Profile data written to CSV file dejavu-profile.csv")
// --- profiling: ---
// val profiledIndices = indices ++ List(4) // access property
// val profiledIndices = List(25) // fifo property
// val profiledIndices = List(7) // locking property
// val profiledIndices = List(13,16) // deadlock property
// val profiledIndices = List(4,20) // datarace property
val profiledIndices = indices
// ------------------
for (i <- profiledIndices) {
println(s"----- $i -----")
* Prints a formula state for debugging. This includes whether the formula is true or not,
* and the value of the <code>now</code> array, where each entry is printed both as a one
* line text value, and also as a graph in dot format for visualization with GraphViz.
* In profile mode, profiling data are written to a CSV file.
def debugMonitorState(): Unit = {
if (Options.PROFILE) { // Designed to profile one formula.
val line = new StringBuffer()
// --- profiling: ---
// val profiledIndices = indices ++ List(4) // access property
// val profiledIndices = List(25) // fifo property
// val profiledIndices = List(7) // locking property
// val profiledIndices = List(13,16) // deadlock property
// val profiledIndices = List(4,20) // datarace property
val profiledIndices = indices
// ------------------
for (i <- profiledIndices) {
val bdd: BDD = now(i)
val nodeCount: Int = bdd.nodeCount()
val pathCount: Double = bdd.pathCount()
val satCount: Double = bdd.satCount()
val compression: Double = if (nodeCount != 0) satCount / nodeCount else 0
// val varProfile: Array[Int] = bdd.varProfile()
if (Options.DEBUG) {
println(s"Property: $name")
if (now(0).isZero) {
println("*** FALSE ***")
for (i <- now.size - 1 to 0 by -1) {
println(s"----- $i -----")
if (now(i).isOne) println("TRUE") else if (now(i).isZero) println("FALSE") else {
println(now(i)) // prints BDD as a one line text
now(i).printDot() // prints BDD in dot format for vizualization with GraphViz
prop trafficRule : !stopped_ego -> @ !red_light
class Formula_trafficRule(monitor: Monitor) extends Formula(monitor) {
override def evaluate(): Boolean = {
// assignments1 (leaf nodes that are not rule calls):
now(2) = build("stopped_ego")()
now(5) = build("red_light")()
// assignments2 (rule nodes excluding what is below @ and excluding leaf nodes):
// assignments3 (rule calls):
// assignments4 (the rest of rules that are below @ and excluding leaf nodes):
// assignments5 (main formula excluding leaf nodes):
now(1) = now(2).not()
now(4) = now(5).not()
now(3) = pre(4)
now(0) = now(1).not().or(now(3))
val error = now(0).isZero
if (error) monitor.recordResult()
tmp = now
now = pre
pre = tmp
touchedByLastEvent = emptyTouchedSet
varsInRelations = Set()
val indices: List[Int] = List(3)
pre = Array.fill(6)(bddGenerator.False)
now = Array.fill(6)(bddGenerator.False)
txt = Array(
"!stopped_ego -> @ !red_light",
"@ !red_light",
/* The specialized Monitor for the provided properties. */
class PropertyMonitor extends Monitor {
def eventsInSpec: Set[String] = Set("stopped_ego","red_light")
formulae ++= List(new Formula_trafficRule(this))
object TraceMonitor {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (1 <= args.length && args.length <= 3) {
if (args.length > 1) Options.BITS = args(1).toInt
val m = new PropertyMonitor
if (args.length == 3 && args(2) == "debug") Options.DEBUG = true
if (args.length == 3 && args(2) == "profile") Options.PROFILE = true
try {
if (Options.PROFILE) {
if(args(0) == "online"){
// doesn't take account if the events have timestamps
println("Online monitoring \n")
var input = readLine("->").split(",")
while(input(0) != "-"){
var name = input(0)
var args = new ListBuffer[Any]()
for (i <- 1 until input.length) {
args += input(i).toInt
args += input(i)
m.submit(name, args.toList)
input = readLine("->").split(",")
else {
val file = args(0)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println(s"\n*** $e\n")
// e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
if (Options.PROFILE) closeProfileFile()
} else {
println("*** call with these arguments:")
println("<logfile> [<bits> [debug|profile]]")
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scalac -cp .:/home/tasosxak/Downloads/dejavu-master/lib/commons-csv-1.1.jar:/home/tasosxak/Downloads/dejavu-master/lib/javabdd-1.0b2.jar TraceMonitor.scala

scala -J-Xmx16g -cp .:/home/tasosxak/Downloads/dejavu-master/lib/commons-csv-1.1.jar:/home/tasosxak/Downloads/dejavu-master/lib/javabdd-1.0b2.jar TraceMonitor online

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