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Created November 18, 2020 14:03
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list(ZinglPlotter.linearize(Path(Circle(0,0,5000)))) # After doing an import. Also try with any other loaded paths.
from queue import Queue
from svgelements import *
The Zingl-Bresenham plotting algorithms are from Alois Zingl's "The Beauty of Bresenham's Algorithm"
( ).
In the case of Zingl's work this isn't explicit from his website, however from personal
correspondence "'Free and open source' means you can do anything with it like the MIT licence."
The Zingl-Bresenham algorithms are provided in a static fashion and generate x and y locations.
The Main-class ZinglPlotter simplifies the plotting modifications routines. These are buffered with plottable elements.
These can be submitted as destination graphics commands, or by submitting a plot routine. Which may yield either 2 or
3 value coordinates. These are x, y, and on. Where on is a number between 0 and 1 which designates the on-value. In the
graphics commands the move is given a 0 and all other plots are given a 1. All graphics commands take an optional
on-value. If PPI is enabled, fractional on values are made non-fractional by carrying forward the value of on as a
factor applied of the total value.
All plots are queued and processed in order. This queueing scheme is threadsafe, and should permit one thread reading
the plot values while another thread adds additional items to the queue. If the queue completely empties any processes
being applied to the plot stream are flushed prior to terminating the iterator.
Provided positions can be gapped or single, with adjacent or distant values. The on value is expected to denote whether
the transition from the current position to the new position should be drawn or not. Values that have an initial value
of zero will remain zero.
* Singles converts input into single positional shifts. This must be done to process the plot stream.
* PPI does pulses per inch carry forward with the given value.
* Dot Length requires any train of on-values must be of at least the proscribed length.
* Shift moves isolated single-on values to be adjacent to other on-values.
* Groups manipulates the output as max-length changeless orthogonal/diagonal positions.
This work is MIT Licensed.
class ZinglPlotter:
def __init__(self):
self.flushed = True
self.current = []
self.current_on = None
self.position = 0
self.queue = Queue()
self.x = None
self.y = None
self.single_default = 0
self.single_x = None
self.single_y = None
self.ppi_total = 0
self.ppi_enabled = True
self.ppi = 1000.0
self.dot_length = 1
self.dot_left = 0
self.group_enabled = True
self.group_x = None
self.group_y = None
self.group_on = None
self.group_dx = 0
self.group_dy = 0
self.shift_enabled = False
self.shift_buffer = []
self.shift_pixels = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
Main method of generating the plot stream.
while len(self.current) <= self.position:
self.position = 0
if self.queue.empty():
if self.flushed:
raise StopIteration
self.flushed = True
if len(self.current) == 0:
raise StopIteration
plot, self.single_default = self.queue.get()
c = self.current[self.position]
self.position += 1
return c
def add_plot(self, plot, on=1):
Add a given plot to the queue. The plot is unrolled in order to ensure movement to the first position and to
update the position to the last position.
:param plot: Plot to be added.
:param on: Default on-value for this plot if none is provided.
plot = [c for c in plot]
if len(plot) == 0:
start = plot[0]
self.move_to(start[0], start[1])
self.queue.put((plot, on))
end = plot[-1]
self.x = end[0]
self.y = end[1]
self.flushed = False
def add_path(self, path):
Adds an svgelements path command of segments to the current queue.
:param path:
if isinstance(path, Path):
for seg in path:
def add_segment(self, seg):
Adds an svgelement pathsegment to as a graphics plot to the current queue.
:param seg:
if isinstance(seg, Move):
if seg.start is not None:
self.move_to(seg.end[0], seg.end[1], start_x=seg.start[0], start_y=seg.start[1])
self.move_to(seg.end[0], seg.end[1], start_x=self.x, start_y=self.y)
elif isinstance(seg, Close):
self.line_to(seg.end[0], seg.end[1])
elif isinstance(seg, Line):
self.line_to(seg.end[0], seg.end[1])
elif isinstance(seg, QuadraticBezier):
self.quad_to(seg.control[0], seg.control[1], seg.end[0], seg.end[1])
elif isinstance(seg, CubicBezier):
self.curve_to(seg.control1[0], seg.control1[1], seg.control2[0], seg.control2[1], seg.end[0], seg.end[1])
elif isinstance(seg, Arc):
raise ValueError
def move_to(self, x, y, start_x=None, start_y=None):
Moves to the given position. If no position is current set, and no start position is given. This exists at the
:param x: x coordinate destination
:param y: y coordinate destination
:param start_x: optional start x coordinate.
:param start_y: optional start y coordinate
if self.x == x and self.y == y:
return # We are already there.
if start_x is None and start_y is None:
self.queue.put(([[round(x), round(y)]], 0))
self.line_to(x, y, 0)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.flushed = False
def line_to(self, x, y, on=1):
Lines to the given position. Appending that to the queue.
:param x: x coordinate destination
:param y: y coordinate destination
:param on: Default on-value for this plot if none is provided.
self.queue.put((ZinglPlotter.plot_line(self.x, self.y, x, y), on))
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.flushed = False
def curve_to(self, cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1, x, y, on=1):
Cubic bezier curve to the destination with the given control points.
:param cx0: first control point x
:param cy0: first control point y
:param cx1: second control point x
:param cy1: second control point y
:param x: x coordinate destination
:param y: y coordinate destination
:param on: Default on-value for this plot if none is provided.
self.queue.put((ZinglPlotter.plot_cubic_bezier(self.x, self.y, cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1, x, y), on))
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.flushed = False
def quad_to(self, cx, cy, x, y, on=1):
Quadratic bezier curve to the destination with the given control point.
:param cx: control point x
:param cy: control point y
:param x: x coordinate destination
:param y: y coordinate destination
:param on: Default on-value for this plot if none is provided.
self.queue.put((ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier(self.x, self.y, cx, cy, x, y), on))
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.flushed = False
def arc_to(self, arc, on=1):
Arc to a given destination.
:param arc: SVG arc element.
:param on: Default on-value for this plot if none is provided.
self.queue.put((ZinglPlotter.plot_arc(arc), on))
end = arc.end
self.x = end[0]
self.y = end[1]
self.flushed = False
def process(self, plot):
Converts a series of inputs into a series of outputs. There is not a 1:1 input to output conversion.
Processes can buffer data and return None. Processes are required to surrender any buffer they have if the
given sequence ends with, or is None. This flushes out any data.
If an input sequence still lacks a on-value then the single_default value will be utilized.
Output sequences are iterables of x, y, on positions.
:param plot: plottable element that should be wrapped
:return: generator to produce plottable elements.
plot = self.single(plot)
if self.ppi_enabled:
plot = self.apply_ppi(plot)
if self.shift_enabled:
plot = self.shift(plot)
if self.group_enabled:
plot =
return plot
def single(self, plot):
Convert a sequence set of positions into single unit plotted sequences.
single_default sets the default for any unmarked processes.
single_x sets the last known x position this routine has encountered.
single_y sets the last known y position this routine has encountered.
:param plot: plot generator
if plot is None:
yield None
for event in plot:
if len(event) == 3:
x, y, on = event
x, y = event
on = self.single_default
index = 1
if self.single_x is None:
self.single_x = x
index = 0
if self.single_y is None:
self.single_y = y
index = 0
if x > self.single_x:
dx = 1
elif x < self.single_x:
dx = -1
dx = 0
if y > self.single_y:
dy = 1
elif y < self.single_y:
dy = -1
dy = 0
total_dx = x - self.single_x
total_dy = y - self.single_y
if total_dy * dx != total_dx * dy:
raise ValueError("Must be uniformly diagonal or orthogonal: (%d, %d) is not." % (total_dx, total_dy))
count = max(abs(total_dx), abs(total_dy)) + 1
interpolated = [(self.single_x + (i * dx), self.single_y + (i * dy), on) for i in range(index, count)]
self.single_x = x
self.single_y = y
for p in interpolated:
yield p
def group(self, plot):
Converts a generated series of single stepped plots into grouped orthogonal/diagonal plots.
:param plot: single stepped plots to be grouped into orth/diag sequences.
for event in plot:
if event is None:
if self.group_x is not None and self.group_y is not None:
yield self.group_x, self.group_y, self.group_on
self.group_dx = 0
self.group_dy = 0
x, y, on = event
if self.group_x is None:
self.group_x = x
if self.group_y is None:
self.group_y = y
if self.group_on is None:
self.group_on = on
if self.group_dx == 0 and self.group_dy == 0:
self.group_dx = x - self.group_x
self.group_dy = y - self.group_y
if self.group_dx != 0 or self.group_dy != 0:
if x == self.group_x + self.group_dx and y == self.group_y + self.group_dy and on == self.group_on:
# This is an orthogonal/diagonal step along the same path.
self.group_x = x
self.group_y = y
yield self.group_x, self.group_y, self.group_on
self.group_dx = x - self.group_x
self.group_dy = y - self.group_y
if abs(self.group_dx) > 1 or abs(self.group_dy) > 1:
# The last step was not valid.
raise ValueError("dx(%d) or dy(%d) exceeds 1" % (self.group_dx, self.group_dy))
self.group_x = x
self.group_y = y
self.group_on = on
def apply_ppi(self, plot):
Converts single stepped plots, to apply PPI.
Implements PPI power modulation.
:param plot: generator of single stepped plots
if plot is None:
yield None
for event in plot:
if event is None:
yield None
x, y, on = event
self.ppi_total += self.ppi * on
if on and self.dot_left > 0:
self.dot_left -= 1
on = 1
if self.ppi_total >= 1000.0:
on = 1
self.ppi_total -= 1000.0 * self.dot_length
self.dot_left = self.dot_length - 1
on = 0
if on:
self.dot_left = self.dot_length - 1
yield x, y, on
def shift(self, plot):
Tweaks on-values to simplify them into more coherent subsections.
:param plot: generator of single stepped plots
for event in plot:
if event is None:
while len(self.shift_buffer) > 0:
self.shift_pixels <<= 1
bx, by = self.shift_buffer.pop()
bon = (self.shift_pixels >> 3) & 1
yield bx, by, bon
yield None
x, y, on = event
self.shift_pixels <<= 1
if on:
self.shift_pixels |= 1
self.shift_pixels &= 0b1111
self.shift_buffer.insert(0, (x, y))
if self.shift_pixels == 0b0101:
self.shift_pixels = 0b0011
elif self.shift_pixels == 0b1010:
self.shift_pixels = 0b1100
if len(self.shift_buffer) >= 4:
bx, by = self.shift_buffer.pop()
bon = (self.shift_pixels >> 3) & 1
yield bx, by, bon
def plot_path(path):
Default plot routine for svgelements plot objects
yields x, y, (1/0)
The 1 and 0 indicates whether that segment is drawn or undrawn within the path.
:param obj: path or segment to plot.
if isinstance(path, Path):
for seg in path:
for values in ZinglPlotter.plot_segment(seg):
yield values
for values in ZinglPlotter.plot_segment(path):
yield values
def linearize(path, length="1mm", ppi=96):
path = abs(path)
distance_in_pixels = Length(length).value(ppi=ppi)
i = 0
for seg in path:
for values in ZinglPlotter.plot_segment(seg):
if values[2]:
if i > distance_in_pixels:
yield values[0], values[1]
i = -distance_in_pixels
i += 1
def plot_segment(seg):
Plots a given path segment.
yields x, y, (1/0)
The 1 and 0 indicates whether that segment is drawn or undrawn within the path.
:param seg:
if isinstance(seg, Move):
if seg.start is not None:
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_line(seg.start[0], seg.start[1], seg.end[0], seg.end[1]):
yield x, y, 0
elif isinstance(seg, Close):
if seg.start is not None and seg.end is not None:
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_line(seg.start[0], seg.start[1], seg.end[0], seg.end[1]):
yield x, y, 1
elif isinstance(seg, Line):
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_line(seg.start[0], seg.start[1], seg.end[0], seg.end[1]):
yield x, y, 1
elif isinstance(seg, QuadraticBezier):
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier(seg.start[0], seg.start[1],
seg.control[0], seg.control[1],
seg.end[0], seg.end[1]):
yield x, y, 1
elif isinstance(seg, CubicBezier):
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_cubic_bezier(seg.start[0], seg.start[1],
seg.control1[0], seg.control1[1],
seg.control2[0], seg.control2[1],
seg.end[0], seg.end[1]):
yield x, y, 1
elif isinstance(seg, Arc):
for x, y in ZinglPlotter.plot_arc(seg):
yield x, y, 1
raise ValueError
def plot_arc(arc):
Plots an arc by converting it into a series of cubic bezier curves and plotting those instead.
:param arc:
# TODO: Should actually plot the arc according to the pixel-perfect standard.
# TODO: In this case we would plot a Bernstein weighted bezier curve.
sweep_limit = tau / 12
arc_required = int(ceil(abs(arc.sweep) / sweep_limit))
if arc_required == 0:
slice = arc.sweep / float(arc_required)
theta = arc.get_rotation()
rx = arc.rx
ry = arc.ry
p_start = arc.start
current_t = arc.get_start_t()
x0 =[0]
y0 =[1]
cos_theta = cos(theta)
sin_theta = sin(theta)
for i in range(0, arc_required):
next_t = current_t + slice
alpha = sin(slice) * (sqrt(4 + 3 * pow(tan((slice) / 2.0), 2)) - 1) / 3.0
cos_start_t = cos(current_t)
sin_start_t = sin(current_t)
ePrimen1x = -rx * cos_theta * sin_start_t - ry * sin_theta * cos_start_t
ePrimen1y = -rx * sin_theta * sin_start_t + ry * cos_theta * cos_start_t
cos_end_t = cos(next_t)
sin_end_t = sin(next_t)
p2En2x = x0 + rx * cos_end_t * cos_theta - ry * sin_end_t * sin_theta
p2En2y = y0 + rx * cos_end_t * sin_theta + ry * sin_end_t * cos_theta
p_end = (p2En2x, p2En2y)
if i == arc_required - 1:
p_end = arc.end
ePrimen2x = -rx * cos_theta * sin_end_t - ry * sin_theta * cos_end_t
ePrimen2y = -rx * sin_theta * sin_end_t + ry * cos_theta * cos_end_t
p_c1 = (p_start[0] + alpha * ePrimen1x, p_start[1] + alpha * ePrimen1y)
p_c2 = (p_end[0] - alpha * ePrimen2x, p_end[1] - alpha * ePrimen2y)
for value in ZinglPlotter.plot_cubic_bezier(p_start[0], p_start[1],
p_c1[0], p_c1[1],
p_c2[0], p_c2[1],
p_end[0], p_end[1]):
yield value
p_start = Point(p_end)
current_t = next_t
def plot_line(x0, y0, x1, y1):
Zingl-Bresenham line draw algorithm
yields x, y
x0 = int(x0)
y0 = int(y0)
x1 = int(x1)
y1 = int(y1)
dx = abs(x1 - x0)
dy = -abs(y1 - y0)
if x0 < x1:
sx = 1
sx = -1
if y0 < y1:
sy = 1
sy = -1
err = dx + dy # error value e_xy
while True: # /* loop */
yield x0, y0
if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
e2 = 2 * err
if e2 >= dy: # e_xy+e_y < 0
err += dy
x0 += sx
if e2 <= dx: # e_xy+e_y < 0
err += dx
y0 += sy
def plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2):
"""plot a limited quadratic Bezier segment
This algorithm can plot curves that do not inflect.
This is used as part of the general algorithm, which breaks at the inflection point.
yields x, y
sx = x2 - x1
sy = y2 - y1
xx = x0 - x1
yy = y0 - y1
xy = 0 # relative values for checks */
dx = 0
dy = 0
err = 0
cur = xx * sy - yy * sx # /* curvature */
points = None
assert (xx * sx <= 0 and yy * sy <= 0) # /* sign of gradient must not change */
if sx * sx + sy * sy > xx * xx + yy * yy: # /* begin with shorter part */
x2 = x0
x0 = sx + x1
y2 = y0
y0 = sy + y1
cur = -cur # /* swap P0 P2 */
points = []
if cur != 0: # /* no straight line */
xx += sx
if x0 < x2:
sx = 1 # /* x step direction */
sx = -1 # /* x step direction */
xx *= sx
yy += sy
if y0 < y2:
sy = 1
sy = -1
yy *= sy # /* y step direction */
xy = 2 * xx * yy
xx *= xx
yy *= yy # /* differences 2nd degree */
if cur * sx * sy < 0: # /* negated curvature? */
xx = -xx
yy = -yy
xy = -xy
cur = -cur
dx = 4.0 * sy * cur * (x1 - x0) + xx - xy # /* differences 1st degree */
dy = 4.0 * sx * cur * (y0 - y1) + yy - xy
xx += xx
yy += yy
err = dx + dy + xy # /* error 1st step */
while True:
if points is None:
yield int(x0), int(y0) # /* plot curve */
points.append((int(x0), int(y0)))
if x0 == x2 and y0 == y2:
if points is not None:
for plot in reversed(points):
yield plot
return # /* last pixel -> curve finished */
y1 = 2 * err < dx # /* save value for test of y step */
if 2 * err > dy:
x0 += sx
dx -= xy
dy += yy
err += dy
# /* x step */
if y1 != 0:
y0 += sy
dy -= xy
dx += xx
err += dx
# /* y step */
if not (dy < 0 < dx): # /* gradient negates -> algorithm fails */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_line(x0, y0, x2, y2): # /* plot remaining part to end */:
if points is None:
yield plot # /* plot curve */
points.append(plot) # plotLine(x0,y0, x2,y2) #/* plot remaining part to end */
if points is not None:
for plot in reversed(points):
yield plot
def plot_quad_bezier(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2):
Zingl-Bresenham quad bezier draw algorithm.
Plot any quadratic Bezier curve
yields x, y
x0 = int(x0)
y0 = int(y0)
# control points are permitted fractional elements.
x2 = int(x2)
y2 = int(y2)
x = x0 - x1
y = y0 - y1
t = x0 - 2 * x1 + x2
r = 0
points = None
if x * (x2 - x1) > 0: # /* horizontal cut at P4? */
if y * (y2 - y1) > 0: # /* vertical cut at P6 too? */
if abs((y0 - 2 * y1 + y2) / t * x) > abs(y): # /* which first? */
x0 = x2
x2 = x + x1
y0 = y2
y2 = y + y1 # /* swap points */
points = []
# /* now horizontal cut at P4 comes first */
t = (x0 - x1) / t
r = (1 - t) * ((1 - t) * y0 + 2.0 * t * y1) + t * t * y2 # /* By(t=P4) */
t = (x0 * x2 - x1 * x1) * t / (x0 - x1) # /* gradient dP4/dx=0 */
x = floor(t + 0.5)
y = floor(r + 0.5)
r = (y1 - y0) * (t - x0) / (x1 - x0) + y0 # /* intersect P3 | P0 P1 */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, x, floor(r + 0.5), x, y):
if points is None:
yield plot
r = (y1 - y2) * (t - x2) / (x1 - x2) + y2 # /* intersect P4 | P1 P2 */
x0 = x1 = x
y0 = y
y1 = floor(r + 0.5) # /* P0 = P4, P1 = P8 */
if (y0 - y1) * (y2 - y1) > 0: # /* vertical cut at P6? */
t = y0 - 2 * y1 + y2
t = (y0 - y1) / t
r = (1 - t) * ((1 - t) * x0 + 2.0 * t * x1) + t * t * x2 # /* Bx(t=P6) */
t = (y0 * y2 - y1 * y1) * t / (y0 - y1) # /* gradient dP6/dy=0 */
x = floor(r + 0.5)
y = floor(t + 0.5)
r = (x1 - x0) * (t - y0) / (y1 - y0) + x0 # /* intersect P6 | P0 P1 */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, floor(r + 0.5), y, x, y):
if points is None:
yield plot
r = (x1 - x2) * (t - y2) / (y1 - y2) + x2 # /* intersect P7 | P1 P2 */
x0 = x
x1 = floor(r + 0.5)
y0 = y1 = y # /* P0 = P6, P1 = P7 */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2): # /* remaining part */
if points is None:
yield plot
if points is not None:
for plot in reversed(points):
yield plot
def plot_cubic_bezier_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
Plot limited cubic Bezier segment
This algorithm can plot curves that do not inflect.
It is used as part of the general algorithm, which breaks at the infection point(s)
yields x, y
second_leg = []
f = 0
fx = 0
fy = 0
leg = 1
if x0 < x3:
sx = 1
sx = -1
if y0 < y3:
sy = 1 # /* step direction */
sy = -1 # /* step direction */
xc = -abs(x0 + x1 - x2 - x3)
xa = xc - 4 * sx * (x1 - x2)
xb = sx * (x0 - x1 - x2 + x3)
yc = -abs(y0 + y1 - y2 - y3)
ya = yc - 4 * sy * (y1 - y2)
yb = sy * (y0 - y1 - y2 + y3)
ab = 0
ac = 0
bc = 0
cb = 0
xx = 0
xy = 0
yy = 0
dx = 0
dy = 0
ex = 0
pxy = 0
EP = 0.01
# /* check for curve restrains */
# /* slope P0-P1 == P2-P3 and (P0-P3 == P1-P2 or no slope change)
# if (x1 - x0) * (x2 - x3) < EP and ((x3 - x0) * (x1 - x2) < EP or xb * xb < xa * xc + EP):
# return
# if (y1 - y0) * (y2 - y3) < EP and ((y3 - y0) * (y1 - y2) < EP or yb * yb < ya * yc + EP):
# return
if xa == 0 and ya == 0: # /* quadratic Bezier */
# return plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, (3 * x1 - x0) >> 1, (3 * y1 - y0) >> 1, x3, y3)
sx = floor((3 * x1 - x0 + 1) / 2)
sy = floor((3 * y1 - y0 + 1) / 2) # /* new midpoint */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_quad_bezier_seg(x0, y0, sx, sy, x3, y3):
yield plot
x1 = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0) + 1 # /* line lengths */
x2 = (x2 - x3) * (x2 - x3) + (y2 - y3) * (y2 - y3) + 1
while True: # /* loop over both ends */
ab = xa * yb - xb * ya
ac = xa * yc - xc * ya
bc = xb * yc - xc * yb
ex = ab * (ab + ac - 3 * bc) + ac * ac # /* P0 part of self-intersection loop? */
if ex > 0:
f = 1 # /* calc resolution */
f = floor(sqrt(1 + 1024 / x1)) # /* calc resolution */
ab *= f
ac *= f
bc *= f
ex *= f * f # /* increase resolution */
xy = 9 * (ab + ac + bc) / 8
cb = 8 * (xa - ya) # /* init differences of 1st degree */
dx = 27 * (8 * ab * (yb * yb - ya * yc) + ex * (ya + 2 * yb + yc)) / 64 - ya * ya * (xy - ya)
dy = 27 * (8 * ab * (xb * xb - xa * xc) - ex * (xa + 2 * xb + xc)) / 64 - xa * xa * (xy + xa)
# /* init differences of 2nd degree */
xx = 3 * (3 * ab * (3 * yb * yb - ya * ya - 2 * ya * yc) - ya * (3 * ac * (ya + yb) + ya * cb)) / 4
yy = 3 * (3 * ab * (3 * xb * xb - xa * xa - 2 * xa * xc) - xa * (3 * ac * (xa + xb) + xa * cb)) / 4
xy = xa * ya * (6 * ab + 6 * ac - 3 * bc + cb)
ac = ya * ya
cb = xa * xa
xy = 3 * (xy + 9 * f * (cb * yb * yc - xb * xc * ac) - 18 * xb * yb * ab) / 8
if ex < 0: # /* negate values if inside self-intersection loop */
dx = -dx
dy = -dy
xx = -xx
yy = -yy
xy = -xy
ac = -ac
cb = -cb # /* init differences of 3rd degree */
ab = 6 * ya * ac
ac = -6 * xa * ac
bc = 6 * ya * cb
cb = -6 * xa * cb
dx += xy
ex = dx + dy
dy += xy # /* error of 1st step */
pxy = 0
fx = fy = f
while x0 != x3 and y0 != y3:
if leg == 0:
second_leg.append((x0, y0)) # /* plot curve */
yield x0, y0 # /* plot curve */
while True: # /* move sub-steps of one pixel */
if pxy == 0:
if dx > xy or dy < xy:
raise StopIteration # /* confusing */
if pxy == 1:
if dx > 0 or dy < 0:
raise StopIteration # /* values */
y1 = 2 * ex - dy # /* save value for test of y step */
if 2 * ex >= dx: # /* x sub-step */
fx -= 1
dx += xx
ex += dx
xy += ac
dy += xy
yy += bc
xx += ab
elif y1 > 0:
raise StopIteration
if y1 <= 0: # /* y sub-step */
fy -= 1
dy += yy
ex += dy
xy += bc
dx += xy
xx += ac
yy += cb
if not (fx > 0 and fy > 0): # /* pixel complete? */
if 2 * fx <= f:
x0 += sx
fx += f # /* x step */
if 2 * fy <= f:
y0 += sy
fy += f # /* y step */
if pxy == 0 and dx < 0 and dy > 0:
pxy = 1 # /* pixel ahead valid */
except StopIteration:
xx = x0
x0 = x3
x3 = xx
sx = -sx
xb = -xb # /* swap legs */
yy = y0
y0 = y3
y3 = yy
sy = -sy
yb = -yb
x1 = x2
if not (leg != 0):
leg -= 1 # /* try other end */
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_line(x3, y3, x0, y0): # /* remaining part in case of cusp or crunode */
for plot in reversed(second_leg):
yield plot
def plot_cubic_bezier(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
Zingl-Bresenham cubic bezier draw algorithm
Plot any quadratic Bezier curve
yields x, y
x0 = int(x0)
y0 = int(y0)
# control points are permitted fractional elements.
x3 = int(x3)
y3 = int(y3)
n = 0
i = 0
xc = x0 + x1 - x2 - x3
xa = xc - 4 * (x1 - x2)
xb = x0 - x1 - x2 + x3
xd = xb + 4 * (x1 + x2)
yc = y0 + y1 - y2 - y3
ya = yc - 4 * (y1 - y2)
yb = y0 - y1 - y2 + y3
yd = yb + 4 * (y1 + y2)
fx0 = x0
fx1 = 0
fx2 = 0
fx3 = 0
fy0 = y0
fy1 = 0
fy2 = 0
fy3 = 0
t1 = xb * xb - xa * xc
t2 = 0
t = [0] * 5
# /* sub-divide curve at gradient sign changes */
if xa == 0: # /* horizontal */
if abs(xc) < 2 * abs(xb):
t[n] = xc / (2.0 * xb) # /* one change */
n += 1
elif t1 > 0.0: # /* two changes */
t2 = sqrt(t1)
t1 = (xb - t2) / xa
if abs(t1) < 1.0:
t[n] = t1
n += 1
t1 = (xb + t2) / xa
if abs(t1) < 1.0:
t[n] = t1
n += 1
t1 = yb * yb - ya * yc
if ya == 0: # /* vertical */
if abs(yc) < 2 * abs(yb):
t[n] = yc / (2.0 * yb) # /* one change */
n += 1
elif t1 > 0.0: # /* two changes */
t2 = sqrt(t1)
t1 = (yb - t2) / ya
if abs(t1) < 1.0:
t[n] = t1
n += 1
t1 = (yb + t2) / ya
if abs(t1) < 1.0:
t[n] = t1
n += 1
i = 1
while i < n: # /* bubble sort of 4 points */
t1 = t[i - 1]
if t1 > t[i]:
t[i - 1] = t[i]
t[i] = t1
i = 0
i += 1
t1 = -1.0
t[n] = 1.0 # /* begin / end point */
for i in range(0, n + 1): # /* plot each segment separately */
t2 = t[i] # /* sub-divide at t[i-1], t[i] */
fx1 = (t1 * (t1 * xb - 2 * xc) - t2 * (t1 * (t1 * xa - 2 * xb) + xc) + xd) / 8 - fx0
fy1 = (t1 * (t1 * yb - 2 * yc) - t2 * (t1 * (t1 * ya - 2 * yb) + yc) + yd) / 8 - fy0
fx2 = (t2 * (t2 * xb - 2 * xc) - t1 * (t2 * (t2 * xa - 2 * xb) + xc) + xd) / 8 - fx0
fy2 = (t2 * (t2 * yb - 2 * yc) - t1 * (t2 * (t2 * ya - 2 * yb) + yc) + yd) / 8 - fy0
fx3 = (t2 * (t2 * (3 * xb - t2 * xa) - 3 * xc) + xd) / 8
fx0 -= fx3
fy3 = (t2 * (t2 * (3 * yb - t2 * ya) - 3 * yc) + yd) / 8
fy0 -= fy3
x3 = floor(fx3 + 0.5)
y3 = floor(fy3 + 0.5) # /* scale bounds */
if fx0 != 0.0:
fx0 = (x0 - x3) / fx0
fx1 *= fx0
fx2 *= fx0
if fy0 != 0.0:
fy0 = (y0 - y3) / fy0
fy1 *= fy0
fy2 *= fy0
if x0 != x3 or y0 != y3: # /* segment t1 - t2 */
# plotCubicBezierSeg(x0,y0, x0+fx1,y0+fy1, x0+fx2,y0+fy2, x3,y3)
for plot in ZinglPlotter.plot_cubic_bezier_seg(x0, y0, x0 + fx1, y0 + fy1, x0 + fx2, y0 + fy2, x3, y3):
yield plot
x0 = x3
y0 = y3
fx0 = fx3
fy0 = fy3
t1 = t2
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