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Created May 16, 2018 18:24
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verifing WebPush JWT on node.js
"use strict"
const util=require('util')
const jwt=require('jsonwebtoken')
const asn = require('asn1.js');
// const fs = require('fs')
// ECDSA public key ASN.1 format
const ECPublicKey = asn.define("PublicKey", function() {
// convert public key from p256ecdsa to PEM
function getPemFromPublicKey(public_key){
return ECPublicKey.encode({
algorithm: {
id: [1, 2, 840, 10045, 2, 1], // :id-ecPublicKey
curve: [1,2,840,10045,3,1,7] // prime256v1
pub: {
// このunused により bitstringの先頭に 00 が置かれる。
// 先頭の00 04 が uncompressed を示す
// section 2.3.3
unused: 0,
data: public_key,
}, "pem", {label: "PUBLIC KEY"})
function decodeBase64(src){
return new Buffer(src,'base64')
// test data
const auth_header = "WebPush eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL21hc3RvZG9uLW1zZy5qdWdnbGVyLmpwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTI2NTU5OTg2LCJzdWIiOiJtYWlsdG86dGF0ZWlzdUBnbWFpbC5jb20ifQ.h8p58F3MmbXUSQKyxoQSWG8Qu8EJoJqykbnPXuOcyeImlfe4uHKhpUYrK-mPH5lx_Adoz_t522UHYSqadgPHRA"
const crypto_key = "dh=BBjDnasYpkCkA1EmvOGO0AhH_CDlMrv1Os0SLH9ynjuPxeZ6XVbC-RZSyEv_T14FA2zs3YnWqKFnX8XpbyLQRPg;p256ecdsa=BLzIgsz-VRhTxuVgNoQljTwAFzxbanfGxNk8tldaruBztvsK9elES_2lE_8c91-RNOInEBEFUrCzDw-60bzUCr8"
const reAuthorizationWebPush = new RegExp("^WebPush\\s+(\\S+)")
const reCryptoKeySignPublicKey = new RegExp("p256ecdsa=([^;\\s]+)")
let m = reAuthorizationWebPush.exec( auth_header )
if( !m ){
console.log("header not match: Authorization")
const token = m[1]
m = reCryptoKeySignPublicKey.exec(crypto_key)
if( !m ){
console.log("header not match: Crypto-Key")
const public_key = decodeBase64(m[1])
const pem = getPemFromPublicKey(public_key)
// fs.writeFileSync("./public2.pem", pem + "\n");
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, Buffer.from(pem), { algorithms: ['ES256'] })
// { aud: '',exp: 1526559986,sub: '' }
// error case
const decoded2 = jwt.verify(token+"xxx", Buffer.from(pem), { algorithms: ['ES256'] })
console.log(`verify failed: ${err}`)
// verify failed: JsonWebTokenError: invalid token
(1) openSSLで作成したPEMファイルで署名の作成と検証
(2) 公開鍵をp256ecdsaバイトデータからPEMフォーマットに変換
// jsonwebtoken はPEMファイルがあればjwtのエンコードとデコード(署名検証)ができる
// openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.pem
// openssl ec -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem
var priv = fs.readFileSync('./private.pem')
var token = jwt.sign("{ foo: 'bar' }", priv, { algorithm: 'ES256' })
var pub = fs.readFileSync('./public.pem')
var decoded = jwt.verify(token, pub, { algorithms: ['ES256'] })
dump of pem file
$ openssl asn1parse -in public.pem -dump
0:d=0 hl=2 l= 89 cons: SEQUENCE
2:d=1 hl=2 l= 19 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=2 hl=2 l= 7 prim: OBJECT :id-ecPublicKey
13:d=2 hl=2 l= 8 prim: OBJECT :prime256v1
23:d=1 hl=2 l= 66 prim: BIT STRING
0000 - 00 04 e0 a5 f8 06 b7 0a-05 cc fa 97 06 cb f8 04 ................
0010 - 0c 1b e3 52 13 3d bb a9-de 74 7d 25 ac 7b 39 d0 ...R.=...t}%.{9.
0020 - e1 e6 ee 3a 96 47 9f be-41 ae c2 ff d0 36 53 43 ...:.G..A....6SC
0030 - 88 e6 5d f7 a4 09 32 13-d6 57 e5 91 3f 5d d6 70 ..]...2..W..?].p
0040 - 07 c2
hl:header length (tag and length octets) of the current type.
l: length of the contents octets.
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