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Last active December 15, 2015 00:08
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Save tatiana/5170442 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Why adding transitivity breaks language filter in SPARQL Query?
@prefix tpedia: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
tpedia:new_york a tpedia:Place ;
rdfs:label "Nova Iorque"@pt ;
rdfs:label "New York"@en .
tpedia:london a tpedia:Place ;
rdfs:label "Londres"@pt ;
rdfs:label "London"@en .
tpedia:name rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
tpedia:munich a tpedia:Place ;
tpedia:name "Munique"@pt ;
tpedia:name "Munich"@en .
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tatiana commented Mar 19, 2013

The issue was solved using inference.

First, we need to add the inference rule using the Virtuoso ISQL:

rdfs_rule_set ('', '');

After this, the query bellow will work as expected:

DEFINE input:inference <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?label
    ?subject a <>;
             rdfs:label ?label  .
    FILTER (langMatches(lang(?label), "pt"))

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