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Created March 14, 2014 18:46
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Sample Tornado server, both asynchronous and synchronous (blocking)
import time
from tornado import gen, httpclient
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.log import app_log
from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line
from tornado.web import asynchronous, Application, RequestHandler, URLSpec
DEBUG = True
PORT = 8888
external_api_url = FACEBOOK_URL.format("")
# Options
define("debug", default=DEBUG, help="Enable or disable debug", type=bool)
define("port", default=PORT, help="Run app on the given port", type=int)
def create_app():
Create instance of tornado.web.Application.
routes = [
URLSpec(r'/async', MainHandlerAsync),
URLSpec(r"/block", MainHandlerBlocking)
return Application(routes, **options.as_dict())
class MainHandlerBlocking(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
req = httpclient.HTTPRequest(external_api_url, method='GET')
# we could use something like requests or urllib here
client = httpclient.HTTPClient()
response = client.fetch(req)
# do something with the response (response.body)
self.finish("from block")
class MainHandlerAsync(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
req = httpclient.HTTPRequest(external_api_url, method='GET')
client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
# don't let the yield call confuse you, it's just Tornado helpers to make
# writing async code a bit easier. This is the same as doing
# client.fetch(req, callback=_some_other_helper_function)
response = yield gen.Task(client.fetch, req)
### do something with the response (response.body)
self.finish("from asynchronous")
def main():
Run main loop.
application = create_app()
server = HTTPServer(application)
server.listen(options['port'])"Service is running at port {0}".format(options['port']))
io_loop = IOLoop.instance()
if __name__ == '__main__':
application = create_app()
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