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Created February 11, 2016 21:17
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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2013 Johannes Bauer, Universitaet Hamburg
# This file is free software. Do with it whatever you like.
# It comes with no warranty, explicit or implicit, whatsoever.
# This python script implements a simple SOM in arbitrary dimensions.
# If you find it useful or if you have any questions, do not
# hesitate to contact me at
# bauer at informatik dot uni dash hamburg dot de.
import numpy
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SOM(object):
def __init__(self, dimensions, datalength):
dimensions : the dimensions of the SOM (sequence of integers).
datalength : length of input vectors.
self.weights = numpy.random.rand(*(tuple(dimensions) + (datalength,))) * .1
self.dimensions = dimensions
def response(self, datapoint):
""" Compute the response of the SOM to a given input.
datapoint : an input data point.
activation of the network --- an array with the same dimensionality as the SOM with the squared
euclidean distance of each unit from the datapoint.
logger.debug('computing SOM response.')
return numpy.sum(numpy.square(self.weights - datapoint), axis = (len(self.weights.shape)-1))
def _h(self, sigma, center):
def f(*vectors):
normalizers = [max(1,d-1) for d in self.dimensions]
normed = [v/s for v,s in zip(vectors, normalizers)]
sqdiff = [(n-(float(c)/s))**2 for n,c,s in zip(normed, center, normalizers)]
return numpy.exp(-numpy.sum(sqdiff, axis=0) / sigma**2)
return numpy.fromfunction(f, self.weights.shape)
def bmuIndex(self, response):
""" A convenience method for computing the index of the BMU for some response.
response : this SOM's response to some input.
the index of the BMU (a tuple whose length is the number of dimensions of the SOM grid.)
maxindex = response.argmin()
maxindex = numpy.unravel_index(indices = maxindex, dims = response.shape)
return maxindex
def update(self, datapoint, sigma, strength):
""" Update the SOM units' weights with the given datapoint.
datapoint : the datapoint with which to update.
sigma : the width of the Gaussian neighborhood interaction function h for the update.
strength : the strength of the update.
The response to the network *before the update*. See response()
logger.debug("Updating. Datapoint: %s.", datapoint)
response = self.response(datapoint)
maxindex = self.bmuIndex(response)
logger.debug("BMU index: %s", maxindex)
logger.debug("BMU weights before: %s", self.weights[maxindex])
h = strength * self._h(sigma, maxindex)
self.weights = self.weights + (datapoint - self.weights) * h
logger.debug("BMU weights after: %s", self.weights[maxindex])
return response
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"Just a second...")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def visualize(som):
im = numpy.zeros((100,100,3))
im[:,:,0:2] = som.weights
plt.imshow(im)"Training an example 100x100-unit SOM with random data. Please wait.")
mysom = SOM((100,100), 2)
steps = 1000
for width,strength in zip(numpy.linspace(1.14,.01,steps), numpy.linspace(.3,.001, steps)):
mysom.update((numpy.random.random(),numpy.random.random()), width, strength)"Done. Showing a visualization of the SOM units' weights.")
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tatome commented Feb 11, 2016

I've implemented a simple, bog-standard Self-Organizing Map (aka. Kohonen Map) as a benchmark to compare my algorithms to. It uses numpy and is compatible with Python 2.7.

It does not (currently) have a sophisticated topology, like a toroid or hexagonal grid.

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