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Created November 8, 2017 06:41
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Script for Bitbar ( to your current work items
(ns pivotal.core
(:require [planck.http :as http]
[planck.core :refer [spit slurp]]
[ :as sh]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.string :as str]))
;; Config section
(def pivotal-token "your token here")
(def me "your username")
(def project "project id")
(def pivotal-api-url "")
;; Code
(defn keywordize-keys [m]
(if (map? m)
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m
(-> k
(str/replace #"_" "-")
{} m)
(defn get-pivotal-uri [& path]
(let [response (http/get (str pivotal-api-url (str/join "" path)) {:headers {"X-TrackerToken" pivotal-token}})]
(->> response :body js/JSON.parse js->clj (walk/postwalk keywordize-keys))
(catch :default e
(println "Call failed: " (str e))))))
(defn fetch-stories [filter]
(get-pivotal-uri "projects/" project "/stories?filter=" (js/encodeURIComponent filter)))
(def stories (fetch-stories (str "owner:" me " -state:accepted -state:delivered")))
(count stories) "assigned\n---\n"
(str/join "\n"
(for [{:keys [id name url current-state] :as story} stories]
(str "[#" id "] " name " (" current-state ")| href=" url))))
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