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Created February 9, 2015 16:40
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(ns bug
(:require [reagent.core :refer [atom] :as reagent]))
;; This version does not work: changed values of all-selections or
;; selected atoms are not reflected in the markup.
;; The open swap! works as expected.
(defn pulldown [selected format-fn select-fn selections]
(let [open (atom false)]
(fn []
[:button {:on-click #(swap! open not)}
(format-fn selected)]
(when @open
(for [item selections]
[:li {:on-click #(select-fn item)}
(format-fn item)])])])))
;; This version "works", the changed values are reflected, but
;; it does not have the internal state for the open
(defn pulldown [selected format-fn select-fn selections]
[:button {:on-click #(.log js/console "no open state")}
(format-fn selected)]
(for [item selections]
[:li {:on-click #(select-fn item)}
(format-fn item)])]])
;; This version uses return-create-class-trick from
;; and both the local state and outer state work, yay! :)
(defn pulldown []
(let [open (atom false)]
(fn [selected format-fn select-fn selections]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! open not)}
(format-fn selected)]
(when @open
(for [item selections]
[:li {:on-click #(select-fn item)}
(format-fn item)])])])})))
(def all-selections (atom [{:name "Foo"}]))
(def selected (atom nil))
;; add watchers so that both atom's changes are logged
(add-watch all-selections ::debug
(fn [_ _ old new]
(.log js/console "all-selections: " (pr-str old) " => " (pr-str new))))
(add-watch selected ::debug
(fn [_ _ old new]
(.log js/console "selected: " (pr-str old) " => " (pr-str new))))
(defn change-selection [s]
(reset! selected s))
(defn container []
"Pulldown below, should update when all-selections or selected atoms change:"
[pulldown @selected #(if % (:name %) "No selection")
change-selection @all-selections]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! all-selections conj {:name "Bar"})}
"this button should add selection Bar"]])
(defn #^:export main []
(reagent/render [container] (.getElementById js/document "bug1")))
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